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Game is Unplayable

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Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
He might be overstating things a little due to frustration but he's not wrong, The game does have a lot of dump scrubby shit that nobody asked for. Ridiculous coinflips still exist, fuck neutral tools, rock-paper-scissors wakeup mechanics, scrubby pokes system, op throws, auto pilot dmg through kb/fb. These mechanics ensure that skill is not always the only deciding factor of who wins a match.

Sure you can blow up OP with all the witty "git gud" posts you want, But pretending this game have no issues only makes you a hypocrite. Most of us are not lying when we say that we're enjoying the game, It's fun if you don't take it too seriously, but we are all still hanging in there on the faith that NRS will certainly normalize all the above-mentioned crap at some point so that the meta will drastically improve.


He might be overstating things a little due to frustration but he's not wrong, The game does have a lot of dump scrubby shit that nobody asked for. Ridiculous coinflips still exist, fuck neutral tools, rock-paper-scissors wakeup mechanics, scrubby pokes system, op throws, auto pilot dmg through kb/fb. These mechanics ensure that skill is not always the only deciding factor of who wins a match.

Sure you can blow up OP with all the witty "git gud" posts you want, But pretending this game have no issues only makes you a hypocrite. Most of us are not lying when we say that we're enjoying the game, It's fun if you don't take it too seriously, but we are all still hanging in there on the faith that NRS will certainly normalize all the above-mentioned crap at some point so that the meta will drastically improve.
There are issues to be sure. But not the same issues stated in the first post by OP.
My biggest issue his hitbox inconsistences. Last night I cleanly anti aired a scorpion player jumping in and watched my stand one pass right through him like he was a ghost. I saved the video to my PS4 to post on TYM to illustrate that.


Dojo Trainee
I played UMK3 as a kid but not competitively. I was a straight masher lmao
hells yea! thats how we all started...then they invented the interwebs and we seen some combo videos and those damned Venezuelan kids destroying everybody (albeit like 12 years after the game came out, but still lol)


Dojo Trainee
I keep seeing articles online about how MK11 is the "best selling" in the series. I'm on right now, and the highest ammount of players in a room is 9. Seriously? In MkX, there were always 90 players in the Black Dragon room until late at night 2 years after release. I've also been matching up with the same few players in ranked sets for the past few weeks too. This game may "sell good", but it has absolutely horrid player retention. With microtransactions, unbalanced characters, cheap fatal blows, D2 mashers, etc, this game won't last nearly as long as its predecessor. People wanted an MK game, but we got Injustice 3.
You know why other game sold a lot of copies? RDR2. And it's always the same few guys playing PvP. Overrated trash.


Dojo Trainee
Also, I don't find the OP's story about his wife to be a lie. Baraka players naturally play like idiots, but they still win. People just completely shut down their brains in this game.
Making up terminology doesnt make you sound smarter. This isnt the starcraft 2 forums.
lol as if I need to sound smart....any smart comment made here goes way over everyones' head. I've never seen people get so defensive over a video game to the point they'll collectively attack people lol. Rest assure if we were having this debate in real life your smart ass wannabe-tough guy comments would only exist in your mind.

You call it a made up term while acknowledging the fact that it exists. Its not isolated to starcraft, its related to every type of combat (video games and reality) throughout human history.

Make up your mind fanboy.
YUP the OP has to get wins somewhere even if it is just 1v1 against the wife.
My main has a 63% winrate.

Nice try though, next in line?


People think I made this thread because I cant win?? I've played people and completely demolished them, I've made several people rage quit. I've also played people who I beat once in a FT10. I dont think I'm good but I know I'm not completely clueless. Its honestly the cheapest, laziest way to attack someone.
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Administrator and Community Engineer
Its just my oppinion to be honest, its just when i look at different games like wow or tera where bosses were actualy hard in the beginning all got toned down to make newb or noobfriendlier. I mean the scrubs in mk11 are real i fought about 10 liu kangs out of about 15 matches and they didnt have skill u could see it, its basically jumping in no anti airs, no getup d2 or d3s. They basicaly challenge their luck using the same stupid 2,3 up3 string over and over again with cancrl into fireball or parry. I might be wrong sorry but giving a character an option to cancel into 3 even 4 differrnt endings makes liu ksng nothing more than a guessheavy stupid charactr and where is the skill in that? Its basicaly the guy with the most luck gets beaten in that string. Mindgames is one thing a good read another and mk11 i think has way to much guessing than actualy skill at least for a lot of the cast. Just take the chars with no 50/50 ending mixups like kitana, johnny cage, frost and so on u get the idea against liu kang, sub zero, kabal. You can learn the matchup all you want but in the end their characters got already a higher percentage of whinning only cause of that 50/50 factor which is always in mk games. Its way harder to open someone up with chars that don't have those 50/50 ending strings. And that to me is just guessing right or wrong not reading your opponent. Like i said i sure might be wrong but its my opinion
Lol a few things:

1) If you’re playing Ranked you’re playing people who are around as good as you are.. Which means that if you’re fighting a ton of guys with no fundamentals who just jump all day and spam stuff, you’re probably not that good yourself yet.

2) If you’re fighting someone who just jumps and mashes d2, etc, that should be a free win once you know what you’re doing. You just exploit what they do and blow them up for it until you rank up and face better opponents.

3) You just said a 50/50 gives your opponent a better chance of winning. Math-wise that doesn’t make sense. Almost all the 50/50s in this game are either unsafe when blocked if they lead to a full combo, or can be beaten by a jab/reaction if they don’t combo. So that means you have just as much of a chance of being rewarded as your opponent does. And that someone who is only relying on a 50/50, instead of their fighting game skill, only would likely lose just as much as they win.

4) You don’t seem to get the concept of neutral. How is your opponent getting in? Is he jumping in? Why aren’t you blowing up the jumps? Is he walking in? Why aren’t you checking him as he moves in? Why is Liu constantly next to you hitting f4? Do you ever jump, walk back to cause a whiff, interrupt him, etc? Guaranteed there are a lot of areas in which you could improve if you examine your matches with an open mind.


There are issues to be sure. But not the same issues stated in the first post by OP.
My biggest issue his hitbox inconsistences. Last night I cleanly anti aired a scorpion player jumping in and watched my stand one pass right through him like he was a ghost. I saved the video to my PS4 to post on TYM to illustrate that.
That’s nothing. You know how when u pick a char and during map select u watch them fight in the background? I have to watch Shang tsung whiff his j2 on a crouched opponent and get blown up every time it’s a female during that segment.
I keep seeing articles online about how MK11 is the "best selling" in the series. I'm on right now, and the highest ammount of players in a room is 9. Seriously? In MkX, there were always 90 players in the Black Dragon room until late at night 2 years after release. I've also been matching up with the same few players in ranked sets for the past few weeks too. This game may "sell good", but it has absolutely horrid player retention. With microtransactions, unbalanced characters, cheap fatal blows, D2 mashers, etc, this game won't last nearly as long as its predecessor. People wanted an MK game, but we got Injustice 3.
You know why other game sold a lot of copies? RDR2. And it's always the same few guys playing PvP. Overrated trash.
Is this a joke? How do you think this plays anything like injustice lol for fucks sake. People d2 mash in any MK game. Less people are in the rooms because of Kombat League and just normal matchmaking. I used to go to rooms all the time and I don’t anymore, last time I was on there was 100 in a room. The micro transactions if understood correctly should not be anything that incites butthurt anymore. Dawg if you don’t like the game give it to someone that will try and not point out every personal hatred with it and actually just play the damn game. Very obviously this is my opinion but I think your gripes are pretty dumb.


There are issues to be sure. But not the same issues stated in the first post by OP.
My biggest issue his hitbox inconsistences. Last night I cleanly anti aired a scorpion player jumping in and watched my stand one pass right through him like he was a ghost. I saved the video to my PS4 to post on TYM to illustrate that.
That’s nothing. You know how when u pick a char and during map select u watch them fight in the background? I have to watch Shang tsung whiff his j2 on a crouched opponent and get blown up every time it’s a female during that segment.


lol as if I need to sound smart....any smart comment made here goes way over everyones' head. I've never seen people get so defensive over a video game to the point they'll collectively attack people lol. Rest assure if we were having this debate in real life your smart ass wannabe-tough guy comments would only exist in your mind.

You call it a made up term while acknowledging the fact that it exists. Its not isolated to starcraft, its related to every type of combat (video games and reality) throughout human history.

Make up your mind fanboy.
Sure thing bud. Lmao
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