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Black Adam General Discussion Thread


Grapple > Footsies
Still working with Black Adam, I'm finding the 11 after B23 to be such a pain. I get like 3/10. Any visual cues or tips to land this? On the plus side I can now get a b3 bounce after ex cage almost every time.


What's a Smarrgasm?
So much training mode to do before the ATL meet up today. Screw this character forum and our efficiency :p

Vulcan Hades

j2, 113 xx trait, 113 xx lightning storm -> 7.6% blockstring lol. CHIP DAT ASS.

Lex can't Corp Charge, jump or backdash. If he tries anything he gets caught.

Also: j2, b2 xx Lightning Strike MB is pretty much guaranteed chip vs many characters. 19.59% if they don't block low or backdash. 10.33% if they jump. 5.51% if they block it all.

There's only like a 6 frame gap between b2 and the first active frame of lightning strike. Lex can Corp Charge (6f) but he can't d1 (7f). Of course, j2 > b2 isn't a true blockstring they can technically d1 in between but nobody dares to.


Best Doomsday in the world
So other than j1 do you guys know of any other reasonable air to airs/anti airs? I played a few games against Valle last night and got bodied by Joker's jump crowbar. I might have to fight against him tonight so knowing how to stop that could be useful.


What's a Smarrgasm?
So other than j1 do you guys know of any other reasonable air to airs/anti airs? I played a few games against Valle last night and got bodied by Joker's jump crowbar. I might have to fight against him tonight so knowing how to stop that could be useful.
Dont go in to the air unless you abolutely have to, especially against characters with ridiculous air normals like joker. You should try to dash away from the jump moves but if you are in the air i think j3 has a decent hitbox and if you can cancel in to divekick on hit it should give you a combo.


Best Doomsday in the world
Dont go in to the air unless you abolutely have to, especially against characters with ridiculous air normals like joker. You should try to dash away from the jump moves but if you are in the air i think j3 has a decent hitbox and if you can cancel in to divekick on hit it should give you a combo.
Yeah, that's what I've been doing for the most part I was just hoping there would be something better that I hadn't thought of. :p I'll go try j3 online right now. Thanks bro.


I like how Black Adam can end combos with a bomb and SIMULTANEOUSLY be mixing it up with a crossover, launching overheads + on block, a low launcher, and an unblockable for big damage. BA doesn't have the best air normals, but divekicks on reaction and backdashing to punish whiffed jump attempts with b23 should keep them in check.


I'm not talking about jump ins. I'm talking about air to air battles. It's just something I haven't quite developed cause I've been focused on other things. If I play a character that wants to flail around a ton in the air I tend to attempt to space out jumps but if I ever leave the ground and they do as well I feel helpless. J1 and 3 have had some okay results but j2 for me gets eaten alive by other air normals and I'm so used to mk that I always jump with 2. Like I said, personal problem that I just haven't fixed.
j3 never seems to fail me in air battles, too bad my first reaction to jumping is always a bootstomp, which gets stuffed, lol.

Have you guys found any use for his standing 3? It seems to work well as an anti-crossover, although his d1 is just as good.


EX Ovi should launch
Okay so refined researching after the patch;

Orb cancelling on block for frame traps and block strings.

11~orbs allows a free b2 which can not get interupted by anything 6 frames.
b2 being 15 frames leads me to believe;
11~orbs is at least +10 on block

112~orbs b2 is also uninteruptable by 6 frames. 112 is usually -1 so this is a really surprising frame trap setup.
112~orbs is at least +10 on block

22 is +1 on block. 22~ 1 is a frame trap but can be ducked. 22~d1 can not be interrupted.
22~orbs gives a free standing 3 midscreen, or another 22 in the corner where the pushback will not make it whiff.
standing 3 is 8 frames and 22 is 10 frames, so that leads me to believe:
Midscreen standing 3 is the only thing that will reach to check them, but 22~orbs 2 works in the corner.
22~orbs is +4 on block with pushback.

113~orbs allows for any attack up to b2 (15f) and that will still be uninteruptable.
113~orbs F3 is hard to escape. Using batman i could interrupt it with 11 (6f) and d1 (7f) but not with standing 2 (10f). BUT could dash under the f3. Note that armouring the F3 makes this frametrap brutal.
F3 is 28 frames, so;
113~orbs is between +15 & +18

B2~orbs 2 trades with 6 frames. 2 is 10 frames so.
B2~orbs is +4 on block.

Also some notable things;
The knockdown from 13 as an ender to combos is untechable and leaves them grounded for a while. I wouldnt go as far to say this is legit, but ending combos in 13 gives you a pseudo-safe jump setup which is hard to anti-air.

Also 113 is a hard knockdown, and cancelable. Its not quite free, but ending combos in 113~bomb will mean they cant techroll and will have to react to where you placed the bomb as they wake up.

This is all tested on the patched version of the game, however my frame data could be wrong due to human input times and the 1-2 frame gaps these strings leave. Test them yourself by going into practice against batman and record black adam doing the string, and then try and escape it with batmans normals.

A few of the frame traps you can backdash between, though this is easily punishable. If someone is backdashing out of the gaps i suggest using 22 to punish their backdash, its a really good tool for doing so and most of the frame traps are only a 1-2 frame gap to backdash in anyway, so its risky!

Vulcan Hades what do you make of 113~bomb ender by the way, anything you can take from your 22b1 setups that can apply here?

Vulcan Hades

Vulcan Hades what do you make of 113~bomb ender by the way, anything you can take from your 22b1 setups that can apply here?
I don't like either anymore lol. I found some much better bomb setups that I'll share shortly. In this one they can't escape it by rolling back into backdash/jump.

Here's a wild idea though: Perhaps we can use interactables to setup a bomb trap? They allow for a long hard knockdown. :)


EX Ovi should launch
I don't like either anymore lol. I found some much better bomb setups that I'll share shortly. In this one they can't escape it by rolling back into backdash/jump.
Look forward to that! I forgot to mention b1~trait on block, i think this actually comes out less than b1 on block, which is quite funny.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Awesomo i got bad news man. I dont think d1 in to trait is reliable. It only works 100% for me on the biggest characters (doomsday, bane, grundy) cause when i d1 any character smaller (even black adam himself) the d1 crumples their head forward causing the next linking part in standing 1 to whiff and the combo drops out. This sucks. So 11 trait is the most reliable punisher still and d1 hands to get out of pressure and get some damage. D1 trait may still have some frame traps but using it for that 51% combo isnt going to work most of the time.


B*tch Distributor
A solution to all of your problems with this character and probably any other;

Learn to back dash. Learn to dash in general. Doomsday bodied my until i got my dashing down, now he's lucky to even hit me.