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Do you think there's a final hotfix left with the release of MK Komplete edition?


Dojo Trainee
Jax and NW's dash attacks are high and full combo punishable when ducked. Baraka's is mid.
True, I guess i could've worded that better. If it was safe on block, i think it'd be a lot more useful, and a reasonable way for him to get back in. Heavy zoning can REALLY keep him out, since the recovery on his projectile isn't that great either. A safe way in on block would make him more viable I think.


Zoning Master
The game is still fresh , and i do not say no more buffs and nerfs because i play a top tier character , heck i played many low tiers and put time in them , tbh they don't need buffs just because they're low tier , sure they could use some buffs but it's no way more important than unwanted stuff still being in the game.

And imho it's also fun to have some bad MU to work around , feels more rewarding winning those.
Even if some characters received buffs they would not change MU unless it's a big buff and it could make some MU more loopsided.

Also i don't see how ANY character can't win a serious tournament with tough competition , there's nothing like a 10-0 MU in MK9
First of all, a match up does not have to be 10:0 to be "unwinnable". If your character loses 7:3 vs three or four better characters of the game, your character is not winning a "serious tournament with tough competition".

I do think some things need to be toned down. For example, I do not think Cyrax / Cyblax and Smoke need 70%+ combos anywhere on the screen. I think Jax's f+4,1,3 ought to be fixed. I think Kabal is fine, but 2 xx dash should not be +9 on block.

I think a character like Kitana is a great example of what is acceptable of a top tier character in this game. She has good full screen and mid range zoning and above average combos but lacks an armor move to bail her out when she gets into a bad situation. I honestly think Raiden is fine too. As is Jax (aside from some absurd inconsistencies with his f+4 string).


Zoning Master
True, I guess i could've worded that better. If it was safe on block, i think it'd be a lot more useful, and a reasonable way for him to get back in. Heavy zoning can REALLY keep him out, since the recovery on his projectile isn't that great either. A safe way in on block would make him more viable I think.
Blade charge should not be safe on block. That is a bad suggestion. That would be more absurd than Kano's safe up ball. What obviously needs to be altered is Baraka's projectile recovery. It should recover faster. Same with the EX version.


have you even read this thread?

Also, this is a great forum, not a god damn forum, and you entitled your shitty opinions as everyone else.
I lol at you good sir. Not everyone should be entitled to there opinions I believe, because if that where the case we would have a vary broken game. Its a nice idea talking about ones thoughts, but you should read some of the ideas in this forum before you say "Everyone" should be entitled to their opinions.


Dojo Trainee
Blade charge should not be safe on block. That is a bad suggestion. That would be more absurd than Kano's safe up ball. What obviously needs to be altered is Baraka's projectile recovery. It should recover faster. Same with the EX version.

Baraka needs more absurdity lol. There's plenty of absurdity that many other characters have is what I'm saying.


Armor on EX flame, I don't think anyone could say it's OP. EXTU with armor instead of being safe would be way too ground breaking.

Armor Kitana's EX Ass.

Youre right, it does depent on the nature of the move.

Kitana pretty kicks or cutter would be disgusting.

Sektor EXTU with armor also horrible.

FT would be ok I guess, small damage to neutral and would still be bad on crossups.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Just fix the input bug, and give Kabal's iafb a slight nerf. Leave all the resets, I enjoy the challenge of avoiding being caught by a Cyrax net, etcetera.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Honestly... there does not need to be a character with multiple armor moves, and if said move can be linked for a combo, it should not be safe. I don't mind most of the armor moves to be honest, because most aren't safe on block.

I agree with Dave as well. I think MINOR tweaks to lower characters would help the game. I think our high level people have a good enough understanding of how the game works, that they can suggest tweaks that would help enough but not move a character into a stupid domain.

Things like... Subs 2 hitting ALL crouch boxes. Sindel receiving and armored move. Simple things.
But I can live without the buffs... as we all could.


Dojo Trainee
Blade charge being safe would be stupid. Buff his Spark recovery and he would be fine.
If you think a safe blade charge is stupid, then fine. If buffing spark is what people are agreeing to, how many frames are people thinking is a good amount? I think if it were a good amount he would actually turn into a decent wall and change the way he is played a lot.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
It depends on the game's core system. If you can transition from standing to crouch no matter what at a neutral position (0), then this block infinite is a myth. Because when the second 2~ndc makes contact on the standing opponent, they will be able to crouch or evade the second rep by letting go of block.

The block infinite has all been speculation since its discovery anyway. It hasn't been proven yet on video if 2~ndc, 2~ndc jails opponents in stand block. I've been trying to capture at least one perfect consecutive rep for a while now with no success. Which leads me to believe it probably doesn't exist. The data that Somberness shows it being a pseudo +10 and not an actual true +10 is giving me more doubts.
I'll try to record something on Sunday at GGA and see what we come up with.
Right now I'm thinking we can try:
1. Start 2~ndc on stand block, try to duck block
2. Start 2~ndc on stand block, try to duck, no block
3. Start 2~ndc on hit, and try to duck. Somberness didn't give us updated frame data on canceling normals into specials on hit, so not sure what 2~ndc on hit will be.

I have to record the Wastelands bug, anyways, so might as well do this one, too.


I can confirm it is a block infinite. Surprisingly enough, I caught Maxter with about 7 reps of it on stream last night. It happens in winners finals against his Noob Saibot. He told me he couldn't do anything to escape and was like "wtf infinite?" when it was happening.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I lol at you good sir. Not everyone should be entitled to there opinions I believe, because if that where the case we would have a vary broken game. Its a nice idea talking about ones thoughts, but you should read some of the ideas in this forum before you say "Everyone" should be entitled to their opinions.
No every one is entitled to their own opinions.

But in saying that, not everyone's opinions should be considered into what or where the game is patched or whatnot. I think every single high level tournament player reading this and commenting on it knows who's opinions mean more than the average joe just posting to post. NRS is watching, and they know who to be paying attention too.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
I think they should remove a good percentage of armored moves from the cast. Rain doesn't even need armor in my opinion, Kabal doesn't need armor, Jax may need armor on his dash punch but other than that take it out. Sheeva doesn't need an armored unblockable, although it isn't even remotely useful. Kenshi could stand to lose a couple armored moves. Raiden doesn't need any armor at all. Sonya doesn't need an armored safe launching special (the armor was fine before the patch.) Scorpion I am on the fence about his armored spear.

Why all the unnecessary armor? People are actually suggesting we give the rest of the cast armor too? No! Get rid of the brain dead thoughtless armor.


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
1. Fix tha dash
2.Remove the resets
3.Iagb with more recovery frames or a cool down
4.Every character should have some type of armor move(not counting xrays) just to make things fair
5.Id like Ermac's Enhanced Teleport to be safe.But he doesnt really need it but it would help a helluva lot besides he has yet to get a buff in these patches only nerfs so far
6.Buff jade shes too dam sexy to be that bad
7.Give Sub Zero a buff so Sub players can stop fuckin crying
8.Oh and fix the damn training mode
That is all


No every one is entitled to their own opinions.

But in saying that, not everyone's opinions should be considered into what or where the game is patched or whatnot. I think every single high level tournament player reading this and commenting on it knows who's opinions mean more than the average joe just posting to post. NRS is watching, and they know who to be paying attention too.
I'd like to think that tim. I'd like to think that they know whats best and they know how to balance a game. I'd like to think that capcom sets a stranded for fighting games; But all these statements are false and won't happen unless they get serous about there games. Unless fighting games are only supposed to be a casual experience, then in that case there is nothing wrong with any of these games.
I think they should remove a good percentage of armored moves from the cast. Rain doesn't even need armor in my opinion, Kabal doesn't need armor, Jax may need armor on his dash punch but other than that take it out. Sheeva doesn't need an armored unblockable, although it isn't even remotely useful. Kenshi could stand to lose a couple armored moves. Raiden doesn't need any armor at all. Sonya doesn't need an armored safe launching special (the armor was fine before the patch.) Scorpion I am on the fence about his armored spear.

Why all the unnecessary armor? People are actually suggesting we give the rest of the cast armor too? No! Get rid of the brain dead thoughtless armor.
I seriously think armor is fine. I go with the rest of the people, give everyone else armor. It can help someone down to 1/4 health against a guy 2/4 health come back and win. Armor is key in gameplay for this game since they introduced it and gave everyone it pretty much, I think removing it would cause alot of shit.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
I seriously think armor is fine. I go with the rest of the people, give everyone else armor. It can help someone down to 1/4 health against a guy 2/4 health come back and win. Armor is key in gameplay for this game since they introduced it and gave everyone it pretty much, I think removing it would cause alot of shit.
So your saying it's a comeback factor? I'm not saying armor is a bad thing, but the fact that you have to respect absolutely everything just because they have a bar of meter is just absurd, especially if the move is safe or has the pushback or even advantage in the case of sheeva. Armor is a game changing tool and in this game it is thrown out like candy. It's just too much.


A prop on the stage of life.
If we take armor out, subzero doesn't seem as "bad" as some people say he is. (I honestly still don't think he sucks, but what do I know). Give every character an armored move? That basically means the ground game will be ALOT more important than it is now. Jumping would either start a combo or pushback depending on the character. Idk guys, I don't see any of these changes happening with the komplete edition and quite frankly I don't want them too. I already have the patched game and dlc, I shouldn't have to pay for it twice.


Dojo Trainee
Give noob armor on one of his wake ups so he can escape pressure damn it
Uh, wakeup tackle?

Use it like Sub-Zero's slide. It's an unsafe tool to get you out of trouble that you should be using just enough to keep your opponent honest, and it's too quick to be stuffed. People like you are the reason so much dumb shit got patched into this game in the first place.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If I'm not mistaken, Noob can be stuffed during tackle, unless the shadow is considered onscreen well before the hitbox is active. It hits on 11f.