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Anyone read any good comics recently?


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
I've recently read Black adam: the dark age #1-6, and I really liked it, it really showed how driven and obsessive black adam is over reviving his dead wife


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
I don't get how people can hate Pym. The dude does science because people tell him he can't. "Oh Hank, you're retarded, you can't shrink yourself!" and Hank goes off and says fuck you and finds Pym Particles and beats the shit out of people at science bars. I mean, I like Scott and especially Eric (rip in peace) but Pym is the precursor to all of that and so much shit in Marvel would be gone if he never existed.
I'm not even going to go into Hal because that would get a little to long since GL is probably one of the things I know most about.
To me Hank was always the most interesting of the head genuises of marvel, all the other ones are assholes and have way worse things then say hitting his wife, but they always get away with it, but with Hank you see that he tried hard to make up for that mistake that he made once years ago


The one guy hoping for Kai
Checked out today's X-Position out of boredom and I find out QUicksilver's the villain of Ultimate Wolverine?
I rushed and bought the issues online as quickly as I could.By the love of Rao what an amazing mini!
QUicksilver was front and center!This Pietro is the same manipulative,machivillain bastard I know and love from Spencer's run but now as an added bonus he is in a mission to make ammends for his part in the Sentinel Massacre.Also it is revealed he is in fact the half-brother of Jimmy Hudson(Wolverine's son).He has so many great moments and expanded his power set!Here's how:
Skinned a group of mercs in a milisecond.Literally he cut off their skins.
Created a sonic boom simply by snapping his fingers.
Created a camoflage field by vibrating so fast he was a blur in security footage and anyone who looked his way would get sick instantly.
Pushed a straw so fast that it became more powerful than a bullet.
I am so fucking happy!Originally I was not a fan of Ultimate Pietro because he was a pussy.But now he is one of the best characters in this U!I hope writers transfer this feats for 616 Pietro to imitate.


Scary Bat
Ultimate X-Men is literally one of my favourite books out there, Ultimate Wolverine is well good too.
Ultimate Spider-Man gives me warm, fuzzy feelings inside.
Pietro is such a smarmy git in Ultimate Universe but he is soooo awesome at the same time. Originally he was creepy, now he's sort of the New Magneto in terms of badassery.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Ultimate X-Men is literally one of my favourite books out there, Ultimate Wolverine is well good too.
Ultimate Spider-Man gives me warm, fuzzy feelings inside.
Pietro is such a smarmy git in Ultimate Universe but he is soooo awesome at the same time. Originally he was creepy, now he's sort of the New Magneto in terms of badassery.
Didn't quicksilver do the nasty with his sister in the ultimate universe?


Scary Bat
Didn't quicksilver do the nasty with his sister in the ultimate universe?
Nah. Everyone thought they were, and it did look a little creepy because Pietro would get 'jealous' of her flirting, but it turns out she was literally far more bat-shit powerful than anyone anticipated, so Pietro stayed as close as possible to her so she wouldn't basically destroy everything if someone 'upset' her.

A perfect example of this, and how this information is revealed, is in a flashback where Wolverine is talking to her, saying she looks like her mother, whom Wolverine did so righteously bone with. This upsets her and she summons a dinosaur out of nowhere to chop him.

And that's why the the explanation for why the Savage Land has dinosaurs in the Ultimate Universe.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Nah. Everyone thought they were, and it did look a little creepy because Pietro would get 'jealous' of her flirting, but it turns out she was literally far more bat-shit powerful than anyone anticipated, so Pietro stayed as close as possible to her so she wouldn't basically destroy everything if someone 'upset' her.

A perfect example of this, and how this information is revealed, is in a flashback where Wolverine is talking to her, saying she looks like her mother, whom Wolverine did so righteously bone with. This upsets her and she summons a dinosaur out of nowhere to chop him.

And that's why the the explanation for why the Savage Land has dinosaurs in the Ultimate Universe.
I don't really read the ultimate universe I guess because I don't like some of the takes on the characters like Hank or maybe Mr. Fantastic


Scary Bat
I don't really read the ultimate universe I guess because I don't like some of the takes on the characters like Hank or maybe Mr. Fantastic
Ah... well if you like those characters then the Ultimate Universe is not for you. It is essentially the universe-where-richards-and-pym-are-douchebags universe.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Ah... well if you like those characters then the Ultimate Universe is not for you. It is essentially the universe-where-richards-and-pym-are-douchebags universe.
Hank sicked an army of ants to eat his girlfriend lol


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Richards committed a small genocide.
I mean I get Hank hitting his wife was a big character moment in the regular universe but Jesus he was never the kind to do something like that.
And even thought I do think Richards can be an a-hole sometimes, but small genocide maybe stretching it


Scary Bat
I mean I get Hank hitting his wife was a big character moment in the regular universe but Jesus he was never the kind to do something like that.
And even thought I do think Richards can be an a-hole sometimes, but small genocide maybe stretching it
The thing is, the Ultimate Universe isn't meant to be a reflection, or a re-telling. Stuff is meant to be properly different.
Hank never really redeems himself, even in his good moments he is still more of an asshole.
Peter Parker is dead. Miles Morales is Spider-Man
Wolverine is dead, his son James is Wolverine.
Mutants are still a small population but have been put on a reservation and essentially denied American citizenship or right.
Captain America was the President at the USA is currently split into warring factions.
Reed Richards ends up becoming the most evil bastard on the face of the earth.


Using that OTHER green guy
I'm dreading the day Parker returns but till then, Spock has been absolutely Superior in all ways. I've laughed and laughed and laughed.~


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
The thing is, the Ultimate Universe isn't meant to be a reflection, or a re-telling. Stuff is meant to be properly different.
Hank never really redeems himself, even in his good moments he is still more of an asshole.
Peter Parker is dead. Miles Morales is Spider-Man
Wolverine is dead, his son James is Wolverine.
Mutants are still a small population but have been put on a reservation and essentially denied American citizenship or right.
Captain America was the President at the USA is currently split into warring factions.
Reed Richards ends up becoming the most evil bastard on the face of the earth.
That actually sounds good, so does the ultimate universe have the ability to do legacy characters right?


Scary Bat
That actually sounds good, so does the ultimate universe have the ability to do legacy characters right?
I'd go with yes. Ultimate Spider-Man, that is Miles Morales, is literally incredible. A+, 10/10, would read again and again and again. Peter Parker is probably never coming back. Like, for realz.
Ultimate X-Men is going in an interesting direction too, James 'Jimmy' Hudson AKA Wolverine is his own character, he's not just a Wolverine clone, I mean yeah he has claws and healing but he's not the same guy. Kitty is leading the X-Men... well actually she's sorting of leading Mutantkind.
And Jean Grey is still around, but loads of X-Men are dead. Angel is dead, Cyclops is dead, Nightcrawler & Beast too I think.

The only thing I will say is that the crossover event, specifically Ultimatum, is basically poo, as is the continuity/general writing of The Ultimates after it's initial two runs.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
If you're fan of pretty much every fucking character known to man dying, then check out the Marvel Ultimatum Vol. 1 series. Seriously....everyone dies.

I also recently finished the Death Of the Family storc arc. No no, not Death IN the Family.....Death OF the Family. This is the arc where Joker cuts his own face off on purpose....and wears it as a mask. Super disturbing. So great.

I'm about to start reading the Death of Damian stuff, but I haven't gotten around to it, yet.

Also, it goes without saying, but although each issue is way too short, the Injustice series is also great. Damian killing Dick in last week's issue really shocked me.


The one guy hoping for Kai
Didn't quicksilver do the nasty with his sister in the ultimate universe?
Nah. Everyone thought they were, and it did look a little creepy because Pietro would get 'jealous' of her flirting, but it turns out she was literally far more bat-shit powerful than anyone anticipated, so Pietro stayed as close as possible to her so she wouldn't basically destroy everything if someone 'upset' her.

A perfect example of this, and how this information is revealed, is in a flashback where Wolverine is talking to her, saying she looks like her mother, whom Wolverine did so righteously bone with. This upsets her and she summons a dinosaur out of nowhere to chop him.

And that's why the the explanation for why the Savage Land has dinosaurs in the Ultimate Universe.
Except that,yes they did have incestious sex.


The one guy hoping for Kai
I'd go with yes. Ultimate Spider-Man, that is Miles Morales, is literally incredible. A+, 10/10, would read again and again and again. Peter Parker is probably never coming back. Like, for realz.
Ultimate X-Men is going in an interesting direction too, James 'Jimmy' Hudson AKA Wolverine is his own character, he's not just a Wolverine clone, I mean yeah he has claws and healing but he's not the same guy. Kitty is leading the X-Men... well actually she's sorting of leading Mutantkind.
And Jean Grey is still around, but loads of X-Men are dead. Angel is dead, Cyclops is dead, Nightcrawler & Beast too I think.

The only thing I will say is that the crossover event, specifically Ultimatum, is basically poo, as is the continuity/general writing of The Ultimates after it's initial two runs.
I particuly like the fact Quicksilver killed him by shoving a bullet through his head.


"More deadly than the dawn"
Anyone that hasn't should check out Day of chaos by 2000AD.

It's a Judge Dredd graphic novel, and it's fantastic, the next issue's coming out this month and marks the return of the Dark Judges.


Read Marvel Civil War and V for Vendetta. Both are amazing.

Found a copy of Deathstroke the Terminator #1 at my local comics store. I feel like it will be worth something so I'm scared to read it as it won't be mint condition any more.