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The Tierlist is ALMOST Correct



MITDJT, you aren't going to change my mind if you beat me. You also won't change my mind about Liu even if you win NEC. It's possible to win 4-6 disadvantage match-ups. Many players have done it to me before with numerous characters. I laid out all the reasons for why I have Liu placed where he is. I don't care if player X wins major with Liu or player Y beats player Z with Liu.

If you're "serious" about playing my Kabal then I'll $100 money match you at NEC in a first to three or five. I just hope you can break the record for other Liu Kang players who have fought my Kabal in tournament / money match and actually get more than one win.



MITDJT, you aren't going to change my mind if you beat me. You also won't change my mind about Liu even if you win NEC. It's possible to win 4-6 disadvantage match-ups. Many players have done it to me before with numerous characters. I laid out all the reasons for why I have Liu placed where he is. I don't care if player X wins major with Liu or player Y beats player Z with Liu.

If you're "serious" for playing my Kabal then I'll $100 you at NEC in a first to three or five. I just hope you can break the record for other Liu Kang players who have fought my Kabal in tournament / money match and actually get more than one win.
LMAO, dude i'm telling you right now that you aren't rdy for what my liu brings to the table in that mu. 5-5, and I'll prove it too. I dnt need no MM to prove anything, we can run a ft10 match, long set to prove my point. You dnt even use liu kang in tournament lol, i've been using him for ages and you dnt understand him like i do, so stop with this stuff you saying about liu bcuz you aren't right. How you going to tell me liu isn't top 10 when you nvr even use him/ dnt even understand him at the highest lvl? that's like me saying i understand kabal better than you LMAO, and we all know that isn't true. 5-5, i'm done with this bs and downplay, stop with the theories. Too bad i won't be at NEC, i would've been showing you up for sure and changing your mind, you best not underestimate me with liu, it is a mistake I will gladly take advantage of. Also, mygod did very well vs you at dallas, showing how tough liu is for kabal. Liu only has like what, 5 bad mus maybe, maybe less so dnt act like he isn't top 10. I'm done with the downplay, i know what he can do and you dnt.


Why is everyone so loopy about tier lists and how characters are perceived? You guys take this shit waaay too seriously. Tier lists don't help anything, like, they're pretty much pointless. I honestly don't see this in any other game but MK9. This meaning all the top players going crazy over this petty non-sense.
i will always be willing to debate when i see a misconception ppl have, nothing really senseless about it. This just shows that this game isn't dead and is evolving, which is why we bumping heads about characters.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
i will always be willing to debate when i see a misconception ppl have, nothing really senseless about it. This just shows that this game isn't dead and is evolving, which is why we bumping heads about characters.
It is senseless though. If the community for some reason decided Sheeva was the best, would that change anything? No, it wouldn't. No one would suddenly pick her up because other people think she's the best. This community puts entirely too much stock in tier lists, it's very weird and kinda annoying. Tier lists are meaningless. Any character can win at any given moment. And when a low tier character wins, people think that character is somehow magically top 10 or better than they were. No, that isn't how tier lists work. Tier lists are based on match-ups on paper. They do not factor in player ability at all. Kabal is #1 based on his match-ups, that doesn't mean he can't lose. It also doesn't mean if Stryker beats him, that Stryker is better. The MK9 community doesn't seem to realize that.


REO, we'll just leave this issue alone until I get to fight you. Theories and arguments won't solve a thing, so lets just do the reasonable thing and play it out, simple as that.


It is senseless though. If the community for some reason decided Sheeva was the best, would that change anything? No, it wouldn't. No one would suddenly pick her up because other people think she's the best. This community puts entirely too much stock in tier lists, it's very weird and kinda annoying. Tier lists are meaningless. Any character can win at any given moment. And when a low tier character wins, people think that character is somehow magically top 10 or better than they were. No, that isn't how tier lists work. Tier lists are based on match-ups on paper. They do not factor in player ability at all. Kabal is #1 based on his match-ups, that doesn't mean he can't lose. He also doesn't mean if Stryker beats him, that Stryker is better. The MK9 community doesn't seem to realize that.
I've known player > character for a long time haha, same with many others. prime example, me winning with scorpion at evo, obviously kabal dominates him but me as a player made scorpion work.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
dude stop with that, he didn't get top 8 evo and that's just the facts. Also he doesn't even play anymore LMAO, so i dnt want to hear anything about that. He may have played him first in a major, but WC has brought out the highest number of top liu kangs and the list shows: Shoryuken, me, denzell, xblades. I'm not dissing him or anything like that either, just stating the facts. Also me and denzell played online with liu and were number 1 on psn and used him from the game's start, so yeah we have been using him haha.
Yea that's all good. You said your the only ones who "think he is good" and the only ones who "have done anything with him" and I'm just calling BS.

You and the west coast have done well. I'm just asking you to not forget who used him first. Cause redd made waves with that Asian. And ATL has known this since the beginning so don't be so mello dramatic.


Yea that's all good. You said your the only ones who "think he is good" and the only ones who "have done anything with him" and I'm just calling BS.

You and the west coast have done well. I'm just asking you to not forget who used him first. Cause redd made waves with that Asian. And ATL has known this since the beginning so don't be so mello dramatic.
quite true sir.


It is senseless though. If the community for some reason decided Sheeva was the best, would that change anything? No, it wouldn't. No one would suddenly pick her up because other people think she's the best. This community puts entirely too much stock in tier lists, it's very weird and kinda annoying. Tier lists are meaningless. Any character can win at any given moment. And when a low tier character wins, people think that character is somehow magically top 10 or better than they were. No, that isn't how tier lists work. Tier lists are based on match-ups on paper. They do not factor in player ability at all. Kabal is #1 based on his match-ups, that doesn't mean he can't lose. He also doesn't mean if Stryker beats him, that Stryker is better. The MK9 community doesn't seem to realize that.
I would love it for someone to correct me if I am wrong but let me say this. I believe our community is packed with low-confidence players. The reason I say this is because we are so obsessed by trying to figure out who is top just so we can ditch the characters we enjoy playing only to play some character we believe is to be considered the best. This happens because of the low confidence in one's own talent. Before you bark at me and tell me everyone would just be playing Kabal let me remind you that most of these people can't handle the execution requirements and because of this they want to go for the next best thing.

Whoever can muster the courage to correct me will be challenged by the fact that in general tournament players keep saying you are playing the player not only the character.

Jeremiah beat Kabal with Sheeva
Maxter beat CD's Kit with Stryker
One week end we had two week-end tournaments won both by Sektor
Liu made top 8 at both EVO's
Pig beats KL's with his Mileena
MIT beat Detroit's Kabal with Scorpion

The list goes on guys.

Just pick a character you like, shut up, level up and go kick some ass already.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Guys, guys... lbsh.

I got second place to Pig's Kenshi at a major with Sub Zero.

Sub Zero is obviously top 5 cause of that.

You guys do realize, that's about how retarded you all sound.
Why is everyone so loopy about tier lists and how characters are perceived? You guys take this shit waaay too seriously. Tier lists don't help anything, like, they're pretty much pointless. I honestly don't see this in any other game but MK9. This meaning all the top players going crazy over this petty non-sense.
Yeah, I saw someone body people with Gen in Canada Cup, that was super fun to watch. Isn't Gen ass?


I would love it for someone to correct me if I am wrong but let me say this. I believe our community is packed with non-tournament attending low-confidence players. The reason I say this is because we are so obsessed by trying to figure out who is top just so we can ditch the characters we enjoy playing only to play some character we believe is to be considered the best. This happens because of the low confidence in one's own talent. Before you bark at me and tell me everyone would just be playing Kabal let me remind you that most of these people can't handle the execution requirements and because of this they want to go for the next best thing.

Whoever can muster the courage to correct me will be challenged by the fact that in general tournament players keep saying you are playing the player not only the character.

Jeremiah beat Kabal with Sheeva
Maxter beat CD's Kit with Stryker
One week end we had two week-end tournaments won both by Sektor
Liu made top 8 at both EVO's
Pig beats KL's with his Mileena
MIT beat Detroit's Kabal with Scorpion

The list goes on guys.

Just pick a character you like, shut up, level up and go kick some ass already.
you know what bro, I can respect this comment alot. Tbh, shouldn't even be worrying about ppl's opinions, like they matter bcuz opinions will nvr be complete fact so we'll just keep arguing all day.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Obviously whatever Scar has showed people at Dallas is changing people's minds, because I have never lost to a Skarlet when I play Kung Lao and I always have trouble vs Kung Lao whenever I play Skarlet
Because as skarlet you don't know how to play this MU, you let him too much free room to do what he wants.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
To me, her blockstrings, frametraps and setups are more enticing that maxing damage.
If I get a good loop going, that's awesome, but I play her more like a Quan and try and force mistakes and get inside their head.
But then again, the same could be said of Rain and those who play him like a CD Jr and do the same.
Always play one move ahead of your opponent at the minimum.