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Born On a Monday -- Solomon Grundy General Discussion/QA/Combo Thread


I would be more hype if his grapples did more damage. 3 Chain grapples (from what I've seen) only did 23% damage. I was hoping that those would do more damage than that. He does 9% with one grapple just for comparison.

Of course the game isn't out yet, and it could all change, but it may be one of those things where we need to learn the 7 chain grapple just to get a ton of damage. Hopefully it won't be that difficult to pull off.
That was an incredibly old build, his grabs weren't even unblockable then.
The poem only goes up to wednesday and he only sings it in the damage increase version.

The power grab can be juggled into and grabs both crouching/standing opponents. it can't be blocked. you can cancel chains into it on block and grab them.
Have you actually played the game?


The Gruff
I've seen the damage now from the leak. 2 chain grapples did like 15% or 18% damage. I wonder how many chains he can do.
3 different two part chains, all starting with the initial trait grab
Power Final
Health Chain
Health Final
Defense Chain
Defense Final


what is the health chain buff doing btw? i guess power adds more damage to grundy overall and with defence grundy takes less damage, but what dose health do? can you heal yourself?
and what is the Miasma move doing?


The Gruff
Yeah I am definitely maining grundy as my first after having a chance to use him....now i cant wait til next week :(


any info on how much % damage increase or % damage reduction grundy reseives of his the 2x chain grap buffs?


thx again, i am realy excited for grundy, i hope he ends up beeing good, i guess it comes down if his normals/block strings are good or not


Does anyone playing the game could tell us if you can combine the three different type of chains or not, and the exact differences between them.


Dojo Trainee
Does anyone playing the game could tell us if you can combine the three different type of chains or not, and the exact differences between them.
A chain which buffs your attack (for the remainder of the game unless you do another chain)
A chain which buffs damage taken (for the remainder of the game unless .........)
A chain which buffs your defense so you take less chip damage (for the remainder of the game unless........)

I am still not sure if you do a chain twice if the buffs accumulate, like 2 health chains give you twice of the rate as that of one buff, I need to test a but more to know.

You can chain grapple mid combo after an r1 bounce specifically, so far I couldn't figure out how and if possible to grab someone after a knock while they are on the ground with a chain grapple, the grab is a horrible whiff it's like -211 as per the frame data. So you have to be sure when to use it.
In the corner he can be devastating, because a few of combos that launch allow for the chain grapple to connect in the corner.

About the poem.......no chain grapple, so far, that I tried would go 7 hits :)

I don't want to say more than this about his gameplay, it would be a spoil.


Got to sit down with the game for a bit. This is the best combo I could find. Sorry if this isn't the place for this I'm new around these parts.

jump in 2, 112xxEXdb2, b3, j.2, 224 (down down up up chain) 1 meter 51%

probably a better juggle after the b3 but I didn't play much MK9. combo system is pretty foreign to me. I'm also just guessing about notation. 1 - light, 2 - medium, 3 - heavy, 4 - trait?

any info on how much % damage increase or % damage reduction grundy reseives of his the 2x chain grap buffs?
I haven't checked out the defense but it seems like the damage increase is 20 percent.

edit: looks like up up down down chain reduces damage by 40%, and the down up up down chain reduces chip damage by 100%

I wonder if we can standing reset with MBSwamp Hands :eek:

would probably be broken but i dont care lol
do you mean restand with it after a juggle? you can do b3, j2, 2xxEXdb2. you can't do two EXdb2s in a combo though. it doesn't let you EX it after using it once.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Stream pretty much showed Grundy beasting folks like mad last night. Arturo mentioned Grundy is a problem matchup for some dudes and is really fucking tough. I doubt he's Sheeva-tier or whatever. His dash is huge, he would meter burn for armor and then do MAJOR damage which built his meter back making these things nearly free, and his swamp hands was legit. He wasn't even too slow to normal some stuff. Plus if he does his Super he can pretty much jump around and hit grab all day with his HUGE hands till he lands that shit.

Grundy is good looking. Mike Ross will need more Kleenex IMO. He'll have it rough once folks learn their stuff and I'm thinking Deathstroke, GA, and Aquaman stand a good shot at ruining his day if folks know those characters and the matchup. Just a guess, but they look to have the tools to make it tough on Grundy even if they dont look able to make him free.

Its pretty awesome. In the feedback vid I mentioned the feedback on how slow he originally was and the folks thought he could use either more speed, a good dash, armor or some kind of long distance tool to get in...he got all 4. This is like X-mas. Poem is hype as hell.