Yeah maybe not most, I feel like adventure games are often not affected by this, but EA is the biggest offender of greedy practices. At least the Sims expansion packs were worth it back in the day. Today they'd give you the base game, which would be making your sim only and the DLC would be the houses lmao.
I'm glad we've reached an understanding, our disconnect was over semantics.
I worry some of my favorite game studios like FromSoftware, Bungie, Bethesda (oh wait....

), NRS

will adopt these practices.
The only ways to fight these practices is to speak out against them and more importantly, not spend your money. If there's one thing that will send a message to these greedy companies, it's money (or lack thereof in this context).
What alarms me the most are these AAA game publishers engaging in anti-consumer practices, like Activision Blizzard. So many people are going to buy their games regardless because they're
AAA and have a huge advertising budget, so will our dissenting voices even be heard?
They've completely ruined the CoD franchise for me with that micro-transaction bullshit, hell, Hearthstone is solely based around micro-transactions if you want to be competing at the top level.