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Regarding the "KL is now Jade tier comment"

Kung Lao is way below jade tier. Sindel, sheeva, jade, Kano. He needs super Super armor on spin. Low hat Needs to be +20 on hit and +50 on block. He needs to wear THREE hats so that Regular hat can go high in the air, mid and low.

All Kung Lao players that don't realize he's top ten can go fuck themselves. Stop crying cause he has a couple bad match ups. Try having +10 bad match ups.

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I guess some people are salty that 2,4 low hat doesn't work anymore, and now ACTUALLY have to play the game ;)


Really dude? How does saying stuff like that help with anything? Why are you hating on tom? Its his birthday for petes sake. He even gave you a shoutout on the stream at the end. He obviously doesn't have a problem with you, but you continue to blow him up. ( this is assuming your not trolling)
Just being real here. Yeah, he gave me a nice shoutout saying "Let's see REO play his Kung Lao against all these low hitbox characters and see what happens." Well Tom, I play against Ikizzle's Sektor, CDjr's Jax, etc. a lot and I still don't see how Kung Lao is a bad character.

Stop firing shots man. It's his birthday.

No fires have been shot. I'm not gonna just lie and say he has a great Kung Lao just because it's his birthday.
Just being real here. Yeah, he gave me a nice shoutout saying "Let's see REO play his Kung Lao against all these low hitbox characters and see what happens."
You know whats funny is, I was watching the stream when he said something like this, and I was like "Dang, REO could take that the wrong way and think hes getting called out." But you misquoted him, go watch it again. You make it sound like TB is against you.


Online Scrub Lord
Yeah. I think Reo may be the best Kung Lao now. Perfect Legend should take notes. Also, I'm starting to think 2,4 low hat had more to do with him winning Evo than previously thought.


Cage ban wagon?
I totally agree with Glue, the character is amazing and his footsies and pressure game are amazing. PL just needs more time to get used to the new version of this game.


Truth and Ugly
What? The teleport tech whiff makes him amazing, and as execution intensive Kabal or Cage. Just go to fecking practice mode and learn how to do it, rather than cry about it.
Cage is execution intensive? LMAO

On topic; I'm sure PL was joking about Jade tier, though he clearly thinks KL is mid-tier.


but jade relies on spacing, patience, spacing, counter attacking, anti air conversion, spacing, footsies and spacing. so does the new kung lao. kl cant rush down effectively anymore. even jade has a better rush down than kl now (not that either character can be played that way these days). kl has semi effective zoning, as does jade, but cant rely on it only. kl has semi effective rushdown, but cant rely on it only. both characters CAN rely on punishing mistakes heavily, anti air damage and tricky footsies. of course i dont believe he is as bad as jade, i of course agree he is 8th possibly 7th in the game. im just saying you can draw similarities between their post patch designs which may be one interpretation of the comment.

then again perfect legend might just be a bitch with no swag.


Truth and Ugly
Hey, I have to hit towards AND 3 at the same time. You try it.
I'm not hating, I know you have to mix-up your pressure and adapt it to the other player. But putting Cage in the same sentence as Kabal when discussing execution level is absurd.