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Black Adam General Discussion Thread


EX Ovi should launch
Thanks, wow that is crazy easy. How practical is it to confirm into instant dive kick on hit? Where would you usually use it? On a punish or just a YOLO dive kick?
Punish projectiles with it if you make a decent movement and jump a badly thrown one, seems the best way to get MB divekicks to land cleanly.

Usually i land quite a fair amount of my MB Divekicks just through pressure, use them on oki or from a cross up. You should learn where you need to hit to get JI2 ~ far MB Dk to hit as a cross up (the divekick goes through and they have to change their block direction).

Any time you want to use MB divekick is appropriate though unless its being scouted ,you can be anti-aired or neutral jumped if they want to punish you, but really you shouldnt have to find situations to use MB divekick, its 48% on hit or + on block, really theres no terrible time to use them.

Adam Todd

How useful is Black Adam's lighting grenade outside of unblockable set ups? When I try to zone people out, I like to toss one in front of me then throw out some lighting or black magic. I'm still learning BA at the moment, but I really like him as my second main. He feels like he handles the match ups with Batman, that I don't like, well.
Wow, I have so much new tech to share it's ridiculous lol. It's gonna take a while but some vids should be up tomorrow.

How useful is Black Adam's lighting grenade outside of unblockable set ups? When I try to zone people out, I like to toss one in front of me then throw out some lighting or black magic. I'm still learning BA at the moment, but I really like him as my second main. He feels like he handles the match ups with Batman, that I don't like, well.
Yes, close and mid bombs are very good when you're zoning someone.

But none of his bomb setups are truly unblockable. They're just very tricky to block but it's definitely possible to fuzzy guard them.

Adam Todd

Wow, I have so much new tech to share it's ridiculous lol. It's gonna take a while but some vids should be up tomorrow.

Yes, close and mid bombs are very good when you're zoning someone.

But none of his bomb setups are truly unblockable. They're just very tricky to block but it's definitely possible to fuzzy guard them.
Okay thanks, I have a quick question. Black Adam isn't considered rush down, but I saw he has strings which are plus on block. My problem is.. I can never seem to get the strings started on people. Either the other character has a good wake up, or has better normals which out poke or are faster than BAs. Do you have any tips for rush down BA?
Okay thanks, I have a quick question. Black Adam isn't considered rush down, but I saw he has strings which are plus on block. My problem is.. I can never seem to get the strings started on people. Either the other character has a good wake up, or has better normals which out poke or are faster than BAs. Do you have any tips for rush down BA?
Black Adam's frame data seems amazing on paper but in practice it's another story. Being +1 , +2 or +3 for Black Adam just means his strings are safe.

Most of his "frame traps" will only get you chip damage on good players. If you're lucky d1 xx lightning storm will hit from time to time. But almost any combination of strings you can think of is backdashable unless you use trait. Basically Black Adam can press buttons safely up close but he can't keep it up forever and he has no serious lows to make the frame advantage matter that much. That being said he still has a couple of good tricks.

His best tools for pressure are (imho): b2, b23, b2 xx MB lightning strike, 22, 22b1 xx ff MB, b1, d1, d1 xx lightning storm, d3, trait, throw.

d1 xx lightning storm is kind of a mini mixup in itself because it's not a true blockstring. So you can harass people all day with silly things like: d1,d1 xx lightning storm or d1,throw.

b2 and b1 are advancing normals. So you use those to stay in d1 range.

And of course d3 is really important because it's a hard knockdown that people forget about. First make people respect the threat of b23, then insert a couple of random d3s here and there. It's super risky because it's unsafe as hell but trust me it's going to hit a lot if you conditioned them to always block standing.


Low MeterBurn Lightning
After watching that last BlAdam match on ECT just now, I never want to hear the words "METER BURN LIGHTNING" ever again. Fucking tom brady lol


What's a Smarrgasm?
After watching that last BlAdam match on ECT just now, I never want to hear the words "METER BURN LIGHTNING" ever again. Fucking tom brady lol
He was 100% right though. That guy easily could have won if he had used any zoning and MB'd his wakeup cages for 35-40% each. He had that easy.

Adam Todd

Black Adam's frame data seems amazing on paper but in practice it's another story. Being +1 , +2 or +3 for Black Adam just means his strings are safe.

Most of his "frame traps" will only get you chip damage on good players. If you're lucky d1 xx lightning storm will hit from time to time. But almost any combination of strings you can think of is backdashable unless you use trait. Basically Black Adam can press buttons safely up close but he can't keep it up forever and he has no serious lows to make the frame advantage matter that much. That being said he still has a couple of good tricks.

His best tools for pressure are (imho): b2, b23, b2 xx MB lightning strike, 22, 22b1 xx ff MB, b1, d1, d1 xx lightning storm, d3, trait, throw.

d1 xx lightning storm is kind of a mini mixup in itself because it's not a true blockstring. So you can harass people all day with silly things like: d1,d1 xx lightning storm or d1,throw.

b2 and b1 are advancing normals. So you use those to stay in d1 range.

And of course d3 is really important because it's a hard knockdown that people forget about. First make people respect the threat of b23, then insert a couple of random d3s here and there. It's super risky because it's unsafe as hell but trust me it's going to hit a lot if you conditioned them to always block standing.
Thanks for all this info, really appreciate it. Now I only hope we get a New 52 BA costume or something else really sick looking. lol


Welcome to the Chaos Dimension
Has Black Adam won any major tournaments? because i keep seeing people complain and beg for nerfs for Black Adam. I feel hes a strong character who is very well rounded with high damage but i don't think he has anything that directly cries for nerfs or that is op i mean you just have to block high to deal with his offense and his zoning isn't to oppressive i feel hes a character that if the opponent plays really solid he would have trouble dealing with them.... Thoughts?

Suntan Superman

Never outshine the Master
Has Black Adam won any major tournaments? because i keep seeing people complain and beg for nerfs for Black Adam. I feel hes a strong character who is very well rounded with high damage but i don't think he has anything that directly cries for nerfs or that is op i mean you just have to block high to deal with his offense and his zoning isn't to oppressive i feel hes a character that if the opponent plays really solid he would have trouble dealing with them.... Thoughts?