I think this was the crux of the issue; it's that we know it's possible to have good online player in a fighter, because there are other fighters that do it.I have a great connection in games like AE 2012, VF, SFxT, MvC3, UMK3, 3S, and other fighters, as well as FPS's (but FPS's don't count). And my internet isn't very good at all. Yet in MK9 it's gutter trash and almost 100% unplayable.
They have a lot to prove to the buying public? Nope. MK9 sold millions of copies and was critically acclaimed. They really have very little to prove to the public at large. It's just a small niche of people that are highly critical and extremely picky, and make little difference in sales of the game.That being said, they still have a fair bit to prove to the buying public ..
Overall, netplay has never been a top priority -- and now it sounds like it's being given the utmost priority, so anyone who thinks there won't be a noticeable improvement is off their rocker imo

Also remember that MK9 -> Injustice is much less of a drastic shift programming-wise than MKDC->MK9.. That means that NRS should have more time to focus on getting the details right, and that's what the developer comments reflect.