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PSA: Toxic Players Online


Everyone Has A Path
I had a dude teabag me after winning the second match of our set. It's so silly, like I'm not gonna downplay the fact that you beat me but I just cant respect you anymore lol.

Best part was I was about to beat him and I dropped the ender to my combo but his garbage mindset already had him quitting the set on his wakeup

"Clearly I'm better"


Dojo Trainee
I quickly throw on a private party anytime I hear someone start to speak, so I don’t even notice it anymore.

If they send me a whiny message after a loss, I just come back with “Wow. I didn’t know they had babalities in this game” and then immediately block them because I don’t care what their even more whiny response might be.


casual kahnage
I’m not seeing any of this hate going on. I’m
at like 10 wins in Kombat league and half of those people said GG. I just got another saying “good match! It was nice to not play another scorpion!”

I think the people catching all of this shit are
Scorpion players lmao.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I’m not seeing any of this hate going on. I’m
at like 10 wins in Kombat league and half of those people said GG. I just got another saying “good match! It was nice to not play another scorpion!”

I think the people catching all of this shit are
Scorpion players lmao.
Well ranking up filters out the rage quitters. People in higher ranks want to learn and can take a loss. But I did just get a dude who picked Geras against me and quit after the first round since he noticed his sand trap wasn't working to give him easy damage.


casual kahnage
Well ranking up filters out the rage quitters. People in higher ranks want to learn and can take a loss. But I did just get a dude who picked Geras against me and quit after the first round since he noticed his sand trap wasn't working to give him easy damage.
Yeah quitters are a problem I agree. I haven’t seen any trash talk yet though. I guess if you lose against shao kahn you felt like you deserve it lol.

AK Harold

I come from arcade era too, and talking is natural to me when playing. Especially if it's casual(online). I talk plenty of shit but I also give respect just as easily. I've tilted plenty of players here online and offline doing so. It's not malicious it's just me.

Just like the random idiots you run into in ranked etc. Will be them.

I love the salty ones the most typically. I prefer savory over sweet. But yeah play people you network with. Doing random queue in an nrs game is asking for it tbh.

Matador Fiend

Dojo Trainee
Ive had pretty good luck so far. All ive had happen is the rando 1 and doners and some guy send me ragemail for "only doing one move" with Jax, which was just his 1 3 ender on strings lol.


Bonafide Jax scrub
Idk what it is with this game but the online community tends to have way more asswipes than previous NRS games like it wasn't that bad in MKX, and Injustice 2 while MK11 seems to have way more dickheads that are more interested in t bagging or being obnoxious pricks on the mic that it's almost become a habit for me to hit quit on the menu once I've known that I lost a set. The mic shit I find way more in KOTHs because fucking casuals


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Got 2 matches in yesterday.

First in kasual, the guy quit after the first match because he lost.
I was trying out Shang Tsung so I made a shitload of mistakes, he played ok with Baraka so the match was pretty close.
I won very close, like it was 1 round a piece and had 10% life left.

So he left. Apparently they can't take it if they lose. No matter how, it wasn't even double flawless with teabag. Literally they can't stand to lose. IN KASUAL.
So the mindgame is to just skip fights until you find someone you beat that doesn't quit, and then you rack up your record. IN KASUAL.


So I went in kombat league to play a match there and obviously the guy was waiting for me to select so he can counterpick me. I didn't use hidden cursor this time although I use it all the time because EVERY SINGLE ONE does this, just went directly to Cage. Naturally he picked Cassie right after.

It wasn't even his main, so I was able to win with Cage. Against Cassie. That's a pretty clear sign Cassie wasn't his main.

So I don't get it. I can't stand this mentality. Whenever I see someone waiting for me to select so they can counterpick makes me ultra rage. Sure I use the hidden cursor all the time but IT'S THE PRINCIPLE THAT GETS ME.

So basically you throw away your main, your experienced char, for a counterpick you saw on Youtube. It doesn't matter if you don't know the char, you have MORE CONFIDENCE IN THE COUNTERPICK THAN IN YOUR MAIN.


Fkn elitist crap..getting too old for this shit
Counter-picking is a legitimate strategy; I don't see much issue with it, especially since you can just hide the cursor anyway.

I've not played anyone other than Kano so far but yesterday, in a Kombat League match, I lingered on the character select a little too long and my opponent got vocal in their impatience, before hiding their cursor. I was actually just fetching a cup of tea I'd made, aha.

For the most part everyone I've interacted with has been incredibly civil, sharing good game messages and constructive advice, offering longer sets etc. I've only seen 3 Quitalities in all the time I've played (though I suspect the game continues if an opponent quits mid-Fatality/Brutality?) and I've been quite impressed with the community overall.

Last night however, I had a player hollering down the mic, raging that I kept anti-airing with uppercut (instead of considering that they could just stop jumping into the uppercut). I ended up recording the TV from my phone because PS4 doesn't record the opponent's voice chat via its Share Button. It was constant, explicit, racial and homophobic slurs; like being back on Xbox Live in 2004.
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casual kahnage
Had a noob disconnect on me yesterday and I confirmed it doesn’t add to the wins... they need to fix that shit. People complain about having to sit through a fatality but what about playing a match and a half just to have it not count lmao. I’m just trying to get my 5 daily set challenge and it takes me 10 sets.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Had a noob disconnect on me yesterday and I confirmed it doesn’t add to the wins... they need to fix that shit. People complain about having to sit through a fatality but what about playing a match and a half just to have it not count lmao. I’m just trying to get my 5 daily set challenge and it takes me 10 sets.
Need to do a double take. Had this happen earlier, checked my record, got zip. Checked again literally a few seconds later and it registered in my favor.


Got a dude yesterday who didn't punish my Sonya's B123, got hit by the overhead, launched into 380 combos and then he just messaged me "Seriously grow up". I guess people are really salty about losing those 10 KL points.


Saiyan Prince
Sometimes it annoys me a bit and I try not to play randoms online but seeing as how I have to play 5 games a day for 10 days on KL to meet one objective I have no choice. Most of my losses are coming from WiFi players that mash buttons I can’t properly punish or poke/check at times. They t-bag and all that but at the end of the day they’re just crap players or one trick ponies that simply get away with stuff due to it being online and don’t amount to anything when it comes to my actually competing. I look at it that way and I’m like ok cool moving on.

It may be annoying but I wouldn’t let it worry you too much. Just try to expand your actual friends list with players here or in groups and practice/play with them if it comes down to it. More useful anyway.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Played a guy last night in KL that jumped on the mic just to tell me I was the "most spamming jax he's ever played" and that I "did nothing but abuse kicks" (um, duh, that's what you do with jax lol) and then he said good game ( :eek: :confused:) and then quit. lol

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I played some piece of shit WiFi Scorpion last night in Kombat League that made we want to reach through my TV and strangle. I only play Shao Kahn still, so it's not exactly a great match up for me.

I begin the match by AA'ing his jump in and carrying him to the corner. I D4 him on his wakeup, which hits. I connect a 1,4 after that (because this guy was just pressing buttons) and go into my DB4 corner combo. The whole time this idiot is saying "wow, you're trash, bro. What are you even doing? Calm down."

He keeps telling me how bad I am, and meanwhile all he's doing is random teleports. Every time I punish a teleport, he continues to tell me how shitty I am.

He connects with a random Fatal Blow (which has to be the most favorite mechanic in the history of MK for these pieces of shit) and he says "fuck you, pussy"

Needless to say, I'm mid combo after this and about to finish him off, and during the Annihilation animation, he pulls the plug on me.

This has been the worst experience playing online of any fighter. I'm not even talking about the netcode, because I haven't experienced too many issues with it, honestly. I'm just talking about the overall experience. I hate it. The players and the lack of any punishment for pulling the plug makes me just want to go back to Tekken 7.


Played a guy last night in KL that jumped on the mic just to tell me I was the "most spamming jax he's ever played" and that I "did nothing but abuse kicks" (um, duh, that's what you do with jax lol) and then he said good game ( :eek::confused:) and then quit. lol
Dammit I hate playing vs Jax. Still haven't had a chance to learn how to combat him.


Needless to say, I'm mid combo after this and about to finish him off, and during the Annihilation animation, he pulls the plug on me.

This has been the worst experience playing online of any fighter.
I faced one player who would have a ping around 200 and pull the plug in match points when he realized he's going to lose. I then researched his replays and saw that he did this to other players too, not just me. I wanted to report him but didn't find a way to do it.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I faced one player who would have a ping around 200 and pull the plug in match points when he realized he's going to lose. I then researched his replays and saw that he did this to other players too, not just me. I wanted to report him but didn't find a way to do it.
I'm fairly certain reporting does absolutely nothing anyway. The report feature is there just because it has to be. On Xbox, I go to FRIENDS->RECENT PLAYERS and then find them and report them via their profile, but it doesn't do shit.


So he left. Apparently they can't take it if they lose. No matter how, it wasn't even double flawless with teabag. Literally they can't stand to lose. IN KASUAL.
So the mindgame is to just skip fights until you find someone you beat that doesn't quit, and then you rack up your record. IN KASUAL.

So much of this. 90% of people leaves after you win, nobody can stand a loss.