Played around with v3 in light of the new changes.
Using his kb launchers:
D2 kb - bf2 kb = 458~ damage.
D2 kb - bf2 (no kb) = 292~ Damage.
D2 kb - d2 = 279 damage.
122 kb - bf2 kb = 429 damage
122 kb - bf2 (no kb) = 263 damage
122 kb - d2 (no kb) = 250 damage.
F44kb - bf2 = 435 damage (only connects if they breakaway late, which makes this too unreliable to use)
Whilst the armour break does offer huge burst damage largely in part to the KB (which only triggers once), I am afraid it is poorly implemented.
Firstly, it is on the variation that has no non-kb launchers, so your opponent practically speaking is only going to break away when you land those specific KBs.
So the one or two times you actually land a kb launcher to get extra damage, you have to land the bf2kb - regardless if your opponent has the meter to even trigger their breakaway because you only have 2 real launchers per match - either off the d2 or the 122 kb respectively. There's no thought process involved, there's no counter play involved - just do it because you've only got 2 chances to land it in a match anyway.
Furthermore, its non kb damage on an opponent in a breakaway state isn't that much more than a d2 (a universal option that I have been using since day 1) in the same situation (we are talking about 13~ point difference)...hardly meta changing or meta affecting for that matter.
But wait there is more...
According to the in game move list, Baraka-serker also has armour break properties. Except the move doesn't actually carry an opponent if they are in a breakaway state....but it does carry them if they aren't...