Alright, Im going on about two hours of sleep here, but there is just so much miscommunication and jumping to conclusions going on in this thread that I feel like I have to address it. It kills me that we busted out asses, stood on our feet all day and blew our voices out shouting for matches all day and broke our backs hauling and setting up gear for you guys to then be told that we are basically dirty scumbags who rig brackets and dont give a shit about the players. I killed myself for you guys and it is just utterly thankless and I will never do it again.
So first.
1. This isnt an MLG event. We took other tournaments into consideration besides MLG when seeding the brackets, however MLG events were also taken into account as well. Bluenine has placed top8 in at least two east coast majors in recent history and that was why he was seeded high in his pool.
2. RIU48 was not just dropped into a pool. RIU48 had made arrangements with us weeks ago to be placed into one of the last pools because he couldnt get there until late. If he got there before he had to play, great, if not we would DQ him. But that was weeks ago and I had a million things going on at the time so I forgot to add him to the pool when we were making them earlier in the day. We were behind the 8 ball on time because registrations for MK9 had been so delayed that I was focusing on getting the pools done and seeded properly and the RIU48 thing just totally slipped my mind and I didnt remember it until RIU literally drove up and I went "oh shit!" So I asked Phil if it was still ok to add him because it was my fault that I had forgotten about him in the first place and he said fine because those pools hadnt even started yet(and in fact wouldnt start until the next day, but thats a whole nother story)
So if you guys want to crucify me for forgetting to add RIU48 to the pool earlier in the day when I should have, go ahead. All I can say is I was working like a slave trying to make up for all the lost time due to registrations running behind and my mind was running at a hundred miles and hour with people breathing down my neck to get this thing going and I just forgot. It wasnt a conspiracy, it wasnt bracket rigging. I forgot to add him because of all I had going on and because the arrangement with RIU48 had been made weeks ago and just wasnt in the front of my mind.
3. The MK community has this unfortunate belief that it is the only, and most important community in the world and that all tournaments should revolve around them and cater to them. That is a happy fantasy world, but by all means continue living in it if it makes you happy. There are other games that have to have registrations besides ours. I was down in the MK room at 10am Saturday morning(after having been there until 6am setting up) and I wanted to start registrations at 12pm for MK9. When I came to the registration area the first game up was Marvel teams was supposed to start registrations at 9:30am. Can someone please tell me what fuckin Marvel player gets up at 9:30am? Yea I thought not. None of them, because they are all up playing casuals until 7am in their hotel rooms. The players fuck with registrations more than anyone else. So Marvel falls behind, the games behind it fall behind and MK9 falls behind, because its a domino effect. So instead of 12pm MK registrations got pushed back to like 2:30 pm. Yea that sucks. But its totally beyond our control and there wasnt anything we could do about it.
It took us about an hour to make the pools and seed them so that brought us to 3:30 and then we had to deal with 16Bit who had issues with the brackets, that were ultimately resolved(correct Bit?) and nothing about the brackets was changed with the exception of adding RIU48 later on which I explained above.
4. As to the issue of people playing in the tournament being involved in making brackets. Yes I had Swift Tom Hanks and Claude von stroke helping me(I had like a fucking hour to get this shit done guys, I needed help) But I and only I had the ultimate say on the final brackets, and I did not play in the tournament. I still say those brackets were seeded as best as could have been done. We took everything into account. Tournament placings, regions, relatives, team mates. The one thing we dont take into account is match ups. Sorry guys if you only want good matchups in your pools, then play fucking Kabal. Thats all I can tell you. So if you want to blow someone up about the brackets then blow me up because mine was the final word on it. Not Swifts and not Claude's. And I stand by those brackets and nothing was changed about them other than the RIU48 thing. I cant give people free rides to top8. Every pool was stacked with top players, the way it should be. You want to get into top 8? Be better than your opponents. Its a fuckin tournament! Your there to test yourselves against the very best, not see if you can sneak your way out of pools. Fuck.
5. The PS3/Asus lag on Phils stream station. I was not involved with this because Swift Tom Hanks and I were busy blowing our voices out running pools for 12 hours. But from what Tom Brady told me on the ride home. Tom was the first to bring it to Phils attention and Phil reset the Asus and the PS3 and then everything was fine. But Il let Phil handle this one, as I really wasnt involved with it.
All in all Im sick to death of this community, its elitism, its gimme gimme, serve me, cater to me, be at my beck and call, when I want, how I want attitude. We broke our asses for you guys for two days straight, brought tons and tons of gear that we spent our own money on, ran two streams simultaniously the whole time plus recorded matches on yet another station(Thank you Pherleece

) and because of a few problems that were beyond our control, and because people want to jump to conclusions rather than ask us whats going on, we are gonna get blown up and shit on for all the hard work we did solely for you guys and to try and give you the best tournament we could.
Fuck you all, that is all.