If I were to I'd do this.
Raijin: Jo Staff (2) and Quick Charge
Jo Push is deleted and now Electric Current and Burst are combined into a 2 slot ability called Jo Staff. Electric Current is now Raiden simply shooting lightning from his hands that hits low (similar to his U3), Raiden has added staff based normals, B2 is now an overhead staff move, B3 1 now starts with a low staff attack into a big boot, B4 is a low staff sweep and F2 is a staff thrust. Quick Charge remains the same only now once fully charged it adds damage to all punch attacks and lightning attacks. Electric Burst now has a meter burn that creates a dome similar to Vicinity Blast's MB attack from MKX.
Truth and Light: Lightning Rod (2) and Lightning Storm
Lightning Rod is now combined with Rolling Thunder as a 2 slot, placing the rod will cause it to chip damage the opponent when near it, MB will create a bigger dome and doubles the damage. Lightning Storm is now altered to just inklude air attacks, bf1 does the straight bolt, db2 does the diagonal bolt, and db3 does the overhead stomp, bf 1 MB causes the multi-hit lightning attack. Each move can be done at any pint in the air.
Thunder Wave: Storm Cell, Sparkport (2)
Storm Cell's command is db1, allowing Summon Lighting back in. Sparkport no longer causes auto corrects and Storm Cell can be made safe with meter. Sparkport now has DUD (stationary teleport) DUB (teleport to full screen on the same side), DUF (teleport full screen to the other side), and DD, DDB and DDF (teleport into the air, DD always keeps you on the same side and you appear klose, DDB puts you at full screen on the same side, DDF puts you klose on the other side)
121 KB does damage overtime, based damage is lowered.
Thunder Fly KB is converted back to normal, works on MB in the air.
Throw KB now activated after 3 are hit.
New KB for b2 is now on a punish in Raijin only.
Summon Lightning can KB if Quick Charge is fully loaded in Raijin.
MB Air Stomp can KB in Truth and Light after a five hit kombo, causes a pop up.
MB Lightning Strike can KB if the Rod is also out in Truth and Light.
Thunder Wave now has a Storm Cell KB if you counter with a MB'd Storm Cell