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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Always bet on stupidity.

"Imagine the dumbest person you have ever known... then realise that 90% of the world is dumber than that person" - George Carlin.
Haha I think it was slightly less cynical then even the cynical Carlin would pull out, more like, "Imagine how dumb the average person is... then think about how half of them are even dumber then that"

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
rofl... seriously America? Look I love a lot of you guys around here, but you gotta know what your country looks like to the rest of the world right?
This is a thread about the coronavirus, so I'm not gonna rip us too far from the rails.

A quick word.

The U.S. president is a genuinely evil person leading a regressive political party of other evil people sticking their old wrinkly genitals into every policy loophole they can. More of us than you think (including myself) feel like we're shouting into the void when we promote scientific and/or ethical ideas. The American Right does not care for long-term planning. They don't care how others feel. They are openly hypocritical and incapable of understanding another person's suffering, especially if that person is brown or makes less money than they do. Over 400 mass shootings in the country and they want more guns, not less. More and more abortion restrictions. Climate change doesn't exist or isn't a problem when it will realistically end the human race and countless other species. The very election that attained Trump's position was verifiably illegitimate. He has conspired with foreign nations for political gain and has committed tax fraud to the Nth degree. He is guilty of campaign finance violations, obstruction of justice, and bribery. This isn't even to speak of the dozens of very serious sexual misconduct allegations against him. Let's not forget transgender people cannot serve in the military as of this post. The concentration camps along the southern Texas border need little mention; a human rights nightmare itself.

And so much more I can't write without dissolving into despair or anger. People applaud him. I still stand in line at the grocery store beside people wearing MAGA hats (which I guarantee will one day be burned in the same fashion as Nazi uniforms post WW2). Some of my best friends have differing political views from my own, and on the rare occasion politics comes up it's like talking to a brainwashed sleeper agent. They don't want to believe the lies they've inherited are lies.

Living Corpse

Health Core? Health Metal? Health Scream-o What ever you call it, I like it.

Coronaviscerated (feat. Jared Dines) by Vermicide Violence from their debut album The Praxis of Prophylaxis.
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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Our goverment wants to kill us.
Angola has 0 cases of outbreak i repeat 0, but our govemernt is playing with fire as they keep bringing peoplw from countries that are at risk and keep adding up those numbers to our confirmed cases, right now the total Number of imported cases are 17 which they keep saying are stable and assintomatic if that's how it is written

They daily ask this poor population who lives under $2 a day for a handout so they can fight an help victims of corona virus, but only give us 1min and half free calls, 200MB internet a month abd 1 sms a day, the police and army are beating those who can't buy in bulk to stay home because they never gave us a fucking job and now they need us to stay tha fuck home.

And when we do, they import cases, i really hope ppl vote someone else if we survive this shit, this is not human.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Good lord NY and NJ are being decimated by this shit.

I'm surprised we havent been hit as hard here in Texas. Dallas, Houston, and Austin are decently sized population centers. Granted, the state isnt projected to hit its peak for another 12 days so anything could happen in that time.

Rip Torn

I've been watching this site:

It shows the peak but it also shows how many ICU beds are needed/available and ventilators needed/available for each state or country at the peak.