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k when you do the b2,3 bomb to f+4 when do you throw the enhanced bomb so it hits?
Try following up the regular bomb with at least 3,2 before you attempt the f4. And the question is not when to throw the ex bomb (cancel into to it from the f4), but when to throw the f4. Answer: when your opponents feet are at approximately Smokes shoulders. Practice.

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Coward Character User
Looking at @MikeMetroid's thread about anti-wakeup option selects reminded of some things i use, they aren't as good as the ones he showed but they're useful at times nonetheless.

D4~Shake Cancel is the universal tool, against Johnny Cage a slightly spaced D4~shake will make a nutpunch wake-up whiff and you can cancel into either a full combo or pressure if they decide to block. Flip kick and shadow kick hit but they both send you full screen and are are super risky for their reward.

D4~Shake Cancel to stop any projectile wake-ups. I mainly use this on Kabal for grindwheel, or Liu Kang for Ex Low Fireball.

Every character can counter this but they're all risky, smoke can play a decent option select where he either parries or can continue pressure because of this. Use it, don't use it, up to you. Just thought i'd mention it as those are the most notable uses for it.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Looking at @MikeMetroid's thread about anti-wakeup option selects reminded of some things i use, they aren't as good as the ones he showed but they're useful at times nonetheless.

D4~Shake Cancel is the universal tool, against Johnny Cage a slightly spaced D4~shake will make a nutpunch wake-up whiff and you can cancel into either a full combo or pressure if they decide to block. Flip kick and shadow kick hit but they both send you full screen and are are super risky for their reward.

D4~Shake Cancel to stop any projectile wake-ups. I mainly use this on Kabal for grindwheel, or Liu Kang for Ex Low Fireball.

Every character can counter this but they're all risky, smoke can play a decent option select where he either parries or can continue pressure because of this. Use it, don't use it, up to you. Just thought i'd mention it as those are the most notable uses for it.
I honestly never really thought of D4 shake as a tool to help with punishing wakeups, but I don't see myself really using it that much personally. I am probably never going to be in Cage's face on wake up and if he uses nut punch I prob will be in position to punish it with smoke bomb or 21~SB if it is on block. Personally I won't play Smoke against Kabal but I can see it being useful if you are reading that the opponent is waking up with a ton of ground saws. I can really see the D4 Shake being good against the Liu Kang stuff like you were saying.


EX Ovi should launch
Looking at @MikeMetroid's thread about anti-wakeup option selects reminded of some things i use, they aren't as good as the ones he showed but they're useful at times nonetheless.

D4~Shake Cancel is the universal tool, against Johnny Cage a slightly spaced D4~shake will make a nutpunch wake-up whiff and you can cancel into either a full combo or pressure if they decide to block. Flip kick and shadow kick hit but they both send you full screen and are are super risky for their reward.

D4~Shake Cancel to stop any projectile wake-ups. I mainly use this on Kabal for grindwheel, or Liu Kang for Ex Low Fireball.

Every character can counter this but they're all risky, smoke can play a decent option select where he either parries or can continue pressure because of this. Use it, don't use it, up to you. Just thought i'd mention it as those are the most notable uses for it.
Something really old i looked into a while ago (but stopped because i wasnt playing the game seriously much) was using this in front of wake-ups;

3 b d f1+blk 2 (slide input over bdf and hit 1+block)

The way this works is that standing 3 has a good amount of coverage and active frames, and 3d12 is fine to perform over someone waking up who is not using a wake up attack, so the outcomes will be as follows.

If they DO use a wake up attack (take note, only SOME wakeups will be stuffed by this, others will beat it, i was not finished compiling any sort of list before i stopped playing) the active frames of the 3, if spaced in front of them slightly, will connect with the wake-up attacks hit box, causing 3 to immediately cancel into EX Shake, stuffing the wakeup.

If they DO NOT use a wake up, and stay down, the 3 whiffs, the special will not come out, and you will instead do 3d12.

If they stand up and block, you will still cancel into the EX Shake, but this isnt always a bad thing as you can dash out, create space, cross up, you know the drill.

Basically just going on this you can make yourself safe to a wide array of certain characters wakeups, and also keep the grounded pressure going, such as after the infamous tele whiff after a knockdown.


Lord of the Sick
This has probably been asked over and over, but I don't know where to look so I'll ask here.
After a neutral jump punch teleport there is a small chance that the teleport will connect on the first hit and drop the combo. I was wondering if there was a way around this or if the double dash is the only guaranteed method.
This has probably been asked over and over, but I don't know where to look so I'll ask here.
After a neutral jump punch teleport there is a small chance that the teleport will connect on the first hit and drop the combo. I was wondering if there was a way around this or if the double dash is the only guaranteed method.
The only way to avoid it is practice and better execution.


Hey guys whats up.As a Sub Zero player looking as Smoke as my backup,what is the do/don't when it comes to playing Smoke????


You need to capitalize on smokes strengths, which are, IMO: his mobility, damage output including resets, pokes, and anti zoning capability, and a nice standing 2 anti air.

All of these elements come into play at different times, which are match up dependant. Smoke is very versatile and can be played as a rush down and a turtling character. He doesn't really zone because he doesn't have consistent long screen damage out put, but for example when playing vs sub as smoke, if smoke has the life lead he can sit full screen and either shake a freeze or punish a slide for 40%.

Basics I'd say you should try to get down are spacing on pokes and other footsie tools, b2 overhead, shake on reaction, 40% bnbs with reset capability including corner bnbs which vary not too much from mid screen bnbs, and eventually work on standing 2 and d1 anti air. Specific match up experience will come over time, naturally.

I would suggest watching some tournament footage and also combo videos, names to look out for include wafflez, xsmokex, gross, and tony t has an amazing smoke combo video that showcases reset potential.

Hope this helps. I'll answer any questions of yours that I have answers for.


Actually I was working with F4 last night and I have found something.

If you F4 you can either smoke towards or away on reaction, and if you land a F4 then smoke away, you can immediately telepunch whiff and start pressure on the opponent. It throws people off and changes the direction of wakeup inputs very quickly if you do it right.

Also I guess it's worth mentioning that it's not any different than ending a combo and using tele whiff to pressure, but people aren't used to this yet, that and you aren't visible for very long after smoke away.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Do you have any general advice against Sonya?
Smoke bomb trades with d4 for full combo, standing 2 will beat all jump ins, including dive kick (usually).

When she has a bar, respect ex cartwheel at all times

I use it.... it kinda sucks. It doesn't go over a lot of stuff you think it would.
Goes over stuff? I don't know what you mean. Last time I played Claude vonstroke I used it to discourage f3 abuse (with mixed results but there could be something there)


Mmmm. Getting blown by reptile. Dat forked tongue.

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