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Question BLOODY HOT! - The Skarlet Gameplay Discussion Thread

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
Saw this in a Shang Tsung topic but what do you guys think of using Skarlet's d3 to avoid cross-ups?
skarlets hitbox is tiny wen she uses d3 im terrible at reactin to jump ins and d3 saves me some hassle , her uppercut has a nice hitbox as well


I would like to know why people don't use b2, red dash etc..? I mean, it makes it more safe on block (we can still slide if we see the opponent blocking) and regain a bit of meter. We also can still make +46% combos.


I would like to know why people don't use d2, red dash etc..? I mean, it makes it more safe on block (we can still slide if we see the opponent blocking) and regain a bit of meter. We also can still make +46% combos.
New uppercut tech? ;) I assume you meant back 2. It's slow to hit and recover so you can't throw it out unless you use a jump punch. That's probably the main reason, other than less meter building.


Yeah, b2, but I mean, jump punch, b2, red dash, downslash is better than jump punch, b2, down slash right (especially on block) ? But I never see it, so I was asking why =_O


Video explanation of doing Skarlet's deep jump kick OS Air Dagger:

This is an OS (Option Select) for Skarlet that can lead into a blockstring or full combo after a deep jump kick. This was inspired by Tom Brady's OS Ice Clone for Sub-Zero.

After a deep jump kick, Skarlet can throw an Air Dagger and get a full combo. When doing a deep jump kick, you have to input D, F, 1 before you touch the ground. If you input it too early, the Air Dagger won't connect. If the opponent is standing, the Air Dagger will connect. However, you don't get as much advantage and the opponent can crouch right away. This means you will have to use B1, 1, F4, which can be poked out of. If you input it too late, Skarlet will do a regular Dagger Toss on the ground. If the opponent is standing, you can do 1, 1, 4, Double Dagger. If the opponent is crouching, some characters can duck under 1. This means you will have to use B1, 1, F4, which cannot be poked out of.

This is also similar to Sektor's OS Teleport Uppercut I posted in the Sektor forums, except a little more strict on the timing. Of course, you should always go for jump punches, but there will be times where a jump punch won't connect and you will have to use a deep jump kick. What's good about this is you don't have to hit confirm like other jump kick combos, and Skarlet's hit confirmable deep jump kick combos are hard to do. This also works on crouching opponents, whereas combos like DJK, dash, F4, Red Dash, Up Slash etc. will not work. Btw, this is not new tech or anything.


RedRaptor10, you're an amazing Skarlet contributor man. like it a lot.
Thanks Eddy.

Some people were confused with the OS Air Dagger video as I didn't explain what the actual option select was. When doing Skarlet's deep jump kick combo, you have to commit to the Air Dagger. Your opponent either blocks the deep jump kick and the Air Dagger doesn't come out, or he gets hit and you get a full combo.


Neutral Jump Punch Air Dagger

If you whiff a NJP and throw an Air Dagger right away, you won't be able to combo. If the opponent blocks the Air Dagger, you can be anti-aired. However, if you delay the Air Dagger, you will be safe on block. If the opponent tires to anti-air, he will be hit and you can start pressure. Delaying the Air Dagger also allows you to confirm the NJP into a full combo.

When I was first learning Skarlet, I've been doing a lot of NJP Air Daggers and it resulted in my opponent being hit by the Air Dagger and not giving me a NJP combo. If you delay the Air Dagger though, not only will you be safe from being anti-aired, but you can also hit confirm the NJP into a full combo without throwing the dagger. People who try to anti-air or jump out after a whiffed NJP will get hit by the Air Dagger and you have enough advantage to dash in for a blockstring. It can still be armored out of.

Thanks to Ninj for his match videos showing me how good her NJP is and thanks to Somberness for the frame data.


Hey guys I was messing around in Training Mode and I'm not sure if this is new tech but let's say you're doing F2, 1, 2, 1+2 on a crouch blocking opponent. Most opponents will fuzzy guard the overhead, but instead of doing the overhead if you use a regular dagger toss (goes over their head), dash cancel out of it, you can catch your opponent stand blocking so you can do 1, 1, 4, EX Dagger. This can be poked out of so I'm not sure how viable it is. I'll try to make a video later but just wanted to get your opinions.


Bait/reversing wake-up shenanigans:

Midscreen after a forward throw you can do a neutral Red Dash to bait a wake-up attack. 6 or 7 frame wake-up attacks can still hit you before you can block, but any others you can block in time and punish. It's probably not that good since if they don't do a wake-up attack you'd be at -7, but then you can mix it with delayed Red Slides or something.

In the corner you can forward throw then do a neutral Red Dash to reverse your opponent's wake-up attack inputs. Again it's still beatable by 6 or 7 frame wake-up attacks and you'd be putting yourself in the corner.

Also in the corner after a F4, 3 on hit you can do a neutral Red Dash to bait a wake-up attack. You can block all wake-up attacks including tech rolled wake-up attacks. If your opponent doesn't tech roll, it reverses your opponent's inputs but you're put into the corner. You can also step back after the neutral Red Dash to put yourself back outside the corner and reversing your opponent's inputs again. If your opponent does tech roll, then it doesn't reverse his inputs. Also you're at advantage if your opponent doesn't do a wake-up attack. You get more advantage if you anti-air with F4, 3.

Red Son

I'm having problems by executing her Iafbs I'm trying it all day and it don't come out...The command is the same as Kitana's, and believe me I can do Kitana's Iafbs pretty consistently, but Skarlet's is the most hard ever, there's any shortcut to it? Can someone explain how to do it consistently?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm having problems by executing her Iafbs I'm trying it all day and it don't come out...The command is the same as Kitana's, and believe me I can do Kitana's Iafbs pretty consistently, but Skarlet's is the most hard ever, there's any shortcut to it? Can someone explain how to do it consistently?
There is no short cut, you have to learn how to input DF incredibly fast at the just frame speed.

and its a must have tool that actually helps a lot

Red Son

And....I stay here -.- next character! =D

Ohh, tsung seems ok

Kkkk...till next week I'll be doing it right, I promisse

PS: There's a human being that can do it 10 times in a row?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
i can only do 3 in a row, but the important is always being able to nail the 1st one everytime you try


Dojo Trainee
i have a question, and if you laugh at me i will slap you all. i have been quietly getting better and better with skarlet. she is a complex character, but very worth it. unfortunately, i am having trouble consistently with one particular Mu...baraka. i use him quite a bit, am very familiar with him, and know that despite his low-tier status he still can cause headaches. and right now he is in the way of my leveling up with skarlet. please share some secrets/hints/tips to help me learn this match-up. his spinning blades on wake-up is causing much trouble for me, as is getting close enough to start a good combo without eating that or his chop-chop. my EN slides are not doing it. please enlighten and illuminate me.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
i have a question, and if you laugh at me i will slap you all. i have been quietly getting better and better with skarlet. she is a complex character, but very worth it. unfortunately, i am having trouble consistently with one particular Mu...baraka. i use him quite a bit, am very familiar with him, and know that despite his low-tier status he still can cause headaches. and right now he is in the way of my leveling up with skarlet. please share some secrets/hints/tips to help me learn this match-up. his spinning blades on wake-up is causing much trouble for me, as is getting close enough to start a good combo without eating that or his chop-chop. my EN slides are not doing it. please enlighten and illuminate me.
Skarlet can go trough wakeup attacks simply by armoring it, most of the cast can't even wakeup properly without being punished.

it depends of how you manage your meter, how you spend it and how you built it, if wakeup attacks is what is holding your back, show them the power of "Read" by simulating an offensive and armor the wakeup.


A little more to U34 down dagger in the corner: After a blocked u34 down dagger, a lot of people like to either poke or jump out. Jumping forward into a down dagger will hit them out of their poke but if they jump then you can be hit out of the air. This is where I've been messing around with EX Air dagger because it covers the entire corner so the dagger will hit them if they try to jump or poke or do anything besides armoring out. It might be a waste of meter though but once you get them to respect that EX Air Dagger then you can just move in for more blockstrings. Also on block you're at around +3 but there's pushback. After the EX Air Dagger is blocked if they try to jump out you can 114 them out of the air but they can also poke instead so your standing 1 will whiff. Video might come next week...


Also been messing around with UsedForGlue 's stagger string stuff (I think that's what it's called). Like if you do standing 2 (which is 0 on block), then B1, 1, F4 you get another blocked hit, which isn't much. but if they try to poke out after standing 2 and instead you do 2, 1, 2 then you can hit confirm it into a combo. But if you're gonna do standing 2 then B1, 1, F4 and they jump over you then you eat a full combo so idk how viable it is. It might be better to do the throw mix-up with 2, 1, 2 after a standing reset cuz they can't jump out of the throw (like Sub-Zero's throw/2,1 mix-up).


Also been messing around with UsedForGlue 's stagger string stuff (I think that's what it's called). Like if you do standing 2 (which is 0 on block), then B1, 1, F4 you get another blocked hit, which isn't much. but if they try to poke out after standing 2 and instead you do 2, 1, 2 then you can hit confirm it into a combo. But if you're gonna do standing 2 then B1, 1, F4 and they jump over you then you eat a full combo so idk how viable it is. It might be better to do the throw mix-up with 2, 1, 2 after a standing reset cuz they can't jump out of the throw (like Sub-Zero's throw/2,1 mix-up).
You sure 212 works on a opponent going into crouch?
I've tried it several times and for some reason the 1 always whiffed, this was after a +12 frame red dash reset where the 2 still connected.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
You sure 212 works on a opponent going into crouch?
I've tried it several times and for some reason the 1 always whiffed, this was after a +12 frame red dash reset where the 2 still connected.
if you do a reset with high enough advantage (minimal air hits)...the 2 will hit and if you finish with 212 the whole thing will combo.