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Gorilla Grodd General Discussion Thread

Hey guys has anyone seen the things sonicfox is posting on Twitter for grodd i am really happy that he is messing around with grodd i mean no disrespect to omegak he has been fucking amazing but the more pro's that use him the better and grodd ain't easy anyways so i don't think the bandwagon would be big lastly does anyone have any tips on connecting (in trait) s3 dd1 1 i most of the time the 1 doesn't combo and i do it too late

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Hey guys has anyone seen the things sonicfox is posting on Twitter for grodd i am really happy that he is messing around with grodd i mean no disrespect to omegak he has been fucking amazing but the more pro's that use him the better and grodd ain't easy anyways so i don't think the bandwagon would be big lastly does anyone have any tips on connecting (in trait) s3 dd1 1 i most of the time the 1 doesn't combo and i do it too late
I take no offense lol, Sonicfox is probably the most creative player in the community so it's great that he's finally labbing Grodd.

As for the s3 into db1 1 the timing is just very strict, it's very impractical imo and I wouldn't recommend using it.


Normalize grab immunity.
Any good Grodd on PS4? I'm NA east coast and main BB. play a few others but I need the BB v Grodd exp.
Can someone help me with the fate matchup it's just feels really annoying for me personally i don't know if it's bad for grodd or not but my problem usually is that you can't activate projectile immunity because his projectiles are fast and he is consistently hitting me with his projectiles which do good chip and are mids and if i finally get in they always spam db2 or put an orb infront of them from how much meter they build


Sky above, Voice within
I don't have much experience, but I have few ideas:
1) try to rush through zoning with ex-stampede (you can build meter on fullscreen with quick ground pound and stampede cancels), but if he shoots with ex-projectiles (I dont remember input exactly), don't forget that ex-stampede has 2-hit armor, not 3-hit;
2) try to trade with ex-dd2 or ex-2 from float with him and then activate dd3;
3) end combos with b2->stampede cancel to stay close with him and make him stay on the ground.
May be, I'm wrong, but that's all what I know for now.


Seriously Casual Player.
Can someone help me with the fate matchup it's just feels really annoying for me personally i don't know if it's bad for grodd or not but my problem usually is that you can't activate projectile immunity because his projectiles are fast and he is consistently hitting me with his projectiles which do good chip and are mids and if i finally get in they always spam db2 or put an orb infront of them from how much meter they build
Hey man, that match just straight sucks. I think the most important aspect of it is the mindset; you must accept you're going to eat some chip damage and the good doctor will always have more meter than you. You are going to have to get a read on the Fate player's patterns and work a leap during the projectile start up frames then punish him. Relying on your invincibility is, as you said, too slow to be reliable. Then you'll have to deal with the ankhs as they come. MBDD2 will net you a knock down but I don't think it's worth it. It's just a shitty match, lol.


Dojo Trainee
I haven't seen this posted anywhere but it seems Grodd has the ability to cancel his leap landing frames into normals, specials and grabs. This makes for more mind games and straight up gimmicks.

Lol, just this morning I was thinking

"how many effing cancels does Grodd have? he needs a thread of just WHAT IS cancel able"

also, I'm dumb, I don't see what is going on in this vid (on screen or with inputs). I assume your getting more frames.
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Hey You Guys
If your good at doing 1-2 frame conversions, yeah :p

Practice trying to do inputs exactly as he lands from leap. and try doing stampede cancel pressure. If you can't do these, you won't be using his best tools. But he is fun none the less.


He would be ok not good just balanced. Right now if the opponent knows about these gaps and he exploits them you can't do shit cause people will full combo punish you or completely stop any chance at pressure with a simple poke. So he is left with absolutely no strings except for maybe b2 into SC. Currently few exploit these gaps because of a lack of MU knowledge but he is completely nullified by someone who does.