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Play Time For Kitty, Purr -- Catwoman General Discussion Thread


Come and Get it!
interesting find here...

It seems that her combo: 3,3,3 is 'cancellable' only into her super...

Mashing super after this short chain, you can see the super begins slightly after she retracts her lag back to neutral position.
If we mash a special move instead or even Trait, the moves wont' come out until well after she's returned to her neutral position...

This makes me think
if there are 'super-only' cancellable situations, perhaps there are trait only cancellable situations...

To The Lab
DuhnuhnuhNUHnuhnuh Nuhnuhnuh!


interesting find here...

It seems that her combo: 3,3,3 is 'cancellable' only into her super...

Mashing super after this short chain, you can see the super begins slightly after she retracts her lag back to neutral position.
If we mash a special move instead or even Trait, the moves wont' come out until well after she's returned to her neutral position...

This makes me think
if there are 'super-only' cancellable situations, perhaps there are trait only cancellable situations...

To The Lab
DuhnuhnuhNUHnuhnuh Nuhnuhnuh!
This is incorrect because you can combo the cat dash after the 333 string


Well, sort of. If you input 333 and then cat dash, the dash cancels out the last hit of 3, 3 3, and fires after the second one. You use 33, not 333.

One thing you need to realize about this game is that you need to dial in entire strings for the attacks to come out (for some people / strings). For example, KF's 11223 string (or whatever it is). If you don't input ALL of the button presses, the string stops after the 2nd hit. Like if you press 1122, only the first 11 will come out. So what you do is input the entire string, then cancelling into the special actually cuts attacks out of the string you dialed. Like 112 cat claws. the last hit of 112 doesn't hit if you do it right. I guess what I'm getting at is that if you're cancelling 333 into cat claws or cat dash, you're really just doing 33 ~special.

I've found D1 cat dash to be much more effective than D1 cat claws. You only lose 1% off the combo, and since there's no input that's DF2, you don't have the chance of an unintended move coming out. Just make sure you press forward before you press 2 so you don't evade.

Cast dash, D1 cat dash, D1 cat dash. lol overhead. That's how you play catwoman. :)

Also, after you input 112 as your string into the ender, just start mashing down and 3. You'll like pounce like 99.9999999% of the time.


Well, sort of. If you input 333 and then cat dash, the dash cancels out the last hit of 3, 3 3, and fires after the second one. You use 33, not 333.

One thing you need to realize about this game is that you need to dial in entire strings for the attacks to come out (for some people / strings). For example, KF's 11223 string (or whatever it is). If you don't input ALL of the button presses, the string stops after the 2nd hit. Like if you press 1122, only the first 11 will come out. So what you do is input the entire string, then cancelling into the special actually cuts attacks out of the string you dialed. Like 112 cat claws. the last hit of 112 doesn't hit if you do it right. I guess what I'm getting at is that if you're cancelling 333 into cat claws or cat dash, you're really just doing 33 ~special.

I've found D1 cat dash to be much more effective than D1 cat claws. You only lose 1% off the combo, and since there's no input that's DF2, you don't have the chance of an unintended move coming out. Just make sure you press forward before you press 2 so you don't evade.

Cast dash, D1 cat dash, D1 cat dash. lol overhead. That's how you play catwoman. :)

Also, after you input 112 as your string into the ender, just start mashing down and 3. You'll like pounce like 99.9999999% of the time.
Who are you agreeing with?

The 333 string is a 4 hit combo, you can input the Cat Dash on the 4th hit and it will give you a 5 hit combo. This means you can cancel the 333 string at any point.


Who are you agreeing with?

The 333 string is a 4 hit combo, you can input the Cat Dash on the 4th hit and it will give you a 5 hit combo. This means you can cancel the 333 string at any point.
Yeah, but doesn't 333 cat dash hit them while they are in the air? 33 cat dash crumples into the B3, j3 112 pounce. Does 333 do that too? my experience is that it doesn't. Could be wrong though.


Yeah, but doesn't 333 cat dash hit them while they are in the air? 33 cat dash crumples into the B3, j3 112 pounce. Does 333 do that too? my experience is that it doesn't. Could be wrong though.
yeah it does, i was just confirming that you could cancel the last hit. if you mb the cat dash you will crumple but it is always better to cat dash after the first 2 33s


Come and Get it!
Ah you guys are right
I was making the mistake of imputing a special move 'the moment' the final 3 connected rather than inputting it as soon as I pressed the 3rd 3, aka during the animation of the 2nd kick...

You HAVE to input stuff early i guess...


Ah you guys are right
I was making the mistake of imputing a special move 'the moment' the final 3 connected rather than inputting it as soon as I pressed the 3rd 3, aka during the animation of the 2nd kick...

You HAVE to input stuff early i guess...
Right, that's what I mean. Some strings you need to input the whole string and cancel it that way. Others you don't. With Catwoman, you don't HAVE to press 333 and cancel it with claws or dash. You can just press 33 BF1 or 33 BF2. With other character such as killer frost, you cannot press 1122 BD3. you NEED to press 11223 BD3 and cancel the string with the special before the string is over. Unlike MK, certain strings will not start and stop at the specific inputs you press. It's actually kinda stupid and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
The reason to do d+1~cat claws over d+1~cat dash is that Cat Dash is unsafe.


The reason to do d+1~cat claws over d+1~cat dash is that Cat Dash is unsafe.
D+1xxCatClaws is amazing.

Against flash, you get so much good spacing that you can back dash on reaction to his advancing overhead string, and fully punish it.


My blades will find your heart
Yo, noob Catwoman here (just started her yesterday, but I totally love the way she plays).

I was wondering if you guys had any advice on how to handle the Deathstroke matchup? Getting in is problematic for me. I can use evade, but because he has low guns as well, it becomes a 50/50 game, and that's no good. Cat Dash MB is very nice, but if I predict it wrong I get hit out of the dash and lose 1 meter for free, so that's bad.

What do you guys suggest?

Edit: Lol, just realized someone asked the exact same question above me.

Edit 2: Also, what's CW's best quick punish? d1~claws?
11 claws. D1 is 7 frames 1 is 6 frames


Half of the time when I try to do d1~cat claws I get anti-air whip instead. It leaves me open to eat a whole combo :(

Any tips for this input?


My blades will find your heart
Half of the time when I try to do d1~cat claws I get anti-air whip instead. It leaves me open to eat a whole combo :(

Any tips for this input?
D1 then back forward 1. You have to be very deliberate with your inputs in this game.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Half of the time when I try to do d1~cat claws I get anti-air whip instead. It leaves me open to eat a whole combo :(

Any tips for this input?

Practice practice practice.

You have less frames to cancel into a special after a d+1 in this game so you have to be precise but fast. Make sure you're making it to forward before you tap the button. In haste you're not and that's why you're getting up whip.

It's tough, took me a lot of practice to get good at counter poking and whiff punishing with d+1~cat claws. It used to be even harder, frames were added to a d+1 hitting in the patch.

All Catwomen must practice this it's critical!

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Catwoman's standing 3,3 is +1 on block and leaves her very close to point blank range. Unless they're one of the characters with a 6 frame d+1 they cannot beat her d+1 afterwards(even then it'd just trade). Also because of the range and height of the d+1 hitbox if they try to jump out in any direction they'll be caught in the air. If they start walking back they'll block the d+1 it won't whiff. All they can do is backdash and they won't recover in time to punish. So condition them to block after a blocked d+1 with d+1~cat claws or f+1,1,2 or b+3 if they like to backdash. Once you've got them respecting these followups and blocking you can start going into a 50/50.

The best use of 3,3 IMO is after a blocked jump in. Since you don't get much frames of advantage off a blocked jump in and they don't jail you stand blocking you need a fast mid to combo into to check them from mashing d+1 after blocked jump ins. 3,3 is what I use. That way if you've caught them mashing you can hit confirm into cat claws. With this strategy off a blocked jump in you can check mashing with 3,3 and then go into a mixup on block as well.


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
This may have been discussed before but you can actually do a F3 in a combo after a B3/F3 as long as the 2nd hit doesn't connect.

Also this sets up a really interesting hard knockdown that I show here:

This is with roll on. You can do a bunch of different crazy mixups from here. Try forward dash > jump 1/3. Very hard to block.

What do you guys think?



Catwoman's standing 3,3 is +1 on block and leaves her very close to point blank range. Unless they're one of the characters with a 6 frame d+1 they cannot beat her d+1 afterwards(even then it'd just trade). Also because of the range and height of the d+1 hitbox if they try to jump out in any direction they'll be caught in the air. If they start walking back they'll block the d+1 it won't whiff. All they can do is backdash and they won't recover in time to punish. So condition them to block after a blocked d+1 with d+1~cat claws or f+1,1,2 or b+3 if they like to backdash. Once you've got them respecting these followups and blocking you can start going into a 50/50.

The best use of 3,3 IMO is after a blocked jump in. Since you don't get much frames of advantage off a blocked jump in and they don't jail you stand blocking you need a fast mid to combo into to check them from mashing d+1 after blocked jump ins. 3,3 is what I use. That way if you've caught them mashing you can hit confirm into cat claws. With this strategy off a blocked jump in you can check mashing with 3,3 and then go into a mixup on block as well.
I do this alot. jump in 1, 33 is very easily hit confirmable into cat claws or cat dash. if they block 33, you can use the frame advantage for good mixups (B2, F3 MB, B12D3), or just go straight into D1 cat claws which is what I normally use. More often than not it will out prioritize a counter poke and get you a decent combo.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
But the frame data says Cat Claws is -14. Thats not correct?

It's not correct. It's a multi hitting special move so the frame data is misleading.

Catwomen, I know hitting b+3 after Cat Claws can be hard, I still mess it up sometimes too, but you gotta practice it because Cat Dash is punishable. I don't know if people online have started to yet but sooner or later all blocked Cat Dashes will be blown up. Might as well start mastering Cat Claws b+3 now.


Agreed. It really only took a couple days of training myself to use cat claws instead of cat dash to get the following B3 timing down. As for pressuring, 33 is so far the block string I prefer to get the +1 advantage. I use 33, d1 claws, or 33, B2 and hit confirm it into cat dash MB. You can also try using 33, F3 MB to get an armored overhead. She has alot of options off of blocked 33.


Awwwh damn.
Oh and if it makes it any easier for you guys, I found d.1, Cat Claws to be a lot easier with negative edge on. I had previously had it off.


Administrator and Community Engineer
GGA 16 Bit when 33 hits, why do you confirm into Cat Claws rather than Cat Dash? Is it just to be safe in case you botched the hitconfirm?