A.K.I. has been tough to get into. I feel this strange mix of she feels like something I'd be comfortable and interested in playing, but it's taking an eternity to get any sense of comfort going. Building muscle memory for her isn't happening at all. It normally takes me a long time, but it's taking a lot of extra time. She has some interesting stuff going on, and having good awareness of a lot of external factors is going to be needed to make good choices. Some single hit confirms seem important.
I'll never been particularly good with her, but I'm going to try for a while and see what happens.
And where are these costumes at? Are avatars where the money is at? Because I could have been a turtle, and now I can be a burrito, but I can't get an alt costume for any character and we feel way too deep into this game for zero Juri or Chun costumes.