Our goverment wants to kill us.
Angola has 0 cases of outbreak i repeat 0, but our govemernt is playing with fire as they keep bringing peoplw from countries that are at risk and keep adding up those numbers to our confirmed cases, right now the total Number of imported cases are 17 which they keep saying are stable and assintomatic if that's how it is written
They daily ask this poor population who lives under $2 a day for a handout so they can fight an help victims of corona virus, but only give us 1min and half free calls, 200MB internet a month abd 1 sms a day, the police and army are beating those who can't buy in bulk to stay home because they never gave us a fucking job and now they need us to stay tha fuck home.
And when we do, they import cases, i really hope ppl vote someone else if we survive this shit, this is not human.