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Match-up Discussion New Sonya on the rise: Mu chart/ discussion

Matador Fiend

Dojo Trainee
Having an armored launcher that goes into a reset, travels a third if the screen and is safe on block is fuckin stupid considering her other tools. I agree w cage mu, he takes chances when hes in his comfort zone


I'm not sold on Sonya winning 7-3 against Sektor. Sub Zero not sure either but I can see it being 6-4 in her favour if 6-4 is slight advantage.


I feel like sub vs sonya is worse then 6-4. Only because sub gets shit damage midscreen, and the instant he tries to clone midscreen you're gonna eat an EX cartwheel that leads to like 40%+ damage into a reset. What can sub do except bait ring-toss so he can slide under it? lol.


I feel like sub vs sonya is worse then 6-4. Only because sub gets shit damage midscreen, and the instant he tries to clone midscreen you're gonna eat an EX cartwheel that leads to like 40%+ damage into a reset. What can sub do except bait ring-toss so he can slide under it? lol.
Sub Zero has a good counter D4 because it has nearly as much range and it's 4 frames faster. The only issue is (and this is a problem all characters have to worry about) the threat of the EX cartwheel blowing though Sub's D4 or ice clone or anything for that matter. It then allows Sonya to bully and effectively rush down a character that normally cannot be touched at close distance. However it can be baited and punished as well so it's all about reads.

Sub Zero also has a strong anti-air that can somewhat limit Sonya's air mix-up game somewhat but the range is a little situational. The fact that he has an ice clone alone is strong enough to nullify a JIP/dive kick mix-up. When Sonya is meter-less, there's not much she can do. In terms of zoning she will win but it's not hard to trade sometimes and Sub Zero wins almost all projectile trades. Once she's cornered without meter, it's pretty much a wrap. Any wake-ups get ruined by the 212-ice clone trap apart from EX cartwheel. Sub Zero always has counter-armour as well in EX slide which may prove useful depending on stage situation and circumstance.

I think he has decent enough tools to deal with her. People say Sonya can blow though the clone but that's when Sub Zero is predictable. The reason Sonya beats others is because she can rush down, get in people's faces with MS-F1 and the threat of EX cartwheel is there. Against Sub Zero she gets far fewer opportunities to even touch him so her biggest threat to him is non-existent providing he has a safe clone out and stays out of EX cartwheel range. It may be a 6-4 Sonya but that's the absolute worse it can be for Sub Zero.


MITDJT THE ABSOLUTE BEST MU CHART FOR SONYA TO DATE. One thing I would like to say though is that sonya freddy should not be advantage freddy. IMO the MU hasn't been played enough offline to really be judged. Offline you can react to projectiles with jumpovers or ducking. Also you don't have to freak out because of freddys sonya and jump like a maniac. IMO kenshi goes even with sonya maybe slight advantage for kenshi but I'm cool with 4-6 kenshi. Sonya loses to kabal 3-7 or 2-8 get that 4-6 shit outa here lol. That MU is so bad its not even funny. I'll prove that MU too if you want me too. Riu48 will agree with me that its horrible. Death wouldn't you say its 3-7?. I honestly believe its 2-8. Its whatever 3-7,2-8 but not 4-6
man curbo pls, kabal sonya is 4 6. Her pressure wrecks him and he must respect her armor/divekick. Once he hits the corner, it's bad news for kabal, and crossups can be punished by armor cartwheel. freddy yeah we need to see that more, and i feel that it is def at worst 6 4, same with kenshi. Lol thanks, i'm not downplaying a character that is this good. Never that bro. She top 3 and i'm using her ass for sure, YEAH!!!!! haha.


EX Ovi should launch
6-4 against smoke is pretty honest, but i would say its one of her harder 6-4's.

Smokes damage means you always breaker, which shuts down a good bit of her armour and he gets resets from whiff punishing sloppy d4's or NJP'ing cartwheels (like EVERYONE should be doing properly by now on a good read).

Granted she doesnt have to do either of those things as she can just walk up to him for free and start punching him in the face, but thats pretty risky too because as soon as you come into b2/d4 range you have to start thinking about your moves a bit more. He can also EX Shake a lot to keep her MS game in check.

Smoke doesnt have that much of a hard time escaping the corner either, and he can also telepunch during his combos to put sonya in the corner if he hits her.

His standing 2 is also one of the more notorious anti-airs for stopping divekicks, be it risky, but you can EX Smoke bomb her on a jump in if you dont want to guess jip/dk mindgames or risk getting divekicked out of standing 2.

Its not an easy match up for smoke by any means, i just think he has all the tools he needs it just takes a good read, but the reward is there when you can deal 60-100% damage without much trouble and his oki game isnt bad atall.

Fuck off downplayers.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
IMO Sonya 8-2's Scorpion. I'm pretty sure GamerBlake90 agrees.

I know you've got a boner for Scorp tho so you might not wanna change it :p

EDIT: Also I know I'll get flamed but I still really see Noob-Sonya being slightly in his favor or even.
Believe me, I've thought many times about inquiring if it's an 8-2, she's THE anti-Scorp character all round, she keeps his already unreliable poking game honest, armor has to be spent on takedown because almost everything she does during pressure makes EX spear whiff, her mobility makes hellfire checks useless, she can interrupt his only mid hitting string with arc kick (wut) and has to be respected on every jump in because of her long ass legs on top of a 4 frame divekick. -_- But I have to draw the line and acknowledge that the vortex still exists.

I also play Sektor and I can assure you he doesn't have it as bad as this, either that's a 6-4 or this is an 8-2.


IMO Sonya 8-2's Scorpion. I'm pretty sure GamerBlake90 agrees.

I know you've got a boner for Scorp tho so you might not wanna change it :p

EDIT: Also I know I'll get flamed but I still really see Noob-Sonya being slightly in his favor or even.
As a former scorp main and a curent sonya main I can honestly say this matchup is absolutely fucking terrible for scorpion. I'd say 8-2 is worth talking about. Definitely 7-3.

As for noob, I ran it with KOE online and GGA Fillpops offline. And I think it's even. I don't think she has advantage in this MU.


Cage ban wagon?
basically u dash duck up against kabal and play footsies until he corners himself... ull take chip from buzzsaws but up close hes risking a full combo everytime he throws a buzzsaw either by jump or armor... freddy and kenshi have legitimate chip and there is no viable way of getting in against kenshi outside of armor... i can play footsies with kabals zoning i cant vs kenshi... anytime u move vs freddy ur risking spikes.... nms and projectile mixups cause pushback too full screen and u have to worry about homing claws the whole time... even if u duck my straight claw at full screen if u dont jump ur getting spiked for trying to get out.... if u jump i can catch you for 45%. i highly doubt even offline u can perfectly deal with projectile and ground claw mixups... if ur late jumping my low glove ur getting aa spiked.
Freddy isn't that difficult I really think that MU needs to be played offline more. Kabal is serious for sonya. Look at her dash, compare her dash to cage. Cage's dash is fast and he dashes his full distance almost immediately. If you dash with sonya its weird idk. Its hard to explain but if I show you then you'll know what I'm talking about. By time sonya is midscreen/ jumping distance away, she has to take tiny little dashes to get in which is hard and if you mess up a dash because your so close to kabal you get hit by gas blasts.


Cage ban wagon?
man curbo pls, kabal sonya is 4 6. Her pressure wrecks him and he must respect her armor/divekick. Once he hits the corner, it's bad news for kabal, and crossups can be punished by armor cartwheel. freddy yeah we need to see that more, and i feel that it is def at worst 6 4, same with kenshi. Lol thanks, i'm not downplaying a character that is this good. Never that bro. She top 3 and i'm using her ass for sure, YEAH!!!!! haha.
Lol dude she is too good. But yea for sure freddy needs to be seen more. Freddy doesn't have Kabal or Kenshi zoning imo. You can avoid most of his stuff and its not as overwhelming. On the other hand Kabal is that bad. I'll play you in that MU you'll see why its bad. There no way of getting in unless you jump or ex cartwheel. You also have to be careful of his zoning mixups and not fall for any NDC into gas blast. I get alot of sonya players like that because they are impatient. And even if you dash block to get in. If you don't time your dashes right which for some reason is kinda hard with sonya once you get midscreen, you get a gas blast to the face and you have to block the next one and work your way in again.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Skarlet imo is overrated. She is maybe top 15. Her zoning/spacing sucks because one bad trade and shes loosing. Its pretty easy to bait red slide and once sonya is in its over for her.
As far as zoning goes, all damage she takes gives her meter and the ability to comeback like quan chi. NEVER COUNT OUT SKARLET (unless she is meterless)
sonya's strings are able to be interrupted fairly easily. Ive been working on this with pig and I can armor, jump or poke. Her armor negates all of Sonya's armor. My goal as Skarlet is to let sonya get in, and counter her armor with mine. If you bait my armor...good for you, I might slide or get pressure and another option to do this. I might go for down slash and get comboed, but If I bait yours, good for me...I will win or at least get the life lead back.

This is a simple tactic that evens the playing field against all armor characters except kabal.


Freddy isn't that difficult I really think that MU needs to be played offline more. Kabal is serious for sonya. Look at her dash, compare her dash to cage. Cage's dash is fast and he dashes his full distance almost immediately. If you dash with sonya its weird idk. Its hard to explain but if I show you then you'll know what I'm talking about. By time sonya is midscreen/ jumping distance away, she has to take tiny little dashes to get in which is hard and if you mess up a dash because your so close to kabal you get hit by gas blasts.
Her dash is actually better than his for the entire length. It's an almost negligible difference, but it's still better. I think Cage's "giant" character model makes it seems like he is going faster.


Lol dude she is too good. But yea for sure freddy needs to be seen more. Freddy doesn't have Kabal or Kenshi zoning imo. You can avoid most of his stuff and its not as overwhelming. On the other hand Kabal is that bad. I'll play you in that MU you'll see why its bad. There no way of getting in unless you jump or ex cartwheel. You also have to be careful of his zoning mixups and not fall for any NDC into gas blast. I get alot of sonya players like that because they are impatient. And even if you dash block to get in. If you don't time your dashes right which for some reason is kinda hard with sonya once you get midscreen, you get a gas blast to the face and you have to block the next one and work your way in again.
i've ran this match with dab, and i can manage to get in and cause havoc. I feel the reason kabal really gives her issues would be the buzzsaw bcuz i have to respect it and it blows up d4s. His iagb aren't hard to avoid, but avoiding things like dash cancel in front of her and grab/overhead/buzzsaw aren't easy to deal with. I know sonya can option select his wakeups with ex cartwheel/ blow up all crossup attempts with ex cartwheel. Divekick can be deadly bcuz one read on a buzzsaw, and that's lights out. Also can she punish his buzzsaw with 114 to etc .?

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
i've ran this match with dab, and i can manage to get in and cause havoc. I feel the reason kabal really gives her issues would be the buzzsaw bcuz i have to respect it and it blows up d4s. His iagb aren't hard to avoid, but avoiding things like dash cancel in front of her and grab/overhead/buzzsaw aren't easy to deal with. I know sonya can option select his wakeups with ex cartwheel/ blow up all crossup attempts with ex cartwheel. Divekick can be deadly bcuz one read on a buzzsaw, and that's lights out. Also can she punish his buzzsaw with 114 to etc .?
punishing buzzsaw on block up close is a dream for me. This is a MU breaker IMO and something that most of the cast cannot do.