This is not to encourage a debate. This is reserved for everyone who wants to shut their console off every time they see one of these things and loudly express their discontent.
Well, this stipulation technically precludes my responding to this thread (
NB: PC must'tard racer)... HOWEVER, I think I'm well past qualified to throw my two Vietnamese Dong's worth into this dumpster fire:
How to fix MK11's super mechanic ("Fatal Blows"):
Lower the activation threshold to [a base] 10%
Restrict FB's use to the FINAL ROUND ONLY --
i.e., if Player-2 has lost the first round of the match, their FB will become available at 10% HP in that second round (and the subsequent round, if unused and the third round is reached -- see below...)
Tie Fatal Blow to the game's meter system, where if the super move is used,
it drains 100% of both defensive and offensive meters, PERMANENTLY --
i.e., players must sacrifice their meters (and all the mechanics tied therewith) for the rest of the match, if they want to avail their Fatal Blow super move; making the FB's true, Hail Mary "desperation" moves.
Increase FB damage output to a base ~50%/500pts (raw / un-comboed), to balance their cost.
Within a ±10%/100pt damage window, tweak ("balance") FB damage to reflect character archetype (big/small, male/female, humanoid/monster),
FB potency and efficacy (combo viability, exposure to damage-scaling, frame data, armour properties) and
FB look/style (animations).
Increase the FB QTE timing window to something reasonably and consistently attainable --
10-frame window.
Increase the damage increase / mitigation properties of successfully timed FB QTE's --
±10~15% damage increase / decrease per successful input -- i.e., x5 successful QTE inputs = ±50~75pts base FB damage (*opponent's actions and individual char. FB damage properties notwithstanding).
8. Provide an option (AN OPTION) for non-universal, individualised, more traditional input command schemes for FB's -- e.g., 2141236 + two button; 4646 + one button.
9. Tie thus "Alternate" input scheme to FB properties, in some positive manner (in order to incentivise their use, at least a competitive level) -- e.g., alternate input configuration yields an overall +5% damage boost -OR- earlier HP activation threshold -OR- better armour properties -OR- better frame properties (combo potential).
NB: All such changes should be applied in concert, relative to one another and balanced as such. No, one hereinbefore change, on its own, will necessarily work for the better -- ALL of the changes are designed to interplay with one another to achieve a sound mechanic.
I do not care whether people "like" the ideas I've proposed, nor whether they 'think' the Fatal Blows are the bee's knee as is. The extant system is unequivocally
GARBAGE -- evinced by the incessant cries for its overhaul and overwhelming hatred for it, and all immediately proceeding the game's release.
I have played fighting games for longer than most who play MK11 today have been alive. I know what a "super" or "desperation" attack
should look and operate like, and MK11's Fatal Blows are NOT an example of this. Defending such an obnoxious and obvious non fighting game 'gamer' titillating mechanic, demonstrates nothing but the irrelevancy of one's opinion--where a fighting game's gameplay system is concerned.
My expertise in this department is
unquestionable. I do not even consider the opinions of casual players, whose majority MK11 play-time comes from feckless, mindless grinding of the game's gated content, in its insulting non-core game modes. I could not care less what "Smash", "MvC" or "BB Cross Tag Battle" do. Apple-orange analogies have no place here...
if MK11 is to be considered a genuine fighting game, and not just some "brawler" wherein combat mechanics are merely incidental.
If you are too blind to see the sheer wisdom in what I have so generously imparted upon you, that is your shame and, indeed, loss. I am not here to cosset your feeble feelings and fragile ego. If you are "offended" by my suggestions and/or forthright candour, that is a psychological problem that
you, yourself must grapple with. Although I could act as your
ad hoc shrink, I have no desire to do so; and nor will I. Grow a spine / some balls and
deal with it™.
Most great people in history are only recognised posthumously. I, for one, will
NOT go so gently into
that dark night. My opinion supersedes yours. My ideas are better than yours. Your contribution pales in comparison to mine. What you wrought on your best day, is of lesser worth than what I barf up on my worst.
The field of expertise must be respected -- failing to do so, risks chaos. I promote logic and order. Ignorance strives only for entropy. If you are ignorant, you are the enemy. The enemy must be fought and expunged--with
extreme prejudice.
Do not be my enemy -- be my friend. Reject death.
Choose life. Choose a better Fatal Blow system.