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Injustice General Discussion

All the more reason to address the matchmaking, surely.

A connection between the UK and Mexico isn't going to be stable. I think most people would agree with that.

I just got dethroned by a laaaagggy doomsday mashing buttons and dashing... Poor harley. There was like a 1.5 second delay and theres no winning a blind mash-off against DD lol.

In ranked matches they could show latency and hide the win/loss.
In player match 1v1 it should show everything plus latency
Idk how koth/survivor would work unless you created a room with regional restrictions.

I dont think matchmaking issues are at the forefront of nessecity per se, but i agree, they probably should be addressed at some point. I can deal with lag but some people have connections that make me think theyre online via dixie cups.

I just got dethroned by a laaaagggy doomsday mashing buttons and dashing... Poor harley. There was like a 1.5 second delay and theres no winning a blind mash-off against DD lol.

In ranked matches they could show latency and hide the win/loss.
In player match 1v1 it should show everything plus latency
Idk how koth/survivor would work unless you created a room with regional restrictions.

I dont think matchmaking issues are at the forefront of nessecity per se, but i agree, they probably should be addressed at some point. I can deal with lag but some people have connections that make me think theyre online via dixie cups.

Just showing latency isn't enough.

Honestly this is basic functionality that other games have managed years ago that NRS has completely ignored. SCV is vastly superior to this and I had no complaints with that at all. SF4, when they finally sorted it out,w as much more playable. Just because this is better than the nuclear fail that was MK9 isn't much comfort.

Matchmaking issues should be at the forefront because there are more people playing online than in any 'scene'. That's just the reality of the numbers. Most of the people that playt his game will play online simply because there are more of them that don't play competitively. I have no problem with people who want to play offline in tournaments other than the attitude iv'e seen too often in members of the FGC. This attitude is offputting ugly and arrogant and it's starting to rear it's head here 'oh he moans, don't listen to him'. Who do you think you are? You got some skill at a video game and so you lord it over others? HOw pathetic is that?

I've put my gamertag on this very thread for people to rspond to and got nowhere. At this point it's 50/50 if I keep this game or not. I certainly can't see myself investing in more DLC. The game is just too frustrating; at best you cannot play without a working knowledge of every single character and combo in the game, but they never design these games to actually give that to people. End result is there are plenty of characters, particularly the quicker ones like Batman, the ridiculous Batgirl and most of all Catwoman who i find impossible to play against, whose combos and mixups are so fast so ambiguous that i might as well be fighting a whirlwind. How are you meant to read what they are doing?
I don't think i can take much more of this. Deathstroke spam Superman spam nonsense zoning. It's killing me. Every single DS and SM player (at least) does EXACTLY the same thing every match. Spam spam spam. How is this even entertaining? Block and dash doesn't work either. You don't have enough time between DS gunshots to dash in and block at all.


My point being that the large majority of people who play online are all causal and drop the game after like a month. You cannot play serious and play online at the same time. I admit that online matchmaking sucks, but you can still friend people and invite them to matches instead of playing randoms.

People who want to stick to the game and can only play online have drawn the short straw, they are an extreme minority.
This is not true at all, you can totally play serious online if the netcode is as good as SCV. Obviously in Injustice you can't.
I also want to add that building an offline scene out of nothing (like here in Italy) is extremely hard due to the shitty online.
Nobody here is interested in learning the game seriously because all you learn in practice, online doesn't matter much.... how important is to know that you can backdash in between GL b13 if you can't do that in a match?


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
you cannot play without a working knowledge of every single character and combo in the game, but they never design these games to actually give that to people. End result is there are plenty of characters, particularly the quicker ones like Batman, the ridiculous Batgirl and most of all Catwoman who i find impossible to play against, whose combos and mixups are so fast so ambiguous that i might as well be fighting a whirlwind. How are you meant to read what they are doing?

this is a competitive gaming site. knowing the strings of all the characters is kind of requisite. Recognizing said strings comes with time. The community will level up as the game gets older. I used to go crazy with Quan Chi's stupid strings. No I can fuzzy guard them no problem. Same concept here. One of my best friends plays a very good catwoman. Only way I found to beat him or go even is to actually grind the match. Sorry man, there's no magic pill.
this is a competitive gaming site. knowing the strings of all the characters is kind of requisite. Recognizing said strings comes with time. The community will level up as the game gets older. I used to go crazy with Quan Chi's stupid strings. No I can fuzzy guard them no problem. Same concept here. One of my best friends plays a very good catwoman. Only way I found to beat him or go even is to actually grind the match. Sorry man, there's no magic pill.
Actually there are two:

1. address the matchmaking and/or the netcode. Assuming that's possible and NRS are up to the task.
2. build a training mode that actually teaches you this stuff. Instead we got Star Labs which is awful.

Two missed opportunities right there. These are not insurmountable problems.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Actually there are two:

1. address the matchmaking and/or the netcode. Assuming that's possible and NRS are up to the task.
2. build a training mode that actually teaches you this stuff. Instead we got Star Labs which is awful.

Two missed opportunities right there. These are not insurmountable problems.

Training mode is awesome. There's a record function that you can use to help you with things, ie. fuzzy guarding, training yourself to punish blocked strings with damaging combos of your own. You can do a heck of a lot with training mode. I feel you havent fully explored it. It's on par with SFAE's training mode I find. The netcode is something that is out of your hands, and simply complaining about it may or may not fix the problem that for NRS, may be more complex then they are letting on (these issues usually are). It may also be your connection. While I do notice SOME input lag on my end, I'm able to perform all my combos offline, online. Maybe its because i'm coming from a game that had terrible online, but I powered through and kept at it. If I'm able to poke out of strings and follow up with a punish online, the connection is pretty darn good. That means I recognized the string and reacted and the punish came out accordingly,even online. online lag spikes are something you're going to have to live with when you play online. simple as that. If you don't like the online play you currently have with an opponent, find a new one. I mostly play with friends on my friends list who have great connections as well, so this is a very minor issue.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
This game is great and I love it. Every day I learn new shit that I implement in matches both online and offline. Online in this game has been really really good for me so far. Couple of lag spikes here and there but hey, the game is traveling through the fucking phone lines across an ocean and back to my living room where I am sitting in my underwear eating cheetos, so I can't complain. The mixups and 50/50s in the game are fun to learn, and I'm proud of myself when I train myself to stop falling for something that used to give me trouble. I understand that I have a lot to learn, so I take my losses like a champ, learn from them, and come back stronger. I also realize that if I lose to characters 'SPAMMING' moves, that its me that has the problem, not them because they are scrub spammers. If I can't get in on Deathstroke, I need to level up my game. Lastly, I'll leave the nerfing and buffing to the pros and the game developers since they are experts in their field, they built the fucking game. While I am a passionate fan, just because I have a keyboard and the internet doesn't mean I have to bitch and moan about every little thing that doesn't go my way.
Training mode is awesome. There's a record function that you can use to help you with things, ie. fuzzy guarding, training yourself to punish blocked strings with damaging combos of your own. You can do a heck of a lot with training mode. I feel you havent fully explored it. It's on par with SFAE's training mode I find. The netcode is something that is out of your hands, and simply complaining about it may or may not fix the problem that for NRS, may be more complex then they are letting on (these issues usually are). It may also be your connection. While I do notice SOME input lag on my end, I'm able to perform all my combos offline, online. Maybe its because i'm coming from a game that had terrible online, but I powered through and kept at it. If I'm able to poke out of strings and follow up with a punish online, the connection is pretty darn good. That means I recognized the string and reacted and the punish came out accordingly,even online. online lag spikes are something you're going to have to live with when you play online. simple as that. If you don't like the online play you currently have with an opponent, find a new one. I mostly play with friends on my friends list who have great connections as well, so this is a very minor issue.
I didn't say training mode was bad.

It could be a lot better. Why not include prerecorded examples of every combo for every character since that's what people need?

Record fuinction is basic functionality - and it rrequires that i have the ability to execute the combo for the character i don't know to use the character i do to practice against it.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
I didn't say training mode was bad.

It could be a lot better. Why not include prerecorded examples of every combo for every character since that's what people need?

Record fuinction is basic functionality - and it rrequires that i have the ability to execute the combo for the character i don't know to use the character i do to practice against it.

true, but its generally not the really complicated combos that gets people, its the start of the normal strings. its pretty easy to just look that up and do it. Combos are not hard at all in this game for the most part


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I don't think i can take much more of this. Deathstroke spam Superman spam nonsense zoning. It's killing me. Every single DS and SM player (at least) does EXACTLY the same thing every match. Spam spam spam. How is this even entertaining? Block and dash doesn't work either. You don't have enough time between DS gunshots to dash in and block at all.
That is completely not true. ESPECIALLY after the nerf.

Here is someone doing it with Lex Luthor who folks said was one of the worst to get in on him and this is before the gun nerf. ANYONE can block and dash up. Some may have to do it a few more times, but yes it can be done...especially now. His guns are really manageable now given the longer air recovery and low recovery plus they do less now too.

There is no magic pill Ghost Whistler. Would I like better netcode? Yes, and it would help things, but not any of the things you mentioned with Superman, Deathstroke or Doomsday really. Honestly you are going off on the game instead of on your own defense here. Even if you got the better matchmaking and netcode it wont fix the problems you mentioned as those are already manageable online and improving it wont make your issues end. Training more on moving will. And the training mode in this game is not bad in the slightest so I dont know what you are going off on it for. It has recordability, lists the moves as high, low, etc, you can count frames in it, frame data is in your movelist and can be updated by NRS to reflect changes...its really good.

I tried and several of us tried, but you're going to have to stop yelling and start listening to some of us if you want your frustrations to end. Go into training. Set AI to do the projectiles you are upset on. Practice blocking then inputting your dash. Do it over and over as a warmup but get this down. Honestly with the rest of your issues with Doomsday and such it sound like you have trouble dashing on reaction period at the moment and blocking and dashing in sequence is vital in this game.

Listen to us. We know what we are talking about. We are dealing with these things and so can you. Just listen and train it, because changing netcode for you is not going to change the problems you mentioned and the moves dont need nerfed any further than they already are considering how much you can punish them both.
The jump ins in this game have broken it for me. I can't deal with this crap at all. They are too close to react to quickly enough. Joker's is especially stupid since all that happens is he locks you down in some ludicrous crossup. Why on earth doesn't the game teach you how to deal with this nonsense?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
because you have to do at least some of the work
This. Ghost Whistler we are being more than patient with you, but you need to calm down and stop blaming the game because this is getting a bit pointless here. You're not even making sense anymore. We want to help you, but you are going to have to start spending more time actually playing this game and learning it than yelling about not having instant gratification with it on forums if you want to get anywhere.

Take what we said. Go into the lab. Practice and calm down. We are helping you, but our words wont mean a thing if you dont practice and use it.
That is completely not true. ESPECIALLY after the nerf.
I say it is true because it's exactly what happens when i play. I can't comment on anything other than my own experience. Why on earth would I make it up? If it wasn't a problem - there'd be no problem!

I know the frame data (even though peopel say it isn't acurate). I'm not unaware of everything (though grundy has too few pokes given how slow half his normals are).

So again it is either the netcode or the game is not designed correctly. DS's nerf is miniscule. He can still sit and mash out guns. More importantly that is what every single DS player does. It's boring and it turns the game into a tedious bland experience which is why they should never have put those moves in. Who wants a game experience like that, even winning against that crap would be tedious. Though obviously better than losing. I just want play against DS, i've had enough of it.

I haven't criticsed the training mode. I said it could have been better and I explained how. Not everyone who plays this has years of playing fight games or the time to program in combos they don't know to practice against, and you have to input the combo correctly otherwise it won't work. This could all have been done by NRS, but wasn't. That's really short sighted.

I don't know whether better netcode would improve the game. There's nothing I can do about that other than try and make NRS listen. I've sent enough tweets, but they aren't interested. However if there is input delay that slows responses like blocking down then of course it's going to affect me, it's the difference between blocking and eating a combo.

Also you people forget that not everyone owns a £100 peripheral with which to play the game. While it might not be NRS' fault that the xbox controller stinks, there are, as i've mentioned (and noone has responded to) problems int he game itself. If my inputs read correctly in training mode then why doesn't the combo come out? The game is recognising the correct input but it is not processing it correctly. Why? That just makes it 100x worse! So yes dashing is difficult; i use the tthumbstick because the dpad is a pile of crap. But by far the worst thing is the jump ins and anti airs. They are often beaten by the nature of the jumps that leave you taking damage or, if you're lucky, trading.


about what? You liked Star Labs? I hated it. 2/3 of the missions were awful. No fun at all and nothing to do with the mechanics of the game.

Training mode teaches you everything you need to know. Record whatever your having problems against and practice countering it. It's not the games fault that your too lazy to sit in training mode and practice countering stuff that gives you issues. So for you to sit here and bash training mode is beyond fucking insulting to the people who went out of their way to make it as detailed as possible.
So basically it's the game or the netcodes or anything else besides your own fault that you suck and won't practice working around stuff.

Flawless logic, you'll go far in fighting games.

Datdethstr0ke spam izz soo cheep bro.... And den wen u finallly get in dey spam yoo with comb0zzz.... DEY must haz HAX or sumthing.
i said nothing of the kind. you are arguing with yourself.


So again it is either the netcode or the game is not designed correctly. DS's nerf is miniscule. He can still sit and mash out guns. More importantly that is what every single DS player does. It's boring and it turns the game into a tedious bland experience which is why they should never have put those moves in. Who wants a game experience like that, even winning against that crap would be tedious. Though obviously better than losing. I just want play against DS, i've had enough of it.

I haven't criticsed the training mode. I said it could have been better and I explained how. Not everyone who plays this has years of playing fight games or the time to program in combos they don't know to practice against, and you have to input the combo correctly otherwise it won't work. This could all have been done by NRS, but wasn't. That's really short sighted.

I don't know whether better netcode would improve the game. There's nothing I can do about that other than try and make NRS listen. I've sent enough tweets, but they aren't interested. However if there is input delay that slows responses like blocking down then of course it's going to affect me, it's the difference between blocking and eating a combo.

Also you people forget that not everyone owns a £100 peripheral with which to play the game. While it might not be NRS' fault that the xbox controller stinks, there are, as i've mentioned (and noone has responded to) problems int he game itself. If my inputs read correctly in training mode then why doesn't the combo come out? The game is recognising the correct input but it is not processing it correctly. Why? That just makes it 100x worse! So yes dashing is difficult; i use the tthumbstick because the dpad is a pile of crap. But by far the worst thing is the jump ins and anti airs. They are often beaten by the nature of the jumps that leave you taking damage or, if you're lucky, trading.

This is you blaming everything but the person responsible for your losses.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
learning isn't work?
theory to practice. Don't expect a handout like the game is supposed to teach you absolutely everything in the menus. You make it sound like there should be an option on how to beat jump ins in a tutorial mode. It isnt necessary, you can do that in practice mode. Tutorial teaches you the basics, its up to you to learn the rest. The game didnt teach the rest of us to do it, we figured it out. So figure it out.