Well then they will probably do a D3 instead or something heh. Johnny Cages'...they love their D3 or maybe D4 as much as their D1. Really as much as I see people say Cage needs help in the game, I think he does fine really outside of having obscure krushing blows vs. characters who get krushing blows by just using their moves normally.Yeah, but if you know they’re probably going to mash d1, you just take a half step back and blow them up for it.
You’re only getting hit by it because you’re trying to autopilot your string afterward, instead of catering your reaction to a read on what your opponent is going to do next.
Or you could just throw them out of their d1. That beats it no matter what.
Shimmies, neutral jumps, cross overs, throws, d4s etc. are all important in this game. If you’re just autopiloting a string every time you block one, you’re not really playing the game in an optimal way.
People might say he needs overhead stuff...but frankly a lot of characters probably want that. I still wonder why each character can't have a stand alone overhead.
Some of what my assessments may be colored by the online, since the online gameplay cannot guarantee Scorpion's teleport for example will be as unsafe as it should be and if that's happening one is left wondering what else is happening in the fight that isn't so obvious. Such as the poking game, etc.
And that can be going on even in so-called low ping fights.
That means the online fighting can be written off usually as a novelty mode.
But what you mention as being important things in the game you aren't wrong really as I have seen. Tho I would say don't neutral jump too much...either hitboxes are huge or hurtboxes are, but a neutral jump often times gets hit by all sorts of stuff. Someone coming over from Street Fighter won't find a neutral jump as useful. Especially say, neutral jumping on a wakeup.
But yeah I quickly learned that one's fastest string has minimal worth, and coming with a punishment mindset leads to disappointment...punishment on block anyways.
Somebody new playing MK11 I'd advise them to mostly forget about their fastest string outside of punishing really unsafe stuff and to mostly forget about punishing all that much. Punishment is D1 usually, and it doesn't punish some stuff anyways.
I'd also advise them to not be defensive, at least in the way they might think, since the game is geared for offense really. I consider the dial mixup's to essentially be on the rails mixup's especially online since they can be tough to a valuable thing is whether you have a good one of those.
The projectiles as designed alone still shows NRS needs to evolve and grow, and their idea of fighting systems has always needed that...since let's face it the really old days of MK its selling point was not its gameplay.
I shake my head when a a Scorpion can do his spear full screen and you jump and you still get hit often times. It's like they try to force the player to play their lame crabwalk game.
I also feel the game needs a major balance patch to at least bring characters considered lower on the totem pole up to par with what other characters get away with. Either that or make the higher characters as lame.
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