I'm looking into Lao because I like strike throw set up characters and D'vorah makes that...kinda difficult right now.
I despise combo videos and can't find a thread with actual written bnb's. Would anyone be so kind as to help me out?
I'm kidding
F4/F21/21212 xx Spin, F4 xx Amp Spin, JI3 xx Divekick OR F12 OR F4
Ending in F4 leaves them closer and doesn't sacrifice too much damage. F12 pushes them to the corner and gives good Oki. Divekick for Damage and KB setup
B32/F13 xx Amp Spin, JI2, F21 xx Spin, JI3 xx Divekick
I saw someone post a combo where they did a very low JI3 instead of JI2 but I haven't tested it to see if it's easier. This combo is a little difficult but it leads to good damage.
Starter xx Spin, F4 xx Spin, 21 xx Amp Spin, JI3 xx Divekick
Off certain starters this is much more execution intensive. If the F4 doesn't hit super high up, you might wanna just confirm into Amp Spin so the 21 doesn't whiff
F214 KB, Dash, F21 xx Spin, F4 Amp Spin, JI3 xx Divekick or F12 or F4
D2, F4 xx Spin, F4 xx Amp Spin, Ender
F4/21212/F21 xx Spin, F4 Z-Hat
Amplify Z-Hat for plus frames or to collect a small combo when people don't respect. Cancel Z-Hat if you read a roll to chase it down. It's hard, but you can punish with F214 KB
Starter xx Spin, 21212 xx Teleport
This hits meaty. Honestly not super worth it, as you have to mix them up to ultimately get the same damage, though Tele 2 and 3 also get great Oki