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Injustice General Discussion

why is it that the people with the worst connections have the most achievement points??????? when i have a laggy game the other player has like 30000-50000 achievement points almost all of the time. this is not counting the lame ass troll accounts. "i cant beat the people at my level so i will start a new account to make myself feel better blah blah blah.....". so lame.
The point is block, its a good move yes, but its an unsafe move as well. Its not like frosts slide or supermans f23breath safe.
But you can't 'just block'. At best you can anticipate. Who do they think plays these games? People that can see the future or read their opponent's minds? These moves are not telegrpahed nor are they slow to come out. Even if you do block GL's grab so what? He isn't standing next to you! Same with Raven's move.

This game has the most ass backwards design decisions and yet none of the so called 'pro' players that comment on here who playtested this have anything to say for themselves. Where were you when this game was balanced? How on earth do things liek this ever get through?

You people don't have a clue. You live in your little bubble where you learn your prescribed combos and that's all. As an example EVERY (and i mean EVERY) Batman player now does the exact same thing. Same with pretty much all the characters. You've created and allowed to be created a tedious repetitive game with no room for variety or creativity because the one uber combo is the only and most effective way to play. Yet half the cast is hosed as a result of decisions like these. Characters with few answers to zoning or speed rushdown don't stand a chance.

Who allowed Black Adam - already a fast moving character - to have that dive kick? What the hell does he need that for? Utterly abusive. Why was Batgirl not properly playtested and how do you go from Lobo to Batgirl in two weeks; the worst character to easily one of the best and one that is clearly broken.

This game makes no sense. Why design characters to have combos so long the opponent cannot interact? The whole point of these games is the interaction between two characters. You might as well design it so that the first character to hit wins since that's effectively what you have now with characters that can combo a life bar away in one go. That's absolutely the last thing that should have happened - you should be forcing players to interact and make real decisions and not hide behind 500 hit combos.

Who allowed Doomsday to have so absurd an unblockable along with everything else he has while Lex Luthor has nothing and is the second worst character in the game by a considerable margin?

Why is the game ultimately decided by d1? Every match the most important move in the game is d1. Every time. Whoever lands that opens up their opponent always. I see it in every match.

NRS should be told where they have failed and not protected by a group of 'pro' players too blinkered to see the whole picture. These people even had the nerve to whine about DS being 'ruined' by this patch when the tiny and extremely slight changes to his gun shots (he has way too many gun moves) don't even address why he is a problem. Why wasn't the effect - ie the hit animation - of his shots addressed? They were already unsafe. As above with GL - so what? You aren't next to him when he fires, and he can still fire again after being blocked quickly enough! The game favours zoning way too much.

And still we don't have a proper matchmaking system. I don't want more DLC characters when this is being ignored. What good are more (broken) characters when I have no control over my online experience for want of the most basic simple functionality?
The zoning. All people do is block and throw projectiles. I love getting in close and mixing it uo with overhead and low combos. I even throw some grabs in there. People don't know what to do.

I just refuse to play that way. The game would not be enjoyable if I did.

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The zoning needs to be calmed down. It won't mainly because the idiots on here that think they are the 'pro' community, like this Brady clown who thinks there are no links in the game and playtested the game ffs (but obviously didn't bother to playtest it properly), will cry and whine. Unfortunately it's too intrinsic to the game. It's ridiculous. Playign grundy in this game is simply the most frustrating and bland experience imaginable. Pain Chain is broken and stupid while zoning shuts him down completely unless you spam swamphands or that useless WC move that never connects - half his moves are shut down completely because they have no range or are too slow and he is beaten by a ton of much quicker much longer ranged moves.

That is the nature of this game. NRS done fucked up.

It's too extremes and nothing inbetween and consequently I don't see there being much future for this game, particularly if they keep releasing characters as ridiculous as Batgirl. If i had a penny for every time that absurd smoke bomb move was used I'd be extremely wealthy. She spoils the game totally.

Unfortunately for me, however, noone will read this post properly (I dare you) and just sneer. Another reason that the FGC is ridiculed beyond the tiny minority that exist within it. More importantly the tiny minority that don't justify the sales for a sequel - particularly when this game has been dropped like a hot stone by people already fed up with the shenanigans within - and the crappy matchmaking that STILL hasn't been addressed and SHOULD have been picked up by the clowns playtesting it.
I have no idea what 'respond correct' is meant to mean, but WCC doesn't really help since you are nowhere near them anyway. All you do is end the move early, so what.

This game also has a serious problem with the blocking: i am repeatedly registering hits against me while i'm moving away. if this is lag, which is possible, then something seriously needs fixing. Though it would help if the game had a decent matchmaking system, something that should have been spotted in playtesting.

Because of the way jump ins seem to work, anti air moves are largely useless. This is stupid. You are forced to block the entire string, which is often the string the attacker has that leaves him at an advantage so you can't do anything.


The Only Player On The Wii U
I have no idea what 'respond correct' is meant to mean, but WCC doesn't really help since you are nowhere near them anyway. All you do is end the move early, so what.

This game also has a serious problem with the blocking: i am repeatedly registering hits against me while i'm moving away. if this is lag, which is possible, then something seriously needs fixing. Though it would help if the game had a decent matchmaking system, something that should have been spotted in playtesting.

You dont have the negative frames and you can armor through anything that isnt 3 hit. You dont see the gap closing potential in that?

Online means nothing in overall mechanics, it has lag and other crap. If something is cheap online chances are its not offline.
You dont have the negative frames and you can armor through anything that isnt 3 hit. You dont see the gap closing potential in that?

Online means nothing in overall mechanics, it has lag and other crap. If something is cheap online chances are its not offline.
because they are too far away. All that happens is i simply cancel the move. So what? I can't capitalise on it unless i WC again. People know what grundy does now and they know to jump constantly and stay away which seems ridiculously easy to do.

if the online doesn't work, the product should be recalled. NRS should be producing a playable experience on and offline. We don't all have other people to play with locally and matching me with people from america when i live in the UK is utterly fucking stupid, but do they listen?


The Only Player On The Wii U
because they are too far away. All that happens is i simply cancel the move. So what? I can't capitalise on it unless i WC again. People know what grundy does now and they know to jump constantly and stay away which seems ridiculously easy to do.

if the online doesn't work, the product should be recalled. NRS should be producing a playable experience on and offline. We don't all have other people to play with locally and matching me with people from america when i live in the UK is utterly fucking stupid, but do they listen?

If they are jumping you just WCC into d2 or MB swamphands or bla bla...

Again, online really means nothing if people still buy the game and buy DLC. Offline is perfectly fine currently, if you made an account just to complain about online, when nearly everyone considers online just an Lulz fun random thing to do, thats cool.
If they are jumping you just WCC into d2 or MB swamphands or bla bla...

Again, online really means nothing if people still buy the game and buy DLC. Offline is perfectly fine currently, if you made an account just to complain about online, when nearly everyone considers online just an Lulz fun random thing to do, thats cool.
You keep saying online means nothing. You are wrong. More people play online than offline. All I want is for them to fix the matchmaking so i can search locally. I have absolutely no idea why that is trivialised. It should have been that way from the start and the playtesters should have noticed. Whether you like it or not online is part of the game and as such should work fine. Not 'everyone' considers it 'lulz' because not everyone can play offline, so get your attitude straight.


The Only Player On The Wii U
You keep saying online means nothing. You are wrong. More people play online than offline. All I want is for them to fix the matchmaking so i can search locally. I have absolutely no idea why that is trivialised. It should have been that way from the start and the playtesters should have noticed. Whether you like it or not online is part of the game and as such should work fine. Not 'everyone' considers it 'lulz' because not everyone can play offline, so get your attitude straight.

My point being that the large majority of people who play online are all causal and drop the game after like a month. You cannot play serious and play online at the same time. I admit that online matchmaking sucks, but you can still friend people and invite them to matches instead of playing randoms.

People who want to stick to the game and can only play online have drawn the short straw, they are an extreme minority.
My point being that the large majority of people who play online are all causal and drop the game after like a month. You cannot play serious and play online at the same time. I admit that online matchmaking sucks, but you can still friend people and invite them to matches instead of playing randoms.

People who want to stick to the game and can only play online have drawn the short straw, they are an extreme minority.
No they are not. At all.

The vast majority of players will play online. That's simply how it is. Youc annot just assume that online is only played by casual players.


The Only Player On The Wii U
No they are not. At all.

The vast majority of players will play online. That's simply how it is. Youc annot just assume that online is only played by casual players.
Missed the point, the majority of players dont even know basic mechanics, let alohe what suitable online is. Online can never be competitive due to the delay, which makes more serious players consider it lulz.

Online may be meh, but until it actually hurts sales, it wont be a priority as most casuals don't care and the comp scene is offline.
Missed the point, the majority of players dont even know basic mechanics, let alohe what suitable online is. Online can never be competitive due to the delay, which makes more serious players consider it lulz.

Online may be meh, but until it actually hurts sales, it wont be a priority as most casuals don't care and the comp scene is offline.
But what point are you actually making. All you are doing is making a huge generalisation that you cannot possibly support. There may well be lots of poor players online, why would you assume otherwise. But there are also decent playres. I know because i've fought them. Plenty of people that know how to use characters. So it's absurd to just make such a sweeping generatlisation. To say these players aren't serious is just being insulting. How do you know they don't take it seriously. Not everyone has access to offline play. All we want is the opportunity to filter out what will obviously be bad connections. For me that's people from across the atlantic. Why can't we have that? Why do i have to be treated as a second class citien just because i can only play with others online? This is ridiculous.
I've already offered to see/show you lex and play you yet you don't respond. why is that?
I'm sorry I didn't see your post. If you want to add me my xbl name is strangeotron. I stopped reading the lex pages because i wanted to learn grundy as lex just wasn't up to much, but oddly enough playing grundy is just unbelievably frustrating.

i didn't ignore your post, i just didn't see it.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Shoutouts to running Batgirl mirror matches online against opponents that are right at your level. Hypest shit ever. Match has zero safe zones and wakeups are scary for either person to deal with. Low damage means the back and forth runs alllll day. I think I just found my online backup for speed since Green Arrow is really inconsistent due to input latency.
Sup, so Aris (Avoiding the puddle) posted this vid here showing some tech that let's you special cancel normals on whiff on the opponents wakeup...seems to be something that was in MK9 also.
Just thought I'd spread the word so here



Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Yeah I saw that in Double Perfect's thread in the Grundy area and moved it to gameplay. I'm trying to get something going with Green Arrow with it. Savage Blast is looking like a real deal.


Why can't we fight our purchased DLC characters in Arcade mode? I'd like to occasionally fight Lobo or Batgirl on my warm-up run