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Black Adam General Discussion Thread


Joker waiting room
Actually, just tested it.

It eats armor, but it itself does not stop something. If you have the trait out, and the trait hits an armored Bane, and then you hit him, your normal will go through.
read the grundy thread i posted in this section


Joker waiting room
Let me revise your list.

Adam = Trap character with traps that have not been discovered yet.

Upclose = Can't do shit against pokes.

Pressure = String into D1 or string into iadk.

Defense = Good keepaway and mobility with dive kick, terrible cross up defense, subpar AA. 6F poke.

Ability to Cause Mistakes = Maybe a whiff Jump other than that not really.

Ability to get out of stick sitations = Ass. And should fall in to defense.

Ability to take advantage of 3f or more advantage = If the character knows him, they can d1 and beat anything but his own d1.

Trait = Good, but causes no hit stun on block. All orbs dissapear if the opponent touches you. Great on a hitconfirmed string tho. Excellent when opponent is dwindling down on health.

Setups = Very few found and utilized so far. Experimental ones include ending combos in 13~lightning trap or 22B1~lightning trap. No guaranteed setups yet. (we need to find these.)
man im just looking at this arguement we had a month ago and laughing my ass off at how adam wasnt that good and hed never get top 4 or something

fast forward a month later and everyone who has played a competent adam is QQing and nobody dares put him outside of their top 3


TYM White Knight
man im just looking at this arguement we had a month ago and laughing my ass off at how adam wasnt that good and hed never get top 4 or something

fast forward a month later and everyone who has played a competent adam is QQing and nobody dares put him outside of their top 3

To be fair, most of my points are still valid. I just severely mis-underestimated just how good his backdash and dive kick were...at that time I was thinking the frames in the game were legit. Silly me lol

It all boiled down to me trying to play the character in a way he was not meant to be played. Still, no Black adam has taken a major :p


Joker waiting room
To be fair, most of my points are still valid. I just severely mis-underestimated just how good his backdash and dive kick were...at that time I was thinking the frames in the game were legit. Silly me lol

It all boiled down to me trying to play the character in a way he was not meant to be played. Still, no Black adam has taken a major :p
speak another word and ill frame each reply of yours and show them to my grandchildren in 50 years telling them how this takeachance dude thought black adam was not that good and had problems


Joker waiting room
To be fair, most of my points are still valid. I just severely mis-underestimated just how good his backdash and dive kick were...at that time I was thinking the frames in the game were legit. Silly me lol

It all boiled down to me trying to play the character in a way he was not meant to be played. Still, no Black adam has taken a major :p
1-2 black adams have taken a major, i forget which but they defo have


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Anyone have a use for lightning bomb in their general gameplay?

I don't use it all too much. Sometimes against a Bane, or a Batman to slow down their rushdown but... I can't think of many setups.

I can do a 50% combo , or cancel it for a cross up set up. I don't really think cancelling into a bomb set up is worth it.


Joker waiting room

tournament footage from the tournament i won

still bummed about not being able to do combos on lagless monitors, gonna stop playing on my tv and link up my monitor instead


Low MeterBurn Lightning
Has anyone figured out anything with this tech?

Of course I'm at work -___- hopefully we can do d1 os cage? Or maybe into lightning hands? Whatever that special is called. I'm curious if lightning hands could beat green arrows jump back arrow special (idk the name of that either)


Has anyone figured out anything with this tech?

Of course I'm at work -___- hopefully we can do d1 os cage? Or maybe into lightning hands? Whatever that special is called. I'm curious if lightning hands could beat green arrows jump back arrow special (idk the name of that either)

Tested it a little, what greatly make it work effectively is cancelling it into orbs against standing fast wakeups except aquaman's Trident Scoop though a whiff 11 xx orbs is possible but it is really random imo.

Still haven't tested on GA's wake up.


What's a Smarrgasm?
So I just hit the road leaving Chicago. I had an amazing weekend and did pretty well placing 17th in the tournament only barely losing to Tom Brady and pimpimjim in very close games. I had a great chance to make top 8 but it just wasn't in the cards. I hope I can make CEO and show off my Black Adam again.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Well played man :)

How does it feel to play vs Brady? Really curious ;p
It was tough man but i did well only losing 2-1 and it was very close. He is just a super smart player and adjusts really well to how you play and everything. I could have won but just messed up on a few things unfortunately. If i make it to CEO expect to see more from me.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Anyone been using b1 for pressure?

I've been doing b1, Trait, b2, MB Lightning for an almost free 25 to 29%, haven't missed this against anyone online lol. And 23% for a grab after the Trait.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Anyone been using b1 for pressure?

I've been doing b1, Trait, b2, MB Lightning for an almost free 25 to 29%, haven't missed this against anyone online lol. And 23% for a grab after the Trait.
I use b1 probably a little more than I should haha. That and f2 3 are a couple of my favorites, and I'm adding a lot more 113 and 223 to the mix as well. If 223 hits it gives a safe jump, and there isn't anything I like more in this world than safe jumps.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I feel like Black Adam is one of the few characters who has a use for all of his strings save B23u+2
I can see use for b23 u+2. It gives more advantage than U1+3 so you can throw out more meaty things on peoples wake ups. :) However it is only 2 frames difference so it's not that much better and you are sacrificing damage any which way lol. Still, fruit for thought you0 know. :p


I can see use for b23 u+2. It gives more advantage than U1+3 so you can throw out more meaty things on peoples wake ups. :) However it is only 2 frames difference so it's not that much better and you are sacrificing damage any which way lol. Still, fruit for thought you0 know. :p
Yeah I guess, it could be used to trick people between being +11 after u+2 and being +~40 after u+3 knockdowns

Edit: lol, nvm I thought U3 left opponent close, I see no use for u2 now


Lab Monster
I can see use for b23 u+2. It gives more advantage than U1+3 so you can throw out more meaty things on peoples wake ups. :) However it is only 2 frames difference so it's not that much better and you are sacrificing damage any which way lol. Still, fruit for thought you0 know. :p
B23 U2 gives significantly less advantage on hit than B23 U1+3, I think they're +2 and +9, respectively.