Try practice mode. Theres your productive response. If this communit is beneath you, leave. You arent contributing, youre detracting. Expecting help while bickering is entitlement. Let me teach you about reads by example. Based on your tendency to fall easily for troll bait, insult peoples hygeine in a virtual space where that information would be impossible to gather, and complain about the game more than play it, as well as your choice of calling yourself "the real" version of the "ex" or formerly named Matt, which I assume is your given name, Im gonna make a hard read that you are young, didnt play or weent very good at sports and never learned that you arent special. Youre an egotist, likely displaying these same narcissistic tendencies in your daily life. You live in a delusion that when things dont go your way, it is because of things outside of your control. Your denial that accompanies this subconciously will cause you to look down on anyone who disagrees with you. If you would like actual help, you will need to seek a neurologist, you may have a personality disorder. If you wanna get that ass slapped in a video game and learn some things, add me on PSN: DrYukinariOhkido