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Afteraftermath leaks & rumors ... enter only with a huge grain of salt (Warning: Story Spoilers)

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Philanthropist & Asshole
Let’s be smart here: if you can’t prove the legitimacy of a piece of evidence, then it isn’t proof.
That’s what proof is.
You people crack me up.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Pretty sure more than one guy would’ve gotten the notification
Imagine if on Friday Havik just fucking appears lmao
It would be the most Havik way for him to show up. No warning, no notice, no nothing, just POOF, we boot up on Friday and he's there.

I've always wondered if they'd ever do something like KI did with Omen way back when and just drop a free DLC out of the sky. I don't want to get my hopes up, but it's far from the craziest thing I've ever seen suggested or rumored, and could also be why they haven't made mention of the rest of KP2: saving it for after the surprise.

But then again, we're also supposed to be getting the Rambo announcement tomorrow, so maybe nothing's fucking real anymore. This is all cuckoo for chaos puffs.


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
It would be the most Havik way for him to show up. No warning, no notice, no nothing, just POOF, we boot up on Friday and he's there.

I've always wondered if they'd ever do something like KI did with Omen way back when and just drop a free DLC out of the sky. I don't want to get my hopes up, but it's far from the craziest thing I've ever seen suggested or rumored, and could also be why they haven't made mention of the rest of KP2: saving it for after the surprise.

But then again, we're also supposed to be getting the Rambo announcement tomorrow, so maybe nothing's fucking real anymore. This is all cuckoo for chaos puffs.
At this point, I look into the leaks and rumors and future characters probably more than I play the game lmao
I forgot about the “Rambo reveal” tomorrow, but I don’t buy that one at all.


Reverse Salt
Hmmm ... Thethiny thinks it's legit.

What does he mean by 'unfortunate bystander'?
Wooow man Maybe Chameleon ? its the best way to put All Ninjas all together again


RAMBO and BUFF Vamp Slayer as Guests 100%

Lt. Boxy Angelman

At this point, I look into the leaks and rumors and future characters probably more than I play the game lmao
I forgot about the “Rambo reveal” tomorrow, but I don’t buy that one at all.
Same here. All I've wanted for a decade is to go back to Chaosrealm and Seido and get the redo of that lame-ass Armageddon story that had no business following up Deception. That was the Empire Strikes Back arc of the game that left a ton of questions that have still yet to be answered.

What is the Tempest?
Why doesn't Orderrealm have their own water supply?
What the FUCK are they keeping in that giant temple you could never get inside even after you beat Konquest?
If Johnny Cage and Cassie are descendants of Orderrealm, are there descendants of Chaosrealm as well?
Will the power of the Tempest allow for YET ANOTHER giant time rift that allows them to tap into the ORIGINAL timeline?
And if Elder Gods like Shinnok/Cetrion and Titans like Kronika can be defeated, will we eventually see someone reach and do battle with the One Being?
Is Blaze the One Being's physical avatar and that's why Argus designed the end game of Mortal Kombat itself around doing battle against him on the top of the Pyramid?

You know you probably has the answer to ALL of these questions?


I don't believe this leak is true, but oh my goodness will I be happier than I've ever been to play MK11 if it is.


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
Same here. All I've wanted for a decade is to go back to Chaosrealm and Seido and get the redo of that lame-ass Armageddon story that had no business following up Deception. That was the Empire Strikes Back arc of the game that left a ton of questions that have still yet to be answered.

What is the Tempest?
Why doesn't Orderrealm have their own water supply?
What the FUCK are they keeping in that giant temple you could never get inside even after you beat Konquest?
If Johnny Cage and Cassie are descendants of Orderrealm, are there descendants of Chaosrealm as well?
Will the power of the Tempest allow for YET ANOTHER giant time rift that allows them to tap into the ORIGINAL timeline?
And if Elder Gods like Shinnok/Cetrion and Titans like Kronika can be defeated, will we eventually see someone reach and do battle with the One Being?
Is Blaze the One Being's physical avatar and that's why Argus designed the end game of Mortal Kombat itself around doing battle against him on the top of the Pyramid?

You know you probably has the answer to ALL of these questions?


I don't believe this leak is true, but oh my goodness will I be happier than I've ever been to play MK11 if it is.
Havik has grown to be one of my favorite 3D era characters since the hype for him to be DLC in this game. He makes perfect sense, and I want a chaosrealm vs orderrealm story to be at the forefront of MK12
I’d be down for this rumor to be true also because I’ve been waiting to dedicate myself to a character until Ash drops and it’s looking like that may not be certain anymore lol.


Dojo Trainee
This leak claims that Ash, Havik and Daegon should be part of Aftermath - they weren't. He also claims that the KP2 (Aftermath) characters will be sporadically released throughout the year and only the three stages will be available immediately when Aftermath lands - they weren't. Fujin, Sheeva and Robocop were also available day 1.

Since 2020 isn't finished however, I'm waiting to see what else might get announced. Verdict is still up, but I think it's 50% bullshit.

I think he meant the other 3 will be released throughout the year. We'll wait and see but it was the first Aftermath leak, months before the others and it just missed...what? 1 stage.

The Aftermath story description in this leak is bullshit and it's not four chapters. It is not centered on Fire God Liu Kang and he doesn't have any sort of choices to make.

Yeah,this is true, I read it better now. I guess someone just use the WaddlesLeaker name from the guy that had legit inside info. Strange that the guy doing this used this particular name at a point when his leak wasn't confirned, before Aftermath trailer actually dropped.

But what I refuse to believe, in any shape or form, is the fact that he claimed he knew which MK characters are going to be in the fucking SEQUEL. The SEQUEL of a movie WHICH ISN'T EVEN OUT YET. No one can have this info at this juncture - not even Ed fucking Boon. That's pure horseshit.

Some people should know if they're in the movie business and have plans for a possible sequel or MK film series like Avengers.

Also, you cannot trust both the Rambo leak and the John Wick leak. The only common characters are Havik, Daegon and Quan Chi. All the others are different.

Well, actually, all the others are different if you don't count Fujin and Sheeva and Robocop. Practically, the difference is the guests (Rambo vs Ash, Deathstroke and John Wick) and Taven+Shinnok, Mileena, Takeda, Reiko, Sareena vs Ashrah and Kai.

Not hard to believe all of those have been at one point considered. Some info is possibly newer. They've been planning MK11 since 2016, I'm sure they had plans for exactly how many Aftermaths they will make or how long they will support the game years before it released in 2019.

This is the leak you're talking about:

"Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath. New edition of the game for sale and upgrade for pre-exitsting owners available. 2 new packs of characters, 6 new arenas and 3 new story chapters releasing over 2 years. Some characters include Takeda, Reiko, Quan Chi, Fujin and Ash Williams / Bruce Campbell. Total roster once all DLC is released will be 40+. Release has been delayed due to contract disputes with Campbell and COVID. Summer 2020."

How in the fuck is that true or legit in any way, shape or form? Aftermath wasn't 3 chapters.

I actually took what he said about 3 chapters as in 3 story extensions, like Aftermath. I know, that would be too many. But who knows?

i also fully believe the 1 year old leak that came true 90%, with Jade and Kotal in a friends with benefits relationship, Kronika enacting a temporal Armageddon and Kitana one of the few survivors (at least on the second ending). And it named the DLC Joker, Sindel, Nightwolf, Fujin, Sheeva, Reiko, Sareena. So the only 10% that didn't come true is the Reiko and Sareena part. While Reiko still has an assist in the game and Havik's was removed, I am pretty sure Sareena is coming if there are 8-10 more slots. It would be impossible to be planned but then out with so many characters still to come. So that's why I believe a leak only if it has Sareena.

The above one takes its validity not only from what it said about MK, but because it mentioned a whole other things about multiple games. And sure,it doesn't mention all characters,but it mentions some which have been in valid leaks before, like Reiko. If there are 8-10n
more characters coming+ the 3 with Aftermath we already got, then the guy probably wasn't enough into Mortal Kombat to list them all

Are we going to take the Havik HAHAHA CHAOS HAHAHA epilogue in Aftermath as a credible leak as well now?

No,that's just a 4chan fake story.

Yeah, I originally thought he was the same guy, but nonetheless he said that Shang Tsung & Fujin trap/kill Scorpion and admitted he was wrong about it when the Aftermath story came out

I think you're still thinking about the March 2019 leak that said that. I don't see any dvdgames guy post or thread saying it, but if there is a link to where he admits he was wrong please post it here so that I see that he lied.
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Dojo Trainee
What do you mean, how much? He simply told me it's not happening, zero chance.

I simply mean that he might not know about the story. Some people work in graphics, others in sound department, others in different departments. Maybe he knows about some of the characters that are worked on but not everything NRS does. He could be a security guard for all I know ;)))

Not trying to offend your guy and send NRS to chase a poor security guard for leaking, just saying it would seem strange to me to release more characters without a story mode. Literally everyone appeared in the story mode. They made one specifically for the DLC characters Shang, Sindel, Fujin, Nightwolf and Sheeva

Yes, Mileena is coming and Havik might come based on what my source told me.

The reason I believe my source is because he's one of the few who was sent those early select screen leaks and all the info with Shang being part of the story, all the DLC etc. Just for your information, my friend's source was not the one who sent those photos nor was my friend the one who leaked them to the public.

So it's not the guy wih the March 2019 leak that we talked about above? Cause that Shang stuff sounds pretty similar. Also,the Mileena mention was made in other leaks too, usually together with Shinnok.

There won't be 10 characters, maximum is 8, but anything can happen so might even be 6 left.

How can you make this assumption if you only know a few things from your source? Friendly question,don't get upset, it just seems like you're projecting your own thoughts based on the covid epidemic. Have you been told that it cancelled some production?

That's why characters like Daegon and Taven are far less likely than Havik, Shinnok, Mileena among others.

Again, what makes you say this unless you know exactly who all the 6-8-10 planned characters are?

I personally hope the movie will give us a glimpse as to what to expect for the game and give us a character like Nitara to give that movie some game prominence.

I think the support for the game will be long finished by the time Nitara will be promoted by the movie. I like hwr, but from what I heard years ago, her and Drahmin were 2 of Ed Boon's most hated. He has shit taste.



Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!

“I didn’t know where to post this but just about every other leak I’ve seen is here so I guess it’s fitting. Basically, a few months back a person I went to programming school was talking with me and I mentioned I’m a big fighting game guy. They said they’ve been working on MK11 content since about October of last year, and offered to give me the characters they know will be added since my birthday was around that time. I thought this was fake after Aftermath was shown because they didn’t mention it at all, but that reddit leak sounds spot on to what I was told. Almost makes me think it’s the same person. I DMed them about 7 times today and no answer, so I’m just gonna go ahead and post this because I can’t contain myself. Obviously keeping them anonymous. Keep in mind I don’t have hard evidence and don’t know if this is fact, it’s just what I was told and lines up with the reddit post yesterday

Havik: Has been done since about January, had to town down his default design for being too “revealing” and “unsettling”

Sektor: Uses Cyrax as an assist, has a human alternate costume. That’s about it on him. Gonna guess the “unfortunate bystander” thing refers to Cyrax

Daegon: Complete redesign, looks “metal as shit” in their words. Uses a war club, which is one of his gear items alongside an eyepatch and sword.

Mia Allen: The girl from The Evil Dead remake. Apparently, Ash was worked on and had gear and cosmetics in the early stages but something happened, I didn’t get too much out of it. “Long story short” they didn’t want it to go to waste and got to use Mia since the remake was easier to obtain. She uses all of what was done on Ash, plus some reused animations from Leatherface. I guess Ashs gear was shotgun, chainsaw, and a book, so presumably hers will be the same. Her actress, Jane, was supposed to be flying out for voice acting when I had this conversation

Idk about Mileena”


Agent of Chaosrealm

“I didn’t know where to post this but just about every other leak I’ve seen is here so I guess it’s fitting. Basically, a few months back a person I went to programming school was talking with me and I mentioned I’m a big fighting game guy. They said they’ve been working on MK11 content since about October of last year, and offered to give me the characters they know will be added since my birthday was around that time. I thought this was fake after Aftermath was shown because they didn’t mention it at all, but that reddit leak sounds spot on to what I was told. Almost makes me think it’s the same person. I DMed them about 7 times today and no answer, so I’m just gonna go ahead and post this because I can’t contain myself. Obviously keeping them anonymous. Keep in mind I don’t have hard evidence and don’t know if this is fact, it’s just what I was told and lines up with the reddit post yesterday

Havik: Has been done since about January, had to town down his default design for being too “revealing” and “unsettling”

Sektor: Uses Cyrax as an assist, has a human alternate costume. That’s about it on him. Gonna guess the “unfortunate bystander” thing refers to Cyrax

Daegon: Complete redesign, looks “metal as shit” in their words. Uses a war club, which is one of his gear items alongside an eyepatch and sword.

Mia Allen: The girl from The Evil Dead remake. Apparently, Ash was worked on and had gear and cosmetics in the early stages but something happened, I didn’t get too much out of it. “Long story short” they didn’t want it to go to waste and got to use Mia since the remake was easier to obtain. She uses all of what was done on Ash, plus some reused animations from Leatherface. I guess Ashs gear was shotgun, chainsaw, and a book, so presumably hers will be the same. Her actress, Jane, was supposed to be flying out for voice acting when I had this conversation

Idk about Mileena”
If Havik was done since January, MK Dragon would've known.

Cyrax being an assist to Sektor makes no narrative sense post story mode, and creates memory issues in gameplay terms.

MK Dragon

Dojo Trainee
What do you mean, how much? He simply told me it's not happening, zero chance.

I simply mean that he might not know about the story. Some people work in graphics, others in sound department, others in different departments. Maybe he knows about some of the characters that are worked on but not everything NRS does. He could be a security guard for all I know ;)))

Not trying to offend your guy and send NRS to chase a poor security guard for leaking, just saying it would seem strange to me to release more characters without a story mode. Literally everyone appeared in the story mode. They made one specifically for the DLC characters Shang, Sindel, Fujin, Nightwolf and Sheeva
Fair enough, no worries about offending anyone here, it's all good. Just because they did a post DLC story once, does not mean a pack without it is now strange...this update took a lot of work and don't expect it to happen again. I don't know who my friend's source is, I'm not going to ask him so I don't know. What I do know is he was told about Aftermath in its entirety, so not just the characters.

Yes, Mileena is coming and Havik might come based on what my source told me.

The reason I believe my source is because he's one of the few who was sent those early select screen leaks and all the info with Shang being part of the story, all the DLC etc. Just for your information, my friend's source was not the one who sent those photos nor was my friend the one who leaked them to the public.

So it's not the guy wih the March 2019 leak that we talked about above? Cause that Shang stuff sounds pretty similar. Also,the Mileena mention was made in other leaks too, usually together with Shinnok.
My friend nor his source are that guy. The insider who provided that info in March 2019 did give it to my friend among others, just someone from the select group it was shared with leaked it.

There won't be 10 characters, maximum is 8, but anything can happen so might even be 6 left.

How can you make this assumption if you only know a few things from your source? Friendly question,don't get upset, it just seems like you're projecting your own thoughts based on the covid epidemic. Have you been told that it cancelled some production?

That's why characters like Daegon and Taven are far less likely than Havik, Shinnok, Mileena among others.

Again, what makes you say this unless you know exactly who all the 6-8-10 planned characters are?

I personally hope the movie will give us a glimpse as to what to expect for the game and give us a character like Nitara to give that movie some game prominence.

I think the support for the game will be long finished by the time Nitara will be promoted by the movie. I like hwr, but from what I heard years ago, her and Drahmin were 2 of Ed Boon's most hated. He has shit taste.
That's a fair take and of course I draw my own conclusions at times, but the maximum 8 comes from the thetiny who says it's 42 characters total. The 44 that some people run with is a mistake, wishful thinking based on the number going all the way to 44 but the actual slots are not 44. 42 would make a finished square select screen so it makes sense. However, that is also assuming they fill out the slots, which apparently they did for Injustice 2 and MKX, but anything can happen or they just put 42 as a maximum since it would make it whole and gives them some wiggle room. Therefore, I'm going to assume for myself not to get my hopes up about 8 characters being guaranteed. I'd say 6 is likely with a KP3, not less. I've not been told about cancelled production.

Not to be disrespectful, but fans need to use some common sense. Mileena is easily most requested MK character since 11 came out, hands down. From the 3D era Havik is most mentioned in the game, a favourite of one of the writers and heavily requested from the 3D era, probably the most as a male character. Shinnok is in the game and has a role, Mileena and Havik could be given a role based on their connection to current characters. Daegon and Taven just don't much relevance to the current story. Same reason Rain, Tanya or any Edenia based character would make sense. Kenshi not being in and Takeda's MKX ending - aside from being a new character, which my friend has said no chance of coming back so that counts for Jin & Ferra as well - has him connected to Taven and Daegon. Red Dragon is not a part of MK11, so another reason they are far less likely.

Nitara I don't care for, but if she turns out bad ass in the movie then would be cool to get some representation from it. MK12 is too far down the road to really bank on the movie representation getting people truly excited for it, but just like with a guest character used as promotion for a new movie around the same time, it would be foolish of WB not to milk it and use at least one character from the movie with the same VA, bio and intros referencing the plot.
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