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A.B.I.torial 13: Mortal Kombat X's Animation SUCKS


Miley Cyrax®
That one is actually the norm in fighting games with only a few exceptions. An easy example of that would be Vegas in Street fighter whose claws switch sides when he switch position on the screen. The only exception I can think of the top of my head is in KOF 14 with Nelson
it just looks goofy as hell

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
yeah, like i said earlier: only a goofy mk-fanboy could support the stance button.
You do realize that what she is talking about is connected to character body parts and not benefits of stance switch button, right?

And I thought we came to an understanding regarding our statements about the stance switch button. I guess you're only proven me right regarding you being a buffoonish fool.
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There it is...
You do realize that what she is talking about is connected to character body parts and not benefits of stance switch button, right?

And I thought we came to an understanding regarding our statements about the stance switch button. I guess you're only proven me right regarding you being a buffoonish fool.
You’re an infamous shitposter and you’ve been talking nonsense in this thread so i wouldnt go calling folks out


What is weird to me is how much worse Goro's animation is compared to Sheeva's. His arms all move as if he had only two.


That one is actually the norm in fighting games with only a few exceptions. An easy example of that would be Vegas in Street fighter whose claws switch sides when he switch position on the screen. The only exception I can think of the top of my head is in KOF 14 with Nelson
sonyas grenades DO switch sides when you switch stance though, but thats only visual

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
You’re an infamous shitposter and you’ve been talking nonsense in this thread so i wouldnt go calling folks out
Infamous? I never knew talking sense and give actual points was a bad thing (which is what I did in this thread, not nonessential stuff, and regardless of one or two mistakes I did in the past that's not being a shit poster). And not calling other people out when they post nonsense themselves because of that alone? Let alone speak on behalf of others?

Talk about being a shit poster, it's only you, if anything.

Whatever, I'm done with this argument.


There it is...
Infamous? I never knew talking sense and give actual points was a bad thing (which is what I did in this thread, not nonessential stuff, and regardless of one or two mistakes I did in the past that's not being a shit poster). And not calling other people out when they post nonsense themselves because of that alone? Let alone speak on behalf of others?

Talk about being a shit poster, it's only you, if anything.

Whatever, I'm done with this argument.
How does ‘depth’ that nobody can humanly account for and causes situations where a combo drops for no reason, good?

You’re legit the only person to make the argument that stance being in the game is good and all your points make no sense. You entirely miss the point, like you do in so many thread which is why everyone disagrees and you get shit.

Again with the ‘im done with this’ at the end of the comment, lets see if you keep commenting for like 3 pages like the last few times.
You do realize that what she is talking about is connected to character body parts and not benefits of stance switch button, right?

And I thought we came to an understanding regarding our statements about the stance switch button. I guess you're only proven me right regarding you being a buffoonish fool.
dude, what the hell is wrong with you?
this thread and topic is not about you dude, why do you think that u have to attack folks disagreeing or having other opinions as you?

i said to YOU earlier "everyone with their opinions" that doesnt mean that i agree with your points though!
my opinion has not change: the stance switch is a failure and guys attacking others who dont like it, are in my eyes "Goofy-MK Fanboys"

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
How does ‘depth’ that nobody can humanly account for and causes situations where a combo drops for no reason, good?

You’re legit the only person to make the argument that stance being in the game is good and all your points make no sense. You entirely miss the point, like you do in so many thread which is why everyone disagrees and you get shit.

Again with the ‘im done with this’ at the end of the comment, lets see if you keep commenting for like 3 pages like the last few times.
Ignoring @neveradestroyer 's comments, ignoring the videos both myself and him posted from Youtubers and Pro players, ignoring the likes we both got, ignoring the posts that myself and others posted about the original topic of the animation and other stuff before we ran into that minor topic.

You're just a troll who don't contribute at all to this website or this community, just looking for online fights, that is why I can't take you seriously and that is you the real shit poster here.

Let's see if you try to justify your comments now.

dude, what the hell is wrong with you?
this thread and topic is not about you dude, why do you think that u have to attack folks disagreeing or having other opinions as you?

i said to YOU earlier "everyone with their opinions" that doesnt mean that i agree with your points though!
my opinion has not change: the stance switch is a failure and guys attacking others who dont like it, are in my eyes "Goofy-MK Fanboys"
I'm sorry but you're the one attacks people here. You are the one who attacks other people for disagreeing with you. Calling anyone who disagrees with you, whatever if it's about the stance switch button or whatever, an "MK fanboy", that is an attack my friend, whatever it is direct or not. I was ok with you and was ready to move on, but saying that anyone support that is a fanboy that is just wrong. And let me quote you again:

yeah, like i said earlier: only a goofy mk-fanboy could support the stance button.
So I'm supporting (not attacking) the stance switch button, and that's why I'm a fanboy? Not to mention that you said that in response to a comment that has nothing to do with the stance switch button topic? You attacked first, what did you except?
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There it is...
Ignoring @neveradestroyer 's comments, ignoring the videos both myself and him posted from Youtubers and Pro players, ignoring the likes we both got, ignoring the posts that myself and others posted about the original topic of the animation and other stuff before we ran into that minor topic.

You're just a troll who don't contribute at all to this website or this community, just looking for online fights, that is why I can't take you seriously and that is you the real shit poster here.

Let's see if you try to justify your comments now.
Let me preface this by saying from your comments you seemed to be saying the whole stance thing added good depth, this is what i’m specifically calling you a shitposter for. Unloading your dumbass opinions then flaming someone for disagreeing.

Neveradestroyer was talking about animating dualist

Those videos you talked about are like i said situational the point that i’ve never seen them used in game ever.

I dont give a shit about likes what are you 13. I’ve posted replies to your stupidity calling you out and got mountains of likes before, does that make me right. Nope.

You can call me what you want, i just see you posting dumbass shit trying helplessly to be productive.

Stance specific hitboxes have only ever provided inconsistency to mkx.

Why dont you follow through with that ‘i’m done with the argument’ that u leave at the end of every single comment.
@Roy Arkon
ok my friend, tell me please who started to attack and insult others as "trolls" in this thread?
i am talking about the guy in the video who was called a "troll"
who started it?
Those videos you talked about are like i said situational the point that i’ve never seen them used in game ever.
exactly, thats why i asked him to post match footage to show all that stuff he is talking about.
but of course he cant cos noboby used that shit lol.
so how does that "add more depth"
i dont get this guy

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
@Roy Arkon
ok my friend, tell me please who started to attack and insult others as "trolls" in this thread?
i am talking about the guy in the video who was called a "troll"
who started it?
Ah so when I call you out for you nonsense now you wanna revert back to the original topic? And after I wasn't the first one to call the guy in the two vids by the term "troll"? Wow that's just silly.

exactly, thats why i asked him to post match footage to show all that stuff he is talking about.
but of course he cant cos noboby used that shit lol.
so how does that "add more depth"
i dont get this guy
As I said I don't have any footage, but that doesn't make it any less of a legit tech. There is a more then enough tech in NRS games that are very underused or very situational yet that doesn't make that tech any less legit. I for one found not too long ago a tech on how to use Ice Klone with Sub against teleport chars in IJ2, and that tech is also very situational because you can use that only against some chars, yet this tech is still legit.

Lmao why is this still going?

If Paulo himself came and said the stance switch is a mistake Roy would hit him with the "no you're wrong it adds depth I'm sorry but that's the truth."
I think there is a much higher chance that if Paulo or anyone from NRS comes here and says that it wasn't mistake, you guys will still say "no you're wrong it was a mistake", considering the fact that you guys don't understand evidents that are present to you.

Let me preface this by saying from your comments you seemed to be saying the whole stance thing added good depth, this is what i’m specifically calling you a shitposter for. Unloading your dumbass opinions then flaming someone for disagreeing.

Neveradestroyer was talking about animating dualist

Those videos you talked about are like i said situational the point that i’ve never seen them used in game ever.

I dont give a shit about likes what are you 13. I’ve posted replies to your stupidity calling you out and got mountains of likes before, does that make me right. Nope.

You can call me what you want, i just see you posting dumbass shit trying helplessly to be productive.

Stance specific hitboxes have only ever provided inconsistency to mkx.

Why dont you follow through with that ‘i’m done with the argument’ that u leave at the end of every single comment.
First off, neveradestroyer didn't talk about just Dualist Liu Kang, he talked about other stuff including the Quan Chi tech found by Ketchup.

Secondly, these vids, both from me and neveraddestroyer are indeed more in the spectrum of situational, but like I said earlier to Takuma in this post just because it's situational that doesn't mean it's not legit.

And thirdly, situational and inconsistency are two different things. These things are indeed situational because they can work only in very specific situations, but if you get into those situations, they always gonna work. I thought you're supposed to know that.

I'm speaking anything but nonsense here, I'm sorry if it sounds arrogant on my part but that is the case here, one or two mistake doesn't make my statement's any less legit nor it does make your statements any more legit, especially that you made way more then one mistake here, period.

I'm sorry but you guys just really don't know what you're talking about, you can't accept the fact someone is calling you out for mistakes, you can't accept the fact some people think and say different stuff then you, and you can't accept that some things that you used to think in one way aren't what you really thought for a long time and you can't accept the fact that people try to be mature and professional.

And then you wonder why TYM doesn't get that much respect as a website anymore.

You guys are hopeless, just like this thread. Keep that hopelessness to yourself, I don't need it.
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Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
@Roy Arkon
dont dodge my question.
again, who started here to insult others?
I didn't doge your question, I answered it in my previous post while pointing out how YOU dodged my point calling you out for your nonsense.

Also I see what you're trying to do, you're denying the fact that neveradestroyer was the first one to call the guy in the 2 vids a troll, and try to imply it was me, all of that that while YOU ARE THE one who dodging the my call out towards you after I called you out for your mistake about opinion, and you want me to call you a "troll" as well, just to make you look like you and everyone who agrees with you are right.

Nice try, it's not gonna work.

Did I mentioned "hopeless" already?
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There it is...
Pros: troll button to taunt with
Some highly situational unintentional tech

Cons: combos and moves have random whiffing issues in both mk9 and mkx.

Ammunition to give roy arkon more chance to shitpost.

Yes, its literally adds more ‘depth’ but it also adds inconsistency that players cannot utilise and the trade off is you can do a bunch of hella situational shit i’ve never seen in a pro set.
I didn't doge your question, I answered it while pointing out how YOU dodged my point calling you out for you nonsense.
im sorry but how i am supossed to take serious?
you and neveradestroyer called the guy in the video a troll.
i agree with the guy in the video, am i a troll too?

all the points you made so far might be legit FOR YOU however that does not mean that its legit for others too!

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
im sorry but how i am supossed to take serious?
you and neveradestroyer called the guy in the video a troll.
i agree with the guy in the video, am i a troll too?

all the points you made so far might be legit FOR YOU however that does not mean that its legit for others too!
Now you're dodging it again but in general it is true, everyone has an opinion, and no you're not a troll just for agreeing with this guy alone.

All of you guys think it's a pointless button, after all of the vids both myself and neveradestroyer posted, I can't see how anyone think it is pointless or think the techs and benefits from it aren't legit or it doesn't bring depth just because it is too situational. I don't see how pros like REO and Ketchup bring that stuff up and people still think that, I know I'm not the only one who sees that and it's not exclusive to TYM, others both in and out of TYM sees that too. And I never said I'm the only one right here, as others do see it they way do, don't put words into my mouth.

But whatever, if you still think otherwise, fine, let's just leave it at that.
Now you're dodging it again but in general it is true, everyone has an opinion, and no you're not a troll just for agreeing with this guy alone.

All of you guys think it's a pointless button, after all of the vids both myself and neveradestroyer posted, I can't see how anyone think it is pointless or think the techs and benefits from it aren't legit or it doesn't bring depth just because it is too situational. I don't see how pros like REO and Ketchup bring that stuff up and people still think that, I know I'm not the only one who sees that and it's not exclusive to TYM, others both in and out of TYM sees that too. And I never said I'm the only one right here, as others do see it they way do, don't put words into my mouth.

But whatever, if you still think otherwise, fine, let's just leave it at that.
everyone with their opinions dude.
do yourself (and TYM) a favor and stop beeing such an keyboard warrior dude.
ask yourself why these discussions often end like this when you are involved?
i hope we can have better discussions in the future with you roy :)


Miley Cyrax®
I'm about to head out to work. You guys are all entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to attack each other. If the nature of this thread continues to feel toxic, I will get other mods involved.