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Games you felt that had potential, but failed.


Original Liu Kang cop.
I agreed until you said Arkham City
Maaaaaannnn, I was so hype for Arkham City after Asylum, but the story sucked imo. They tried to fit too many villians in and it felt shorter. Not to mention Catwoman trying to scam more money from us.


Waiting for Havik
I don't know why some consider MK9 a fail, as of 09th Jun 2012 it sells 2911767 units compared to 1996167 units from MvC3 and UMvC3 (Combined). I think the problem is that the game didn't reach some markets as the australian market or it arrived late (Germany). What is true is that the game lacked of intense marketing and advertising inside the fighting community unlike Capcom.

And if I have to name a fighting game that I don't think was a fail but didn't have the impact that others had, this will be: The Last Blade II.


I genuinely found it incredibly boring and frustrating. Majora's Mask on the other hand is excellent.
I agree actually on both accounts. It may seem a crude statement to make but why would I play Ocarina when I can just play A Link to the Past? Honestly, the game had infinitely better game play. Was Ocarina more cinematic, story-driven, and were environments more deep? Yes, of course. A Link to the Past has aged better overall, imo.

On another note, I actually do love Resident Evil 4. I've put an insane amount of time into that game. Over time, though, I've realized The Village is the only exceptional part of the game. The older Resident Evil games are very consistently enjoyable. RE 2 and Code Veronica X for life.


Fallout 3.
They really threw me around on that one. I thought we were going to get a sequel to Fallout 1 and 2.


American Mcgee's Alice Madness Returns. That was a special brand of "fuck you!". Wait 10 years for a short, generic "creepy" game. And get a copy of my beloved original that's aged horribly and is positively unplayable on a console. It's like someone was getting their jollies off on disappointing fans.... Which brings us to...

Honorable mention goes to Fatal Frame 4 for deciding after teasing a loyal fan base, for unknown reasons just going, "No US release. No explanation. Go play Silent Hill, scrubs."

And Downpour was meh at best. It's not easy to be a survival horror fan.


Darkness 2. I remember first game. It was so intense, had good plot and atmosphere. And the second game is a one big fucking joke.


Darkness 2. I remember first game. It was so intense, had good plot and atmosphere. And the second game is a one big fucking joke.
From what I understand, I think Darkness 2 followed more closely with the comic series. I haven't actually played the game myself so I wouldn't know for sure.


Battlefield 3
Fable 2
Arkham City
Refreshingly honest, I mean I loved MK 9 and I do mean to use that in the past tense. It's still better than a lot of current fighters but the game just has too much crap that NRS clearly dont care to fix. However fighters in the last few years have been pretty poor and Capcom have been particularly lazy in the way they've gone about making fighting games.

Modern Warfare 2 was a let down. It was just an expensive expansion pack for MW1.

All the Final Fantasy games from PS2 onward were a joke. Doom 3 wasn't a patch on previous Doom games and the much awaited Duke Nukem was also a let down.

Games from 1989 to 2001 were gold. Everything else after was just mostly superficial nonsense. Skyrim has impressed me though and Dawn of War: Soulstorm was incredible.

EDIT: Should also add, Code Veronica was the last good Rez Evil game.


From what I understand, I think Darkness 2 followed more closely with the comic series. I haven't actually played the game myself so I wouldn't know for sure.
The story in Darkness 2 is not that bad.(dont count ending, lol). But gameplay sucks ass. It lacks of good ideas and gives us another stupid CoD-based game.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Starhawk- thought it would be an intense multiplayer mech shooter with RTS elements but i was wrong.

Prototype 2- Stupid main FUCKING character, he FUCKING swears so FUCKING much it FUCKS me off. FUCK.

FF13- first half is really good if you like little girls moaning and pretty colours but until you get up to the action you realise what the entire game could have and should have been

SFxT- A solid idea let down by its stupid mechanics, online frame drops, and the fucking time outs jesus. If i had an extra 30 seconds to enjoy every round properly this game would shoot up in my books

Skyrim- I was so hyped on this game, i played through ALL of the content, i have max levels on all stats from grinding, and i hadnt touched the story properly. When i did finish the story i was left wanting a bit more, and the replay value is shocking. I could still put oblivion in now and play through it again, but skyrim stays on the shelf where it belongs.

Dead Island- what the fuck, seriously.

MK9- This game had a good run, we all made the best of it. But even now so long after its release people keep giving me more reasons to hate this game, and its just broken beyond repair, and the constant glimmer of hope of that overdue patch that never came was just the icing, sorry but im disapointed!

Pokemon Conquest- Its basically FF Tactics with pokemon, but because its a pokemon game it spoonfed you. The starting battles makes you fight fire,water and grass leaders. This is easy because once you conquer them you can add those pokemon into your team, meaning the next battle will be heavily in your favour if you know the simple combat triangle of water>fire>grass>water .

World of warcraft: Cataclysm- I remember the days of finding 5 people, IQ testing them, making sure they werent a bunch of retards. Then getting on my fuck off expensive flying mount and flying 15 minutes out into the wilderness to summon my buddies, and then all of us go together and pick up tiny improvements to our gear in the long grind to being a raid-worthy player. Now, you click a button after you pick up all the free gear you want, and youre standing infront of Deathwing, with 24 other morons who cant play the game, smashing your face on the keyboard and feeling a sense of achievement as the game hands you top level gear. I hate how it changed and i hate the way its baby-mode all over and theres no challenges. Im an old player who remembers the days where grinding didnt just mean clicking a button and waiting for a little popup to teleport you infront of a boss with some retards who cant speak your language or play the game, it actually meant going out and playing the game. JEEEZZZ i hate cataclysm :'(
Prototype 2 was Great!...not saying it couldn't have been better, but i loved it and its one of the main reasons i want to be able to continue the series some day. He says fuck too much? so what? All the stuff that happens to him at once...i wouldn't be surprised. Hell id probably be saying fuck all the time too o-0. Just sayin.


Button Masher
halo 3 odst and reach
Gears 2 and 3
WoW :WoTlk & cata
any cod after Cod4
any pokemon after red and blue


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i love darksiders 2. I just wish they would have actually looked for more of the bugs and glitches before releasing it first. they're not super hard to find.


Show me what you can do
MW3. CoD4 was by far the best, MW2 was alright. But I can't stand MW3.

Believe it or not, Guitar Hero 5 was pretty dissapointing. I loved GH3, World Tour, and Warriors of Rock. Same with GH: Metallica and Aerosmith. (I've yet to play GH: Van Halen)

As for RE4, I don't see why people don't like it. I haven't played the earilier ones, but even then RE4 is fun.

Probably the one that dissapointed me the most is Mario Party 9. I refuse to even look at it.


all of zelda... I just hate the homo/erotic main character.
that is a stupid and bigoted reason to be disappointed in a game. no seas tanto pendejo. if you have such a problem with it, maybe it's because there is a part of you that secretly wants a ballbag resting on your chin and a big vergota crammed down your gullet...


i am disappointed with

wwe all-stars and legends of wrestlemania. awesome cast, awesome idea, ass gameplay, graphics, and execution.

MK9. SSOOO close to being the best fighter ever, bar none. but awful net code, severely imbalanced characters, and too many unfair exploits just keep it from realizing its full glorious potential. when a game of 32 characters becomes basically a game of 7 characters competitively, there is a BIG problem.

soul calibur 5. just...ass. and it's a series i cherish, so it hurts to write that. :(


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Tekken 4 ... omfg it was so bad

Mario Kart 64 ... let's make the vs levels so damn big that you can't ever find anyone. Major disappointment. SNES/GBA versions are STILL the best for vs battle.

SFxT aka Jab X Time Out