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Black Adam General Discussion Thread


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Has Black Adam won any major tournaments? because i keep seeing people complain and beg for nerfs for Black Adam. I feel hes a strong character who is very well rounded with high damage but i don't think he has anything that directly cries for nerfs or that is op i mean you just have to block high to deal with his offense and his zoning isn't to oppressive i feel hes a character that if the opponent plays really solid he would have trouble dealing with them.... Thoughts?
For the most part yes. I do think the only two things you might be able to do to him for balance are either add recovery on dive kick or trait, but trait doesn't really need it.


Best Doomsday in the world
For the most part yes. I do think the only two things you might be able to do to him for balance are either add recovery on dive kick or trait, but trait doesn't really need it.
And he needs trait for pretty much everything. If they nerf trait they're screwing him over a lot more than he needs to be. If anything they should just nerf wake up cage.


Has Black Adam won any major tournaments? because i keep seeing people complain and beg for nerfs for Black Adam. I feel hes a strong character who is very well rounded with high damage but i don't think he has anything that directly cries for nerfs or that is op i mean you just have to block high to deal with his offense and his zoning isn't to oppressive i feel hes a character that if the opponent plays really solid he would have trouble dealing with them.... Thoughts?

That's what I've been saying after the first week or so. It amazes me when people get hit straight up by Adam's overhead and his dive kick has terrible priority.
are there any black adam players on psn from europe? i really need to learn this matchup. right now maining superman, planning to pick up wonderwoman. from time to time play some raven and aquaman a bit


"Burn baby! Burn!"
are there any black adam players on psn from europe? i really need to learn this matchup. right now maining superman, planning to pick up wonderwoman. from time to time play some raven and aquaman a bit
I main BA and I'm in Europe :) PM me with your PSN ID.

I just gotta say, I fucking love this character. I also fucking love Vulcan Hades for all the crazy oki setups he's given us, and asks for nothing in return. I also fucking love smokey and Joker8417 for helping me with everything lol.

Fucking love you guys. ALL OF YOU
I feel the same way...those guys have feeding us with a damned delicious 'cake'...loads of layers...a big bang of flavours <3
I just gotta say, I fucking love this character. I also fucking love Vulcan Hades for all the crazy oki setups he's given us, and asks for nothing in return. I also fucking love smokey and Joker8417 for helping me with everything lol.

Fucking love you guys. ALL OF YOU

Honestly though I do most of my videos for myself. It's easier for me to retain information if I watch it in video rather than reading it in a note pad. If it helps others too that's cool but I'm not doing all the work only to help others. I'm helping myself improve.

What I get in return is front page and youtube subscribers LOL.


Low MeterBurn Lightning
I'm having a hard time doing b2 trait 22b1 j2 far stomp b2 xx ex black magic.

I've landed it a handful of times but I'm not very consistent with it just yet. The ex black magic doesn't hit them fully and they just fall out. Has anyone figured out the reason for this?

Doing 22b1 j2 11 ex magic is super consistent though, and I think I'm understanding the timing mixup for f3but I need to practice it more.


Joker waiting room
Just got 1st the my local injustice tournament. Dropped half my fucking combos and could never connect the throw after B23 because of lagless monitors. I can adjust during casuals but not in tournaments. Might not have both PC and consoles on separate screens and just connect my xbox on my pc monitor.


Lab Monster
I'm having a hard time doing b2 trait 22b1 j2 far stomp b2 xx ex black magic.

I've landed it a handful of times but I'm not very consistent with it just yet. The ex black magic doesn't hit them fully and they just fall out. Has anyone figured out the reason for this?

Doing 22b1 j2 11 ex magic is super consistent though, and I think I'm understanding the timing mixup for f3but I need to practice it more.
You just have to hit them higher up with B2, but I agree it's really hard. You basically have to hit them super early with J2 xx Boot Stomp and hope you hit just below the shins where NRS magically put a hole in their hitbox. I think I would always use the less damaging version in a match.

Edit: You might also want to test J1 xx Boot Stomp, I haven't tried it, but maybe it'll work.
I'm having a hard time doing b2 trait 22b1 j2 far stomp b2 xx ex black magic.

I've landed it a handful of times but I'm not very consistent with it just yet. The ex black magic doesn't hit them fully and they just fall out. Has anyone figured out the reason for this?

Doing 22b1 j2 11 ex magic is super consistent though, and I think I'm understanding the timing mixup for f3but I need to practice it more.
Yeah the j2 xx FBS combo is tricky and requires you to hit j2 on the earliest frames. Unfortunately on some characters like Doomsday and possibly others, you can't hit j2 too early or the far boot stomp will whiff. But if you do j2 xx FBS too late, then you won't have enough frame advantage to make b2 connect high enough to allow MB black magic to connect all the hits.

I explained it here: http://testyourmight.com/threads/black-adam-black-magic-forward-3-vortex-by-vulcan-hades.33020/#post-884058
This all happened off stream:
Perfectlegend eliminates Gruntypants. GGA PimPimJim eliminates Smarrgasm. GGA Dizzy eliminates GGA Hahn.
Man, I wish I could've seen those matches. Anyone know who PL was using? I know PimPimJim uses Raven and Dizzy uses Aquaman. PL plays a bunch of characters including Black Adam but I'm not sure if that's who he used.

But anyway that's 3 very good Black Adam players who didn't make top 16 at UFGT9 (edit: 4 actually with Master D). So I don't want to hear anyone say BA is OP and needs to get nerfed now.

I think Forever King, Godspeed and possibly PL/Chris G are the BA remaining in top 16. But from what I've seen so far Chris G seems to focus on Green Arrow more than BA.


Joker waiting room
This all happened off stream:

Man, I wish I could've seen those matches. Anyone know who PL was using? I know PimPimJim uses Raven and Dizzy uses Aquaman. PL plays a bunch of characters including Black Adam but I'm not sure if that's who he used.

But anyway that's 3 very good Black Adam players who didn't make top 16 at UFGT9. So I don't want to hear anyone say BA is OP and needs to get nerfed now.

As far as Black Adam players go, I think Forever King, Godspeed and possibly PL/Chris G remain in top 16. But from what I've seen so far Chris G seems to focus on Green Arrow more than BA.
hes not op but i believe he has the largest room for error in the entire cast.
Ok my bad... So according to some people:

-Perfect Legend used Doomsday and Batman, not BA.
-Forever King used Superman and Batman, not BA (at least so far?).
-Chris G didn't use BA so far, only Green Arrow (and Raven in the side tourney).
-And I forgot about Awesomo who used BA and a ton of sub characters.

So that means there are only 2 Black Adam players in top 16 (Godspeed and Awesomo). 3 if Forever King uses him as sub.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
When you find out that his trait disables armor.

I was a sad Bane. ;_;

It doesn't disable armor though?

It doesn't count towards hits. It counts as a hit, you're not immune to it when you have armor, but it won't stop it.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
It doesn't disable armor though?

It doesn't count towards hits. It counts as a hit, you're not immune to it when you have armor, but it won't stop it.

Actually, just tested it.

It eats armor, but it itself does not stop something. If you have the trait out, and the trait hits an armored Bane, and then you hit him, your normal will go through.