Please, NRS. This is a UNIVERSAL complaint that affects every single character on this roster while also being stupidly inconsistent. Talk about absolutely wild. There's quite a short list of things that infuriate me about this game and the hurt/hitboxes are easily #1.
Liu's F4
Erron's whatever the fuck forward advancing kick that's followed by punch
D2s hitting behind characters MK9 Ermac style (Jade being easily the biggest offender)
Johnny's forceballs
Cassie's entire goddamn hurtbox
Multiple D3s/D4s going Mileena ball roll levels of low profiling
Multiple characters' grabs putting their hurtbox way back except for the couple outreaching active frames (Liu and Lao being HUGE offenders of this. It borderline makes them move a step backwards somehow)
Kitana. Just Kitana. All of Kitana.
Multiple FBs hitting
behind the character
As for the topic at hand, I'm gunna have to disagree with you
@Juggs concerning the game not needing another balance patch. I don't feel it's any dire need in the short term whatsoever, but there are still some characters that could use a helping hand to move them up to their true potential. I wouldn't mind a little bit of power shaved off certain things on some characters too, but that can come when the hell ever in the future for all I care. I'm much more interested in seeing the entire cast shoved into 3 tiers Tweedy tier list style: slightly above the balance mark, right on the balance mark, slightly under the balance mark. As it is, there's still a couple outliers that need a hand taking that 1-2 steps forward to be at that right mark.