I had a pocket Vicious for GM counterpicks for ages, but recently I thought why won't I actually try the other variations as well?
My problem is that, I don't like Lackey that much because the thing that makes this character enjoyable for me is the duo working out to combo and beat the opponent.
So I pretty much try with Ruthless to tackle any matchup except GM, and I'm currently finding it very hard to fight in the neutral at almost out of jumpin range.
Against chars with reaching limbs such as Alien, Predator, Takeda, Cassie, it's very hard to actually close in since nothing reaches and is fast enough to actually get in and start something without getting poked out of it by chains and canes and tails and whatevers.
For example, takeda's overhead chains or string cancelling pressure always leaves me at a close enough range that nothing reaches him before he does another string again.
Sure, getting the fk out of there works, but is there anything in Ruthless that i'm missing that would allow me to close the gap without switching to lackey, or dying?