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Games you felt that had potential, but failed.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Oh sir don't get me wrong, I got a half mass just reading the words "Border" and "lands" together, I've been playing that non stop for the release of 2. But ODST "wandering around" was very linear and repetitive lol. There wasn't any side missions or much purpose to exploring the open world.
Well, they were for Achievement Hunting or gettign better equipment if you're playing Legendary.


EX smash solves all
dragon age 2 - seriously how did they fuck this up SO BADLY
bioshock 2 - actually a really really good game just the first one is at "contender for best ever" status, and the villian didn't do much for me
resident evil 5 - resident evil 4 was one of my favourite games of all time and they killed the horror, made it another shitty action game
rage - ...


Mario Kart 64 ... let's make the vs levels so damn big that you can't ever find anyone. Major disappointment. SNES/GBA versions are STILL the best for vs battle.
Did you only have one other person to play with? 'Cause I could understand your criticism if that's the case. But my friends and I played battle mode with 3-4 players, and we never had an issue with finding people. We would play battle mode for hours at a time and never get bored. Skyscraper was absolutely nuts too once you got all kinds of banana peels and fake item boxes out there.


Now that is just untrue. That game was hella fun.
It's one of my favorite games but it didn't become very popular. I've also played the one for DS and it had a good run. I don't think they are going to be making any more Custom Robo titles which makes me sad. ;_;


Has anyone played the new silent hill games? I wanna buy one but they are apparently bad. Any opinions?


A prop on the stage of life.
American Mcgee's Alice Madness Returns. That was a special brand of "fuck you!". Wait 10 years for a short, generic "creepy" game. And get a copy of my beloved original that's aged horribly and is positively unplayable on a console. It's like someone was getting their jollies off on disappointing fans.... Which brings us to...

Honorable mention goes to Fatal Frame 4 for deciding after teasing a loyal fan base, for unknown reasons just going, "No US release. No explanation. Go play Silent Hill, scrubs."

And Downpour was meh at best. It's not easy to be a survival horror fan.
I would suggest Folklore for the ps3 as an alternative to alice. Sure it doesn't have as much of a creep factor to it, but I enjoyed it enough to finish it. Its also a first gen ps3 game partially made to showcase the power of the sixasis, so expect to jerk the controller alot if you ever decide to play it.

Topic of thread: I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. Ocarina of Time lives on the nostalgia factor, as there are a few zelda and plenty of non zelda games that surpass it imo.

Edit: Speaking of bioshock. When I think about it, the first one is only more memorable because it was our first visit to rapture. When you get past that and think about it, the second one actually has a really good story. You have choices to make, I forget how many, but you certainly do in the second one. Oh and finally, when the hell is infinite supposed to drop? Come on Levine, don't let me down.


Has anyone played the new silent hill games? I wanna buy one but they are apparently bad. Any opinions?
No Silent Hill past 3 is worth playing. 4 is iffy territory, but certainly avoid anything released after it. They are bad games.

I've heard good things about Shattered Memories, but have not actually played it.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
KOTOR2 (b/c of all the cut content... I would easily replay that game 203874 more times if the ending wasn't so terrible b/c of the cutting)
TOR (the mmo) ... (B/c it wasn't KOTOR 3 lol)
Alpha Protocol (touted as a Spy RPG, which I love the idea of... but you really didn't make decisions that affected anything)
Dragon Age 2 (Wasn't anything like the original and taking place all in one city was a horrible idea)
Mass Effect Series (went downhill IMO after the first one... what was better in 2 and 3 was the combat gameplay and cinematics... the story got progressively worse. I attribute this to the lead writer leaving to work on the Star Wars MMO)

Sure it was in development for over 12 years, but it was technically more like 2 or 3 years in development. 3D Realms developed the game for about 1-to-3 years, started from scratch with a new engine, rinsed, and repeated for over 12 years. Then Gearbox bought the rights to the Duke Nukem license, and finished what development 3D Realms had going at the time of purchase.

Duke Nukem: Forever should've been released back in 2001-to-2004. If it was released back then, I'd wager it would've been hailed as a great game. Too bad about it being overhyped due the long development time, and then thrashed because of it being released out of its time, but oh well.


Okay I'm in war mode now because nothing pisses me off more than when I read stuff pertaining to Bioshock 2 which is almost superior in every facet compared to Bioshock 1.

The storytelling in 2 was without a doubt better even from a novelistic point of view. You had a genuinely dislikeable antagonist, an interesting story involving the creation and background of the Big Daddy program and unlike the main character of Bioshock 1 they somehow made you have an emotional connection to Subject Delta. Jack, the main character of Bioshock 1 was completely faceless, he might as well of been Mario or Zelda and the same pretty much goes for Frank Fontaine also. Frank Fontaine is possibly one of the shallowest and exceedingly boring villains created in almost any form of media in history. His goals were shallow, he was completely in the dark spectrum of black and white (Bad story-telling.) Without any grey areas and for the most part the final battle with him was one of the most underwhelming boss fights I've ever experienced.

Subject Delta had a mission to rescue a girl who he was connected to and somehow you could feel his yearning and need to be with her, the concept was touching in its own way; Subject Delta, a monster, had such a connection both emotionally and physically to a girl that he was willing to literally tear through Rapture and anyone who stood in his way to find her. It's a window into the mind of a monster with bits of humanity shining through whatever he had become inside that cold diving suit.

I could go on and on but really, Bioshock 1 was infinitely inferior to 2 in both gameplay and story.

And I swear if one of the main reasons you like the story in 1 more is because of the whole "Would you kindly." Bullshit, then you should stop playing video games and instead go watch M. Night. Shyamalan garbage.
agreed completely. I thought Bioshock 2 was superior to Bioshock 1