these things are always every time total bullshit. People that believe these random leaks are just morons. It reminds me of psychics. Just throw out a load of shit.. and yeah.. some will be correct. So that leads idiots to think that there is some kind of truth in the document. Vague, obvious and some random guesses. I do not know what is more pathetic.. the people that make up this shit for internet kudos, the fucking mental deficients that believe it, or the morally bankrupt content starved "commentators" that regurgitate this tripe, most likely know how it is total BS.Rumor:
- Reveal in VGA
- It will have 4 years of dev cycle (1 year concept 3 year full development) longest to date.
- Concepting actually even started while making MK X. They were always thought back to back games in terms of story
- It has proper adventure mode , new version of Shaolin Monks type of gameplay. pretty big deal , you can play and customize your character in this mode,lots of items for customize weapons etc shit too. Also boxes (daily, buyable etc..)
- Adventure mode is 2 player co-op , online or single. drop in drop out
- Story mode and adventure are different both are included. story mode is normal NRS game style.
- Story evolve about 3 main character
- Punishing raiden ; hes now punishing anyone trying to even dare to attack earthrealm
- Emperor liu kang and empress kitana ; preparing army and trying to find something of stone left from ages of those deity gods in MK universe(cant remember names elder god or something)
- Shang Tsung and Reiko they made deal with Kotal Kahn to protect and rule outworld security , reiko has it's own agenda though gets killed middle of it.
- Uses UE4 instead of UE3 like all other games of NRS
- Animation cancel its actually not a.cancel but something of pseudo of it. Much as you can expect from a western company i guess looks infinitely better than MKX in terms of animations. Something similar to UMK.
- Fujin is playable character
- Johnny cage,goro,sonya,kano,baraka,mileena,ferratorr %100 not playable
Nope, she is not.Mileena better be playable
What does that meanAnimation cancel its actually not a.cancel but something of pseudo of it. Much as you can expect from a western company i guess looks infinitely better than MKX in terms of animations. Something similar to UMK.
I think they had a stroke well typing that.What does that mean
Mileena BETTER BE PLAYABLENope, she is not.
I wish they would stop making her design jank as fuck every game. Like there's never been a game in recent NRS history where she wasn't a lag queen character and even offline she has never ever been fun to fight against. Excessive low profiling, she can zone you but you can't zone her all game etc. I really like Mileena too, but I can't play her because of how extra and annoying she is.I actually really like Mileena as a character but for sake of gameplay I wouldn't mind if she never came back
I got no inclination against believing it. Almost all the big game leaks come out of 4chan. I remember like basically the entirety of AC odyssey was dumped before the game even had a name, people cried fake it and it was all 100% true.Why do people say the leak cannot be real when the last leak for MKX was real ? (Obviously the picture is fake, but the rest, why not ?...)
Fake and gay.Box Art
Could you not...and gay