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For all the Metalheads in MK

Best band in the BIG 4

  • Metallica

    Votes: 29 41.4%
  • Megadeth

    Votes: 20 28.6%
  • Anthrax

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Slayer

    Votes: 18 25.7%

  • Total voters

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Yeah, I'd say Kataklysm would be categorized as melodeath in their later years, never been a big fan of them. 'The Prophecy' from 2000? I beleive wasn't too bad. Had some decent songs on there - 'Gateways to Extinction' and 'Astral Empire' are the only two Kataklysm songs that've ever struck me as not too bad. 'Serenity in Fire' 04 I think? was a sucky ass album though...my god. "AS I SLITHAR! I SLITHAR DOWN UR SPINE! SLITHAR! I TAEK UR LIFE AWAY!"

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Death and Cynic hold far higher value to me though, as they do to most people who actively follow metal outside of the big name mainstream stuff. Slayer's alright live though, 'least Tom's a cool dude and they play their old shit.

Tenacious D is the most metal band in history, they even have a song titled "The Metal" and many magazines to prove it.
Jack Black's parents were my neighbors for a while, I never personally met him but my dad has, said he's a pretty nice guy.


I feel like they just sell spiked shields, swords and armor at any old walmart in Norway. The same way that I believe they sell 6 string fretless basses at any k-mart in Germany.


Pantera doesn't have shit on Mayhem. Look up their history. Murder, suicide, mental insanity... I don't think anyone can top them.
Think again.

In terms of heaviness, that'd probably go to a band like Electric Wizard (or maybe a grind band)
I don't know if there's a consensus on how to define "heavy" when it comes to music, but I definitely define it differently than you. I wouldn't consider Electric Wizard the heaviest band at all, mainly for the fuzzy kind of guitar tone. As for most grind bands, same thing, guitar tone. They can be aggressive, violent, angry, and pissed off, but the guitar tone isn't heavy to me. Maybe for me, heaviness is defined mostly by guitar tone. After that, it needs to either be slow and crushing like funeral doom or brutal with unrelenting percussive pummeling. My vote goes to Wormed just for sounding like the universe about to implode on itself.


Come On Die Young
Wormed is awesome, I must say. I simply say Electric Wizard just because of their pure amazing crushing atmosphere. Like it's "brutal" without trying to be.


Warlock Nerd
just curious, who here has heard Maynard perform live in his prime (Aenima/Mer De Noms/Lateralus era), whether it was with APC or Tool? Am I wrong, or did he not sound exactly like he did on the album? I saw him perform with Tool in 2006 and they were awesome but he wasnt hitting the same notes he used to back in the day. i been to a lot of shows and seen a lot of bands, and vocals are always the one thing that doesnt sound better live. but for a few years, that mother fucker was on point in every song. i really dont think im exaggerating either, thats why im asking if anyone else caught one of their shows around that time period (1995-2001)


Come On Die Young
Bobzilla wait.... electric wizard and wormed.....

Fuck it, let's just combine them and say Portal is the heaviest band ever. I can't even listen to them for more then like 10 minutes because I'm afraid I'll go schizophrenic.



Wormed is awesome, I must say. I simply say Electric Wizard just because of their pure amazing crushing atmosphere. Like it's "brutal" without trying to be.
I just don't think of crushing when I hear Electric Wizard though. Too much fuzz. But albums like Dopethrone do have an amazing atmosphere to them. Honestly, an album like that would sound so much heavier if the guitars sounded like this:

Of course, the cavernous vocals that most funeral doom bands have also help the heaviness department for me as well.

Edit: Because I don't care for the last three bands playing Sunday night, Electric Wizard will be the last band I see at MDF this year. Really hard to top that as an ending.

As for Portal, once again their guitar tone doesn't sound heavy enough for me. They are one of my favorite bands though and their performance at MDF was mesmerizing. No one moshed at all it seemed, everyone just stood perfectly still soaking in the evil atmosphere.


just curious, who here has heard Maynard perform live in his prime (Aenima/Mer De Noms/Lateralus era), whether it was with APC or Tool? Am I wrong, or did he not sound exactly like he did on the album? I saw him perform with Tool in 2006 and they were awesome but he wasnt hitting the same notes he used to back in the day. i been to a lot of shows and seen a lot of bands, and vocals are always the one thing that doesnt sound better live. but for a few years, that mother fucker was on point in every song. i really dont think im exaggerating either, thats why im asking if anyone else caught one of their shows around that time period (1995-2001)
Oh definitely. I saw APC a few months ago and he's still got pipes but he's not hitting those notes as well anymore. They didn't even do Judith and the harder parts of The Outsider were underwhelming. Comparatively, Lateralus tour was amazing.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
just curious, who here has heard Maynard perform live in his prime (Aenima/Mer De Noms/Lateralus era), whether it was with APC or Tool? Am I wrong, or did he not sound exactly like he did on the album? I saw him perform with Tool in 2006 and they were awesome but he wasnt hitting the same notes he used to back in the day. i been to a lot of shows and seen a lot of bands, and vocals are always the one thing that doesnt sound better live. but for a few years, that mother fucker was on point in every song. i really dont think im exaggerating either, thats why im asking if anyone else caught one of their shows around that time period (1995-2001)
I saw Tool during their Lateralus tour around 2000 or 2001 (My tour shirt is packed deep away somewhere) and he definitely sounded like he did on the album. If he doesn't know, that's too bad, but it's an age thing too. I remember watching footage of The Big Four show (on topic) and the singer from Anthrax couldn't hit a note to save his life. Obviously James from Metallica has had to adjust his vocals to the songs as his voice is much lower than it used to be. These things happen - some bands make it work, some don't, but ultimately it's up to opinion anyway.


Warlock Nerd
I saw Tool during their Lateralus tour around 2000 or 2001 (My tour shirt is packed deep away somewhere) and he definitely sounded like he did on the album. If he doesn't know, that's too bad, but it's an age thing too. I remember watching footage of The Big Four show (on topic) and the singer from Anthrax couldn't hit a note to save his life. Obviously James from Metallica has had to adjust his vocals to the songs as his voice is much lower than it used to be. These things happen - some bands make it work, some don't, but ultimately it's up to opinion anyway.
i know what your saying, and i completely agree. i wasnt implying that Maynard sounded bad in the more recent show, he just didnt steal the show like in years before. but thats life, he's been making incredible music for almost 20 years now with 2 amazingly successful bands. one cant perform on stage in boxers with one half of their body painted blue and the other half painted white forever lol. I wouldnt be surprised if Tool never released another album tbh, even though the other three members are currently writing together. i mean, they probably will, but you never know.


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
I like this thread, you guys name some great bands, others not so great, make fun of shitty bands/fake-ass posers, metal is that big, you can just choose and select your thing and leave the rest behind, in the pile of shit it belongs

I like defeating sanity, cattle decapitation, cephalic carnage (up until xenosapien), obscura (making what necrophagist should be doing a.k.a. writing some music and releasing it), misery index, brutal truth (they just get better and better as time passes) and a lot of what has been named here.

I am definitely looking forward to see/listen to what Cryptopsy is going to do now that Levasseur is back

Oh, for black metal lovers, you should give GoatWhore and Lux Occulta a listen! I despise black metal but those 2 bands are just great.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I am definitely looking forward to see/listen to what Cryptopsy is going to do now that Levasseur is back

Oh, for black metal lovers, you should give GoatWhore and Lux Occulta a listen! I despise black metal but those 2 bands are just great.
I dunno man, once Crytopsy started rocking the frohawks and Lord Worm left...again. I kind of just let them drop off the face of the earth for me. It wasn't Morbid Angel level disappointment; but Flo turning into a frohawk rocking douchenozzle on top of Lord Worm leaving killed Cryptopsy for me. Still like their old shit with Worm though.

You should give Tsjuder a listen, they're fucking MEAN, I love those guys and I don't generally enjoy traditional black metal either. I love black/thrash though - Destroyer 666, Nifelheim, Desaster, etc. Those guys all rule. Anyways, here's Tsjuder, give 'em a listen!



Salt Proprietor of TYM
So no fans of groove metal in the house? Meshuggah? Modern Day Babylon? Animals as Leaders? Volumes? Just curious...also After the Burial is disgustingly good, them and Meshuggah, Animals as Leaders are easy favorites for me in the metal genre. idk why After the Burial gets labeled as anything other than groove metal? They are one of the grooviest! lol


Warlock Nerd
i cant wait for Lincoln Parks new album to finally drop. Its been too long, the metal scene just hasnt seemed so heavy without The Park...

my first troll :)