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Sonix Fox's Thoughts on MK11

MK Led

I agree with a lot of his points, but I also trust nrs not to make any changes that will mess with their vision for the game. Things like DOT damage kills are pretty easy to see why people would want them gone, but I’m sure they have at least a rough outline for how they want people to play and have a vested interest in making sure their vision remains solid.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Not sure why people want Chip kills eliminated. Chip kills are great. And makes comebacks that much more satisfying. If you use a panic move to chip your opponent out they can easily bait that and kill you for it. Happens all the time. I was playing today and tried to do scorpion's teleport and he neutral jumped it and killed me for it. Coming back while respecting a chip kill makes comebacks more skillful and exciting. It's why comebacks in SFV don't mean as much as they did in 4 (along with Vtrigger comeback, which is this game's fatal blow albeit a long stronger). And essentially it means 1 percent life is equal to whatever combo they can do with their meter at the time. I don't like it and never will. Chip needs to stay. :(

Breakouts need a nerf for sure. You can bait them though as long as you don't go for your natural combo extension. Like scorpion can get screwed for doing f3xxSpear but if he does F3xx112 he can react and not do the entire string and pressure them on wakeup. Skarlet forcing a restand every single time would be messed up if no breakaway. And I'm sure there's a lot of other characters like that too.
Fuck yeah dude!

As a sub player trying to chip out with slide in MKX and getting NJPd opened up my eyes


I agree about most things. Not the counter though. Let it stay , for now atleast . By the time the next beta ends there might already be some counter play for it. We'll see.


I was having to do the exact same thing with my combos. Even in the video I posted. I was ending my combos short because my opponent would just do the escape and punish ME for juggling him.

I definitely do not advocate for changes though. I come from the oldschool games where nothing ever changed. You just had to adapt or die. So while I agree with everything that SF said (except for the chip damage kills part), I do not advocate for anything to change. Other than what is already going to change, like the movement. But that’s not saying I would mind if it did change.
Man i get it, i do. The era of "deal with it, suck, or play something else" lead to some really amazing things, and now we've got people who flip their shit day one because smashing their face on the controller doesn't win games, and companies that sometimes bend to that will in the worst ways possible.

But 2 points:

1. We now live in an era where EVO isn't JUST something a bunch of nerds waste money on. EVO moves copies of games, and watching a game faceplant at evo because it's inherently broken in one of the WORST possible ways is just such a stupid reason for it to fail. It looks like NRS is super close to making something special, but having the game die because of one easy to change mechanic (hell just ground them longer on fallout or at least give us a way to punish it on read) would be a massive shame.

2. It's a beta. A beta back then was generally a full launch with the hope that you'd get an ST version later. They have feedback NOW that this is looking bad (and frankly enough evidence from other games making the same mistake). The whole point of a beta is so you don't have the game implode on launch. They've got the feedback, it's already looking pretty damn bad, either give players an idea how to work around it (oh yeah try this, it's not something you'd think of but it'll...) or consider fixing it.

As for the "punish on hit thing" itself

I already made a topic on this, but to add to what I said the first time and touch on the perfect block-

1. For honor- this is a game where defensive options had disgustingly good payouts compared to offensive ones (still does have this issue but its gotten better). Now it's far from the only huge flaw with how they've balanced that game, but it's a major one. Sitting there being afraid to push a button because you know your opponent can, for FREE, blow you up is a terrible feeling as you rarely push your advantage.

2. 3s- This also reminds me of 3s as well where you've got a defensive mechanic with a tremendous payoff that can be done in such a way as to completely eliminate risk/cost(parry). Once you know how to do it you can't do it at the wrong time or at least not in a way that costs you anything. It's not like an EX move in neutral or on defense where you need to commit and the meter is gone and you're left in recovery if they read it. By its very nature it can only trigger off the exact situation you'd want to use it for, so go for the input and if that doesn't occur...whoops oh well. I've still got my meter and i'm not falling to the ground post EX DP about to be blown the fuck up.

3. SFIV- Remember how fun it was to watch FADC DP's into ultra for the win with 0 risk? Sure seems like strong defensive options which lead to inordinate damage and "take meter" as a downside have been tried. If memory serves it was hated like hell until they finally nerfed the system.

4.. TvC- I doubt many people remember this game too well, but something that will ALWAYS stick with me was a match where they had a guyver player vs tekkaman (can't remember the rest of the teams, doesn't matter). The tekkaman player had gotten ahead, but I was hopeful the guyver player could make the comeback.

After some really great reads he got in and got a hit, thus starting the hopeful victory. And then the Tekkaman player spent some meter, broke the combo, combo'd from the break into super, and killed him.

It's insanely antihype to watch the comeback moment suddenly turn into "oh right he just gets a free win anyways". Even casuals can tell how stupid it feels to watch the super low hp player worm their way in on the screen filling zoner, finally get that "this could be it" hit, and then watch as a generic mechanic punishes them for it.


Forgot the chip damage stuff. Short version, chip kills are good. They make comebacks more hype (because the game had to change because chip was a thing) and because matches don't all just start ending with light pokes. SF V tried getting rid of chip kills and i think it's part of what kills the hype.

In a normal match 90% of the time a player would normally have been killed by chip, they still lose. It just takes longer because the opponent starts playing HYPER safe because all you need is to land a light. So you poke with your lights and eventually tag him anyways and now we've all wasted time and broken the flow of the match (some big hype series of reads that instead of ending in the chip kill like it should drags out into a light slap fest).

Every other time the comeback happens it feels "wrong" because you NEVER see all the crazy shit you'd see when chip kills were possible. Those insane moments where you knew the match was over, but instead play like something you've never seen before because to dodge the fireball they would otherwise block they blew an entire super, then canceled to avoid the punish blowing even more meter, and then STILL came back.

Instead they just..block like they normally would. It doesn't change the gameplay at all anymore, and that's a shame. Maybe some moves shouldn't chip kill, but most things should.
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I'm in the camp of "letting it rock" first, because while he had a decent chunk of time with the game there's no way everything's solved yet.

That said, I do feel like having access to u2/u3 during FB is strange. Not because of the risk/reward factor, but because it feels like a weird and arbitrary addition to enhance an already-useful tool. Saying "you can do u2/u3 on wakeup or after a Parry" is a strange sentence.

I'm not sold on murdering the combo drop-out thing yet, but if it were forced to be HKD it would make sense and restrict some of its options (which I think is the idea). I wouldn't mind that.

Chip kills I can go either way on; both have advantages and disadvantages. I tend to prefer chip kills because "no chip kills" feels like a lot of odd exceptions to memorize. Though having FB as the chip killer ala SFV makes sense enough.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Man i get it, i do. The era of "deal with it, suck, or play something else" lead to some really amazing things, and now we've got people who flip their shit day one because smashing their face on the controller doesn't win games, and companies that sometimes bend to that will in the worst ways possible.

But 2 points:

1. We now live in an era where EVO isn't JUST something a bunch of nerds waste money on. EVO moves copies of games, and watching a game faceplant at evo because it's inherently broken in one of the WORST possible ways is just such a stupid reason for it to fail. It looks like NRS is super close to making something special, but having the game die because of one easy to change mechanic (hell just ground them longer on fallout or at least give us a way to punish it on read) would be a massive shame.

2. It's a beta. A beta back then was generally a full launch with the hope that you'd get an ST version later. They have feedback NOW that this is looking bad (and frankly enough evidence from other games making the same mistake). The whole point of a beta is so you don't have the game implode on launch. They've got the feedback, it's already looking pretty damn bad, either give players an idea how to work around it (oh yeah try this, it's not something you'd think of but it'll...) or consider fixing it.

As for the "punish on hit thing" itself

I already made a topic on this, but to add to what I said the first time and touch on the perfect block-

1. For honor- this is a game where defensive options had disgustingly good payouts compared to offensive ones (still does have this issue but its gotten better). Now it's far from the only huge flaw with how they've balanced that game, but it's a major one. Sitting there being afraid to push a button because you know your opponent can, for FREE, blow you up is a terrible feeling as you rarely push your advantage.

2. 3s- This also reminds me of 3s as well where you've got a defensive mechanic with a tremendous payoff that can be done in such a way as to completely eliminate risk/cost(parry). Once you know how to do it you can't do it at the wrong time or at least not in a way that costs you anything. It's not like an EX move in neutral or on defense where you need to commit and the meter is gone and you're left in recovery if they read it. By its very nature it can only trigger off the exact situation you'd want to use it for, so go for the input and if that doesn't occur...whoops oh well. I've still got my meter and i'm not falling to the ground post EX DP about to be blown the fuck up.

3. SFIV- Remember how fun it was to watch FADC DP's into ultra for the win with 0 risk? Sure seems like strong defensive options which lead to inordinate damage and "take meter" as a downside have been tried. If memory serves it was hated like hell until they finally nerfed the system.

4.. TvC- I doubt many people remember this game too well, but something that will ALWAYS stick with me was a match where they had a guyver player vs tekkaman (can't remember the rest of the teams, doesn't matter). The tekkaman player had gotten ahead, but I was hopeful the guyver player could make the comeback.

After some really great reads he got in and got a hit, thus starting the hopeful victory. And then the Tekkaman player spent some meter, broke the combo, combo'd from the break into super, and killed him.

It's insanely antihype to watch the comeback moment suddenly turn into "oh right he just gets a free win anyways". Even casuals can tell how stupid it feels to watch the super low hp player worm their way in on the screen filling zoner, finally get that "this could be it" hit, and then watch as a generic mechanic punishes them for it.
Nothing is looking bad at all. Not sure what you mean by that. MK11 is fantastic and you and I know that the stress test isn’t the final product. Because you and I, and most people, have common sense.

It isn’t really a beta, it’s a stress test. The beta comes out in a couple of weeks. Which is likely to be different from the stress test. And the beta is likely to be different from the final version of the game. I understand it’s similar to a beta, but without a proper training mode to be able to test things, the main thing NRS is looking for is feedback on the netcode/connections and the matchmaking.

I said that I’m not advocating for a change. I don’t like doing that with limited information, knowledge or experience. Everyone else can do whatever they want. I also said I wouldn’t care if anything did change. As long as the changes are well thought out, NRS can and will do what they think is best for the game. And I said, I agree with all the points made, except the chip damage one.
I think breakaway is the shittiest mechanic so far. 100% agreed with Fox on this, not on the breakers, but they need to do something about breakaway. Not a fun mechanic in anyway IMO.


Alone is where to find me.
I agree with Fox on every point.

The heavy scaling on flawless block up3 launchers he suggests is very important for the competitive scene. I'm not sure how well a casual player could use flawless block though. The timing seems very strict.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Someone explain to me how to Flawless Block on purpose? Or what the OS is?
I don't have it on hand but there is a video explaining it by PND Ketchup and Mustard on thier YouTube Channel.

If I could sumerize it I'd say:

Use it for jump in kicks and powerful normal strings which all have a gap in them.

For example:
Barakas F212 has a gap between the second and last hit. The way K&M said it was to block until gap and let off then press block on exact moment the last hit connects and if you do it right it will resgister on screen. You then need to do U+2/u+3 to launch/counter your opponent for a punish.

If you wait too long it won't FB and if you input the following wakeup command on FB OS too late your opponent can block it.

Here is the video:



Lawless Victory!
Regarding break away;

I launch opponent and follow up with jab extender (safest damaging option)

1) I jab and opponent breaks away - he loses both his defence bars as well as his wake up options, and I'm still safe.

2) I jab and opponent doesn't break away - I get some damage at least. I can hit confirm to carry on the juggle

3) I didn't jab and opponent doesn't break away - neutral

4) I didn't jab and opponent does breaks away - oki time

5) I over commit and opponent breaks away - I get punished for it

If your opponent has defence bars after a launch, go for a jab extender.

If they don't have meter, full combo.

You guys say you want mind games, options and mix ups, well here you go.
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Regarding break away;

I launch opponent and follow up with jab extender (safest damaging option)

1) I jab and opponent breaks away - he loses both his defence bars as well as his wake up options, and I'm still safe.

2) I jab and opponent doesn't break away - I get some damage at least. On hit, I can carry on the combo.

3) I didn't jab and opponent doesn't break away - neutral

4) i didn't jab and opponent breaks away - oki time

5) opponent breaks away and i over commit - i get punished for it

If your opponent has defence bars after a launch, go for a jab extender.

If they don't have meter, full combo.

You guys say you want mind games, options and mix ups, well here it is.
I'm with you. I enjoy the different situations the breakaway mechanic provides. Breakaways require 2 bars, so if they don't have full defensive meter you can still just do your best combo. If they do have 2 bars, you have to think about it a little bit more. I don't see the problem with it at all.

Tony at Home

I was able to just OS guard the string into a full combo launcher.
Does anyone know what the OS is here? My understanding was with flawless block it had to be a literal "tap" not just "start blocking as it connects" so if you were too early you'd get hit as block is released.

Is the OS just quickly holding block after?

The combo fallout thing is super messed up though. I'm watching all this match footage and Scorpion players can hardly 4xxSpear without eating a punish after.
Just a note that whether you agree or disagree, this is a great example of how to give reasoned critique to a game. Note that it’s not done via crying and “game ruined” hyperbole and developer-bashing.. Just, “here’s what I like, here’s where I disagree and the reasons why”.

There are a few people who are double Sonic’s age and should be taking notes on this. This is how you move forward and express yourself without completely burning all your bridges.
Jesus dude. “Express himself”. He literally promotes beastiality, has one of the foulest mouths I have ever seen on a stream and carries himself horribly while shoving his sexuality down everyone’s throat. He also stood infront of thousands and called half the country bigots.

I think in a lot of ways he is an example of what not to act like. Concerning the game the only thing I agree with are supers being unsafe and perfect block u3 launcher option select has to go.

Also, there have been many great threads on this site that where players are professionally conducting themselves. Why are they not getting praise?
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Professor Oak

Are you a boy or girl?
On topic of the Sonic shit, as a SUPER socially anxious guy I went to my first Major, KIT 2016 in Memphis. Won my first two pool matches pretty handily, then got BODIED by Sonic. After our match I asked if he had any advice for me. His response was literally, “You just gotta try to hit a lot I guess” then super LOLed and walked away from me. I was polite and respectful, also super hyped to meet a figure in this community. It really soured me that I got the Hollywood treatment and I just cant understand anyone thinking hes someone to look up to or “professional.” Im big mad still.

Contrarily, Michaelangelo, Forever King, Kitana Prime, Slayer, these dudes are MKs competitive reps in my eyes. Esp the old Yomi crew. They made a new player like me with no real scene to speak of, and very questionable fundamentals feel like I belonged somewhere and that I was a part of the action, not a worthless fan.

That being said, Sonic’s opinion of the game would and should hold weight, if he was a known transparent and good honest person, but I think usually he has an agenda. The guy isnt dumb, regardless of anyones opinion of him.
On topic of the Sonic shit, as a SUPER socially anxious guy I went to my first Major, KIT 2016 in Memphis. Won my first two pool matches pretty handily, then got BODIED by Sonic. After our match I asked if he had any advice for me. His response was literally, “You just gotta try to hit a lot I guess” then super LOLed and walked away from me. I was polite and respectful, also super hyped to meet a figure in this community. It really soured me that I got the Hollywood treatment and I just cant understand anyone thinking hes someone to look up to or “professional.” Im big mad still.

Contrarily, Michaelangelo, Forever King, Kitana Prime, Slayer, these dudes are MKs competitive reps in my eyes. Esp the old Yomi crew. They made a new player like me with no real scene to speak of, and very questionable fundamentals feel like I belonged somewhere and that I was a part of the action, not a worthless fan.

That being said, Sonic’s opinion of the game would and should hold weight, if he was a known transparent and good honest person, but I think usually he has an agenda. The guy isnt dumb, regardless of anyones opinion of him.
Your experience with sonic is not unique. Behind the mask of being a great player he is a pretty shit person.
On topic of the Sonic shit, as a SUPER socially anxious guy I went to my first Major, KIT 2016 in Memphis. Won my first two pool matches pretty handily, then got BODIED by Sonic. After our match I asked if he had any advice for me. His response was literally, “You just gotta try to hit a lot I guess” then super LOLed and walked away from me. I was polite and respectful, also super hyped to meet a figure in this community. It really soured me that I got the Hollywood treatment and I just cant understand anyone thinking hes someone to look up to or “professional.” Im big mad still.

Contrarily, Michaelangelo, Forever King, Kitana Prime, Slayer, these dudes are MKs competitive reps in my eyes. Esp the old Yomi crew. They made a new player like me with no real scene to speak of, and very questionable fundamentals feel like I belonged somewhere and that I was a part of the action, not a worthless fan.

That being said, Sonic’s opinion of the game would and should hold weight, if he was a known transparent and good honest person, but I think usually he has an agenda. The guy isnt dumb, regardless of anyones opinion of him.
That is unfortunate, but it's best to get over things quickly if you can. He's only 21, he's very young. He's going to be cocky and come off bad here and there. He's going to make mistakes.

To be honest there's no reason to look up to someone who plays videogames at a high level. Respect their play for what it is, but just remember that it has nothing to do with who they are as a person or their character. If you don't put them on a pedestal in your mind, it won't bother you if you ever meet them and they don't turn out to be the person you thought they were.

I'm 32, and I still have a lot of growing to do. But once you get older it becomes easier to forgive people, especially when you see them make the same mistakes you once did.


All too easy...
I agree with dot not killing and no chip kills on flawless blocks only and that fstal blows should be more negative if baited

His comments on the flawless block punishes and break aways I 100% disagree with. Both of these are here to make sure you do not over commit on offense. Fucking adapt. There is already a downside to the breakaways, both defensive bars take forever to come back and you have to eat meaty mix 3-4 times in a row if they bait it. Someone breaks out against baraka and i made them guess between sweep, command grab, and tick throw 4x in a row for free because they didnt have resources to get out.

There are combos you can do to make them hold damage as they fall but you still recover first in time to meaty them when they cant roll or wake up. If its a combo where you think they will spend ALL THEIR RESOURCES to try to break out of then just dont fucking go for your restand ender Fox, its not that hard

It is OK that this MK rewards good defense and doesnt let you just throw stuff out on offense cus its plus. MKX was the game designed for Sonicfox, this one doesnt have to be

Tony at Home

I think the main issue Sonic pointed to was some characters get fucked by break away and some characters can ignore it completely.

Scorpion is the pretty obvious case here. Sure he can bait with a jab and let the opponent fall out- but the fact that he has to deal with this (not just to avoid losing pressure, but to avoid getting punished no less) and other characters don't is pretty lame.

Also important to keep in mind that it seems to be pretty common that characters get krushing blows for punishing stuff.

Like if it stays how it is that's kewl but I'm 100% not going to play any character that is vulnerable to a full kombo punish just for opening up an opponent. I'll just pick whatever set of characters let me not deal with this.


All too easy...
I think the main issue Sonic pointed to was some characters get fucked by break away and some characters can ignore it completely.

Scorpion is the pretty obvious case here. Sure he can bait with a jab and let the opponent fall out- but the fact that he has to deal with this (not just to avoid losing pressure, but to avoid getting punished no less) and other characters don't is pretty lame.

Also important to keep in mind that it seems to be pretty common that characters get krushing blows for punishing stuff.
No thats BS. Scorpion can do fully grounded combos if he chooses. Instead of confirming into ex teleport just start with ex spear to leave them on the ground. He can do 1 bar combos without any chance to breakaway. If he wants to do a 2 bar combo he can do a string jnto spear, string into teleport, then d2 for a 1 chance break combo and still recover first if they do break. Everyone is just doing the same day1 beta combo and that happens to be vulnerable to break away. Adapt


Dojo Trainee
Btw, what if the air escape fall out had a big delayed wake up? To the point where you wouldn't be able to punish anyone.
That's what I was thinking. Just smoothin but breakers again. I honestly wouldn't mind Injustice air escape either. Those you can bait and punish at least.