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Question BLOODY HOT! - The Skarlet Gameplay Discussion Thread

I have the habit of jumping too much and wasting meter with EX dash what do you guys do after a d1,d3 and d4 I always tend to jump and i want to stop it I need to play more footsie.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I have the habit of jumping too much and wasting meter with EX dash what do you guys do after a d1,d3 and d4 I always tend to jump and i want to stop it I need to play more footsie.
d1 i cancel into dagger a lot

d3 goes into f4 rd

d4 gets a f4 rd too or a d3.

sometimes i jump too but it depends on what my opponent does. its all about reads really.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I have the habit of jumping too much and wasting meter with EX dash what do you guys do after a d1,d3 and d4 I always tend to jump and i want to stop it I need to play more footsie.

D1 is only good to stop pressure, i avoid canceling into anything, but when i do, i immediately slide, in case they tries to poke out

D3 has 2 different hit advantage, vs standing opponents, it will give skarlet +3 of frame advantage, this should grant another d3 at least, if you're too slow hitting between Frame advantages with F4 in this situation the opponent may possibly successful jump out of your pressure.
Vs crouch opponents it gives +10 of frame advantage, its safer to F4 here if they're trying to poke out or jump out, but don't get careless, they can still armor out.

D4 vs standing gives +11 of frame advantage, you can F4 here too, but you have to make sure it will connect otherwise you'll hesitate on hit confirm The downslash after the F4. Don't forget they can still armor out
I normally go for 114 and mix here between exdagger canceling to F2121+2( Chip Damage and regain the spent meter), empty dash/slide, or simply do nothing depending of how i read their tendencies and counter-reads, or F4 to punish despair reactions.
Vs crouch will only give +4 and has a sort of push back.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Can someone post a video of Skarlet doing dagger cancel. I want to see how fast it can be.
Just give me a few days ok?, i don't remember of seen an actual dagger spamming post patch, i will have have to record, both air and ground.
Or any other skarlet player will possibly post before me.

Edit: This one should have it, Credits goes to RedRaptor10



Just give me a few days ok?, i don't remember of seen an actual dagger spamming post patch, i will have have to record, both air and ground.
Or any other skarlet player will possibly post before me.

Edit: This one should have it, Credits goes to RedRaptor10

I did that on a PS3 pad. I think she can go faster than that.


I can do it perfectly on a Xbox 360 controller, PS3 controller fucks it up sometimes for me :(.

If you do perfect dagger cancels without a delay what so ever, Skarlet will move slightly forward.
So depends on what Samiish04 asks. The fastest she can do in general or where she doesn't move forward or where she moves a little bit backward?


While we're on the subject of dagger spamming...does anyone else spam them as much as I do? I believe rapid firing ground daggers is a bit better than just using instant air daggers because when people are dash+d3ing past them, you can always throw that 2nd dagger to hit them in the middle of their dash. I'm not saying you shouldn't use iaD, but a mixture of ground and air daggers makes her zoning/keepaway game really good.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
While we're on the subject of dagger spamming...does anyone else spam them as much as I do? I believe rapid firing ground daggers is a bit better than just using instant air daggers because when people are dash+d3ing past them, you can always throw that 2nd dagger to hit them in the middle of their dash. I'm not saying you shouldn't use iaD, but a mixture of ground and air daggers makes her zoning/keepaway game really good.
I Do not spam much daggers on ground necessarily, though some characters may find difficult to get in, the trade risk against some characters like Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Scorpion, Smoke can be too great, you can't block during the dash cancel animations frames, and if you hold for the second dagger still may possibly be not look good for skarlet, it makes harder to avoid trades.

That is why i prefer spamming iaD sometimes, even if it will not regularly touch them in the tip of their head, the recovery is as near as none, and you can block once the tip of her toe reaches the ground, armor or in special cases avoid the projectile in question with another iaD move or simply jump out of it.

I need some advice about Skarlet give me any tips or what am doing Wrong you can be mean if you want :).


You have a great patience overall i like it. Nice AA maneuver, i dunno how the lag delay is for you, the Online Skarlet and Offline Skarlet are somewhat different, normally thing you do with skarlet on an Online match you wouldn't do it offline.

The Advice that is to be given to you it will depent of where you use skarlet more, Online of Offline
RedRaptor10 has the best online skarlet i ever seen, so he should be able to spot things i may miss, since i'm offline skarlet player.

Hum, to start off, your slide is only -3, on a offline match would put the opponent on a dramatical situation where he would have to choose to poke right after to avoid pressure, bait armor, or getting pressured again, which could also result on a read from you and expect this poke to counter poke and restart your pressure. Online you should abuse of D4~Red Dash~Slide every time you can, the lag delay makes nearly impossible to counter poke to stop your pressure.

Also try to save meter and avoid punish fast recovering projectiles with ex dash~down slash or up slash in some cases, down slash is also hardly punishable on block online, offline is highly punishable(the frame disadvantage is -18).

Armor fast projectiles can be a good way to put you near and start your pressure with 114~rd~slide or any other string, you can also get a free grab since the majority of players who fights against Skarlet immediately block standing when they see her coming too fast as she glows red, it doesn't give them too much time to think about throw escape as long as you keep yourself non predictable.

Make aware of how distant crimson dash and red dash travels and last
Red Dash is 29 frames and cover about 1 step more of distance than regular dash
En Dash(Crimson Dash) last 27 frames and covers the same distance as 2 regular dashes
To get from one part of the screen to another fast you would need to dash then crimson dash to complet 3 regular dashes
If someone is using slow projectiles from 3 dashes away, don't use down slash if you crimson dash it, just get in there.

Don't forget, use D4~Red Dash more, is only -4 frames. Rushdown characters like Sonya and Cage have the upperhand fighting close, stay away from them as much as you can and use your daggers wisely, and try to keep them away with f4,3.

Strings you should avoid against more experienced skarlet opponents
b11b4 (highly punishable on block)
B113 (-13 on block, that is why killa rampage used the JC's Shadow kick to punish it)
F312 (slow, interruptible, and very negative on block)

Besides that, and what possibly miss, you're running a good skarlet, only the time that will be spent with her and how you develop your game will make you flesh out the best of her.

How long you're playing skarlet?


While we're on the subject of dagger spamming...does anyone else spam them as much as I do? I believe rapid firing ground daggers is a bit better than just using instant air daggers because when people are dash+d3ing past them, you can always throw that 2nd dagger to hit them in the middle of their dash. I'm not saying you shouldn't use iaD, but a mixture of ground and air daggers makes her zoning/keepaway game really good.
I spam daggers alot, mostly ground daggers because you do have that 2nd dagger you can just throw out there just in case they try to move too quickly. Only use IAD when I anticipate a jump.

Sometimes I just throw a IAD out there in the hope it's low enough to hit him and I can still block immediately.


I Do not spam much daggers on ground necessarily, though some characters may find difficult to get in, the trade risk against some characters like Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Scorpion, Smoke can be too great, you can't block during the dash cancel animations frames, and if you hold for the second dagger still may possibly be not look good for skarlet, it makes harder to avoid trades.

That is why i prefer spamming iaD sometimes, even if it will not regularly touch them in the tip of their head, the recovery is as near as none, and you can block once the tip of her toe reaches the ground, armor or in special cases avoid the projectile in question with another iaD move or simply jump out of it.

You have a great patience overall i like it. Nice AA maneuver, i dunno how the lag delay is for you, the Online Skarlet and Offline Skarlet are somewhat different, normally thing you do with skarlet on an Online match you wouldn't do it offline.

The Advice that is to be given to you it will depent of where you use skarlet more, Online of Offline
RedRaptor10 has the best online skarlet i ever seen, so he should be able to spot things i may miss, since i'm offline skarlet player.

Hum, to start off, your slide is only -3, on a offline match would put the opponent on a dramatical situation where he would have to choose to poke right after to avoid pressure, bait armor, or getting pressured again, which could also result on a read from you and expect this poke to counter poke and restart your pressure. Online you should abuse of D4~Red Dash~Slide every time you can, the lag delay makes nearly impossible to counter poke to stop your pressure.

Also try to save meter and avoid punish fast recovering projectiles with ex dash~down slash or up slash in some cases, down slash is also hardly punishable on block online, offline is highly punishable(the frame disadvantage is -18).

Armor fast projectiles can be a good way to put you near and start your pressure with 114~rd~slide or any other string, you can also get a free grab since the majority of players who fights against Skarlet immediately block standing when they see her coming too fast as she glows red, it doesn't give them too much time to think about throw escape as long as you keep yourself non predictable.

Make aware of how distant crimson dash and red dash travels and last
Red Dash is 29 frames and cover about 1 step more of distance than regular dash
En Dash(Crimson Dash) last 27 frames and covers the same distance as 2 regular dashes
To get from one part of the screen to another fast you would need to dash then crimson dash to complet 3 regular dashes
If someone is using slow projectiles from 3 dashes away, don't use down slash if you crimson dash it, just get in there.

Don't forget, use D4~Red Dash more, is only -4 frames. Rushdown characters like Sonya and Cage have the upperhand fighting close, stay away from them as much as you can and use your daggers wisely, and try to keep them away with f4,3.

Strings you should avoid against more experienced skarlet opponents
b11b4 (highly punishable on block)
B113 (-13 on block, that is why killa rampage used the JC's Shadow kick to punish it)
F312 (slow, interruptible, and very negative on block)

Besides that, and what possibly miss, you're running a good skarlet, only the time that will be spent with her and how you develop your game will make you flesh out the best of her.

How long you're playing skarlet?
You're right, against those characters ground daggers aren't good trades. Actually I don't think Shang Tsung can't do much against dagger spam because his ground skulls don't come out in time before the next dagger hits (this was from my experience with WoundCowboy, EMPEROR_DARK, and piemasterr from online, idk about offline). But against other characters like Cage, Sonya, Reptile, etc. I just spam ground daggers lol. And thanks for the compliment Eddy. :p

I can't watch the video Samiish04 posted because of the slow internet here, but I've played Samiish online before and I think he just picked up Skarlet. Samiish I can probably give you some advice if we play more maybe today or tomorrow.
I Do not spam much daggers on ground necessarily, though some characters may find difficult to get in, the trade risk against some characters like Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Scorpion, Smoke can be too great, you can't block during the dash cancel animations frames, and if you hold for the second dagger still may possibly be not look good for skarlet, it makes harder to avoid trades.

That is why i prefer spamming iaD sometimes, even if it will not regularly touch them in the tip of their head, the recovery is as near as none, and you can block once the tip of her toe reaches the ground, armor or in special cases avoid the projectile in question with another iaD move or simply jump out of it.

I picked Skarlet a couple of week ago and I mostly play online. Thx for ure tips

You have a great patience overall i like it. Nice AA maneuver, i dunno how the lag delay is for you, the Online Skarlet and Offline Skarlet are somewhat different, normally thing you do with skarlet on an Online match you wouldn't do it offline.

The Advice that is to be given to you it will depent of where you use skarlet more, Online of Offline
RedRaptor10 has the best online skarlet i ever seen, so he should be able to spot things i may miss, since i'm offline skarlet player.

Hum, to start off, your slide is only -3, on a offline match would put the opponent on a dramatical situation where he would have to choose to poke right after to avoid pressure, bait armor, or getting pressured again, which could also result on a read from you and expect this poke to counter poke and restart your pressure. Online you should abuse of D4~Red Dash~Slide every time you can, the lag delay makes nearly impossible to counter poke to stop your pressure.

Also try to save meter and avoid punish fast recovering projectiles with ex dash~down slash or up slash in some cases, down slash is also hardly punishable on block online, offline is highly punishable(the frame disadvantage is -18).

Armor fast projectiles can be a good way to put you near and start your pressure with 114~rd~slide or any other string, you can also get a free grab since the majority of players who fights against Skarlet immediately block standing when they see her coming too fast as she glows red, it doesn't give them too much time to think about throw escape as long as you keep yourself non predictable.

Make aware of how distant crimson dash and red dash travels and last
Red Dash is 29 frames and cover about 1 step more of distance than regular dash
En Dash(Crimson Dash) last 27 frames and covers the same distance as 2 regular dashes
To get from one part of the screen to another fast you would need to dash then crimson dash to complet 3 regular dashes
If someone is using slow projectiles from 3 dashes away, don't use down slash if you crimson dash it, just get in there.

Don't forget, use D4~Red Dash more, is only -4 frames. Rushdown characters like Sonya and Cage have the upperhand fighting close, stay away from them as much as you can and use your daggers wisely, and try to keep them away with f4,3.

Strings you should avoid against more experienced skarlet opponents
b11b4 (highly punishable on block)
B113 (-13 on block, that is why killa rampage used the JC's Shadow kick to punish it)
F312 (slow, interruptible, and very negative on block)

Besides that, and what possibly miss, you're running a good skarlet, only the time that will be spent with her and how you develop your game will make you flesh out the best of her.

How long you're playing skarlet?
You're right, against those characters ground daggers aren't good trades. Actually I don't think Shang Tsung can't do much against dagger spam because his ground skulls don't come out in time before the next dagger hits (this was from my experience with WoundCowboy, EMPEROR_DARK, and piemasterr from online, idk about offline). But against other characters like Cage, Sonya, Reptile, etc. I just spam ground daggers lol. And thanks for the compliment Eddy. :p

I can't watch the video Samiish04 posted because of the slow internet here, but I've played Samiish online before and I think he just picked up Skarlet. Samiish I can probably give you some advice if we play more maybe today or tomorrow.
Yess id like to play you

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
You're right, against those characters ground daggers aren't good trades. Actually I don't think Shang Tsung can't do much against dagger spam because his ground skulls don't come out in time before the next dagger hits (this was from my experience with WoundCowboy, EMPEROR_DARK, and piemasterr from online, idk about offline). But against other characters like Cage, Sonya, Reptile, etc. I just spam ground daggers lol. And thanks for the compliment Eddy. :p
He actually can d3 under daggers and soul capture before skarlet throws another dagger, and getting your soul captured as skarlet is a very bad call, shang's damage becomes incredibly stupid, enough to kill any skarlet mirror with 2 dslash combos

let me just bring something more into the fire :p

I've been using this from some time:

Yes its real, that is the draw stance from up slash and down slash, it takes about 7 frames to enter into this semi-duck state and just a few more to leave it, on down slash she stays there for close 20 frames more before she down slashes.

I've tested on vs high attacks special attacks, and anything this draw was supposed to avoid.
So it doesn't work well on ground, and whiff punish strings neutral on block is hard to do with, since most of the time is 1H and the 2nd one is almost "special high" every time.

But this proves his use against air bone movements like Kung Lao's teleports, point blank range crossups where U3 would actually whiff it.
Take note, if any opponent uses an punch or kick and whiff, this same opponent won't be able to block the up slash due the recovery frames on the landing. This video has 6 months old, and on that time i really didn't knew what i was doing exactly because i though up slash could be used against crossups everytime. But it can be used everytime someone jumps on point blank range against skarlet

And thanks to red, now we know if we cancel d3 with both slashes will slightly push skarlet away from the poke and punish (still gimmick, but its ok really)


Here is my explanation on EX Air Dagger in the corner:

Also UsedForGlue brought this up a long time ago on the forum and I think it's good especially since Skarlet's all about blockstrings (exaggerating):

And again, sorry for poor commentary. :/

Also read the video descriptions to the videos.


"Strength isn't everything"
Here is my explanation on EX Air Dagger in the corner:

Also UsedForGlue brought this up a long time ago on the forum and I think it's good especially since Skarlet's all about blockstrings (exaggerating):

And again, sorry for poor commentary. :/
Try using her F3 knee after :ex dagger cancel resets. It's -1 on block, it's mid and absolutely cannot be poked out of after the reset and it also has a phantom hit box, you can continue into F31, or just go into 112.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Here is my explanation on EX Air Dagger in the corner:

Also UsedForGlue brought this up a long time ago on the forum and I think it's good especially since Skarlet's all about blockstrings (exaggerating):

And again, sorry for poor commentary. :/

Also read the video descriptions to the videos.
Careful, 11 is not 0 on block is -4, its a small disadvantage, just be careful using against someone who knows exactly when to poke out or armor out of it;)

Though you can also, turn these weakness into strengths with some counter reads against frame disadvantages


Careful, 11 is not 0 on block is -4, its a small disadvantage, just be careful using against someone who knows exactly when to poke out or armor out of it;)

Though you can also, turn these weakness into strengths with some counter reads against frame disadvantages
Crap you're right! I always thought 1,1 was 0 on block lol.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Has anyone ever messed with doing one ground dagger to instant air dagger? Basically doing the first ground dagger, then pressing UpRight UpRight or UpLeft UpLeft into iafb?

Sounds kinda good to me.


Has anyone ever messed with doing one ground dagger to instant air dagger? Basically doing the first ground dagger, then pressing UpRight UpRight or UpLeft UpLeft into iafb?

Sounds kinda good to me.
Yeah, check out LOTF's vids.
It's very hard to do a IAD after a canceled ground dagger that is low enough to hit their head.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Has anyone ever messed with doing one ground dagger to instant air dagger? Basically doing the first ground dagger, then pressing UpRight UpRight or UpLeft UpLeft into iafb?

Sounds kinda good to me.
I made it a long time ago and have gotten much better at it since. But this is the vid that introduced it.



You will serve me in The Netherrealm
The community has chosen Skarlet for me.

so I ask...where the HELL do I start with this high-execution character?


The community has chosen Skarlet for me.

so I ask...where the HELL do I start with this high-execution character?
Start practicing the combo's, practice blockstrings(dynamic change between the strings), dagger canceling for zoning.

Blockstrings to use:

F4 has a great range that has an option select, input F4,DF3 and you'll get dash on hit or F4,3 on whiff.

Just go into practice mode and mess around.

Look at a few threads and get an idea of what to do.