Before I am told to get gud, let me start by saying alot of the mk11 community is toxic. Wether it be online in ranked or in forums. Just about every ranked match you get an idiot on the mic, he has absolutley no skills with character he/she is using other than spamming low poke/throws the entire match. Then run there mouth as if they actually did something. We need a mute button, I dont need to hear you cry about shit.Now, I am a scorpion main and it really ticked me off when every single one of these low poke/throw meta idiots called for him to get nerfed. Dont tell me to get gud, then liu kang players and their 1 and only combo string, sonya zoners, erron black slap the skin off you 3 hit combo, or how about jax doing the same exact string over and over again? I love to play online and love competition, but I love competition who actually likes to do setups, long combos and play the game flashy. This low poke meta is going to kill this game furyher, and kombat league is garbage as well. Before you guys say, oh yay, another scorpion main, he probably spammed teleport. Actually no, never have, only use it within my combos, I want to find ways to win without being cheap. Rant over, just irritated to what this game has come to this far.......