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Breakthrough - Dragons Fire a lesson to be learnt in frame data lol


I found there was a timing to the mb for this to happen. I could be wrong, i only play him bit
Actually my bad, it's the bicycle kick itself that whiffs when they crouch block (at least off of f44 and f213). I think it happens when they're crouch blocking at the start of the BK animation (and why wouldn't they).


Smoke Is Back Yes Yes Yes
If you dont have a 7 frame move in your arsonal you are traped for days @xarakamaka jason can only burn a bar 2 get out of it his fastest move is 8 frames and he gets traped takeda is 8 frames 2 but for some reason they trade but its still in liu kangs favor maybe because of jasons design he is unable to trade i dont know but what i do know is if your main does not have a 7 frame move please do not use him against liu just be glad he is not kabal


Normalize grab immunity.
I learned so much from this post, thank you sir
It always amazes me people still are finding this out. Not a diss on you but how awful it is to get in depth in this game. More of a blow up on NRS's part then anything. Nevermind that the frame data comes out wrong EVERY TIME (actually do mind it A LOT) but the way to read the frame data travels like a rumor through the grapevine.

Couple examples , Liu kang s1 is 100% plus 2 on block . So set Kung Lao to reversal spin and do s1 into b1 , it should trade but it won't. Then try FK MB which is plus 2 also , and again follow up with b1 it should trade but it won't . Then I spent over one hour with takeda and did FK MB into b1 until I get the perfect b1 frame and do d1 with takeda which it should lose, but it will trade at perfect frame
How do you know you're doing frame perfect b1 off of FK B? How do you know the Takeda is frame perfect? Have you tried other specials besides Kung Lao spin? Which Kung Lao spin are you using, Tempest? That move has a crazy hitbox. It seems to get active in a big area in front of it, almost instantaneously. Like some Marvel super type shit.


how do you explain b1 trading with reptiles 7 frame dash after mb bicycle and d3 then? Its 9 frames
Edit. Complétely forgot dash is 8 frames. But d3 can only trade
What's wrong with having to block b1 after an enhanced bicycle kick?
This is just a frame trap, which many characters have, and is completely normal in fighting games.
Liu's pressure ends after a blocked b1/b12. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.


how do you explain b1 trading with reptiles 7 frame dash after mb bicycle and d3 then? Its 9 frames
Edit. Complétely forgot dash is 8 frames. But d3 can only trade
Is that dash invincible or something? Reptiles that throw out that shit meterless on wakeup always beat even my meatiest meaties. Been wondering this for a while.


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
Isn't ex fbc on b12 + 5 or something. This would mean f213 fbc f213 fbc f213 bf2 mb b12 ex fbc f213 bf2 2 mb b12 exfbc f213 bf2 mb.. Etc would be a true blockstring jail, though liu would eventually drain his meter?

If so

What. The. Shit.

No. After the b12 bf2 mb, F213 can be interrupted on read. You can poke, armor or backdash midscreen.