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General/Other Batgirl confirmed in Xbox Live Downloadable Content Area

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Get over here!
all i want is my Martian.....i now i aed for Scooby-Doo once...but that was because f the Mystery Incorporated finale.....i wasn't in my right mind......i dont wanna hate Batgirl....i luvs my Babs.....but i will if i don't get my J'onn J'onn
You will hate Batgirl if she makes it in as opposed to MMH? Yeah. You are clearly not a Batgirl fan. :16Bit


Get over here!
It is my belief that DC is handling their fighting game properties w/NRS much better than Marvel is currently handling business with Capcom... And I'm talking about as a whole... And this coming from a Marvel fan with limited DC knowledge.
I agree. Raging over a DLC list is just silly. Don't buy the DLC if you don't want it. I don't like having to spell it out. :16Bit


King of Heroes
Marvel has an X-Men stigma ATM. DC doesn't have this with MMH. MMH got killed off in Final Crisis. Guess who got revived in the next big-ass arc? MMH. MMH is well liked at DC and I am convinced he'll be in before Zodthebeard.


bye felicia
See? That's what I'm talking about. Irrational baseless accusations presented as fact.

It couldn't be that NRS likes Batgirl, or even that they had good ideas. It was all DCs fault! Those bastards who green lit this game and supported it and let them put all those other fun characters, they said, hey, listen you dicks, put in this character no one likes instead of MMH or else. Or else what? Exactly.


The Prettiest
Only way it would is if she's actually a skin.

I will say, what we can see doesn't have an overabundance of NRS man-face...but we'll just have to wait and see. I am intrigued to see how they would redo her look.

And one more thing...thank goodness it's not Cass or Steph. :p *runs*
You know what's best for you.


I agree. Raging over a DLC list is just silly. Don't buy the DLC if you don't want it. I don't like having to spell it out. :16Bit
tell that to people who payed 15 bucks day one when the game came out. are you going to reinburse everyone? if not hey we have every right to complain


Get over here!
Marvel has an X-Men stigma ATM. DC doesn't have this with MMH. MMH got killed off in Final Crisis. Guess who got revived in the next big-ass arc? MMH. MMH is well liked at DC and I am convinced he'll be in before Zodthebeard.
Why does Marvel hate X-men? X-men is like the most popular series besides Spiderman. :16Bit


King of Heroes
See? That's what I'm talking about. Irrational baseless accusations presented as fact.

It couldn't be that NRS likes Batgirl, or even that they had good ideas. It was all DCs fault! Those bastards who green lit this game and supported it and let them put all those other fun characters, they said, hey, listen you dicks, put in this character no one likes instead of MMH or else. Or else what? Exactly.
:coffee: I can't wait for the happiness that will ensue when MMH is out.


Get over here!
tell that to people who payed 15 bucks day one when the game came out. are you going to reinburse everyone? if not hey we have every right to complain
You don't have a right to complain. You paid for mystery content. How about this... write me a check for 1,000 dollars. I will send you 4 mystery items. Please and Thank You SMH.:16Bit


Why does Marvel hate X-men? X-men is like the most popular series besides Spiderman. :16Bit
i take it you didnt read the thread i posted on the rights marvel just got back. they just got dare devil blade and ghost rider. also 2 of the xmen will be in avengers 2 being scarlet witch and her brother quick silver as long as they dont label them mutants or related to magneto in avengers since marvel and fox share the rights


Scary Bat
I'm half angry at myself for being stupid enough to pay for unannounced characters.
I'm half angry at NRS because I trusted them to deliver interesting characters.

I basically just paid 3x the regular price for Lobo. Oh well, you live and learn... and make incomprehensible rage noises online.
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