What does him losing have to do with it being more boring than watching paint dry?
What does it have to do with it being the only match I've seen at the entire event that was repeatedly booed regardless of game?
You're trying to pawn off people's boredome on a lack of understanding when the fact of the matter is batarang zoning is the most boring shit of all time.
And no no one is going to stop watching an otherwise relatively enjoyable game over one particular brand of boring.
P.s. as for getting over yourself that should have been obvious. The implication from your post is that people booing or frustrated by batarang zoning clearly only feel that way cause they bviously aren't on your intelectual level which makes them incapable of understanding zoning.
Which is why they hate it. As opposed to just, ya know, being boring as shit.
I feel like you didn't read my post and lashed out on a topic I didn't even really address.
My post was a reference to scrubs complaining that zoning is OP and that the game's meta is completely tied to zoning, and that the game was shallow because anyone that can rifle projectile after projectile can be successful.
I didn't address in venue boos at all, or what rights spectators do and don't have. Of course people can find something boring, the only argument I made was that it's a colossal waste of time to sit online and watch a game you actively dislike. I barely referenced entertainment value at all except to briefly compare how it's relative and subjective what styles of play are boring or not and compared overly cautious play in sfv as an example.
So no, the people complaining about how zoning dominates I2 literally don't know what zoning is about or what they're watching. It has nothing to do with my intellectual vanity or a superiority complex, as plenty/most people that dive into this game understand that while zoning is effective and a viable play style, it isn't at all the oppressive, broken mechanic MANY claim it to be.
Again, I have no idea why you replied to me in the first place, or why you took my post so personal. Frankly, your reaction and general demeanor scream "I have an outsized ego" if anything.
I subjectively enjoyed watching whiteboi stalk down king, so you're opinion is no better than mine. And it's just that; an opinion.
So save your personal attacks for when they're valid, and don't selectively interpret my posts to fit your narrative.
I couldn't care less about people like yourself that found that set boring, because you can like what you like, simple. But, the point of my post is that I'm sick of people crying about zoning's brokenness when time and time again we see examples of good players in "hopeless" matchups show patience and discipline and get in and apply their game.
Zoning isn't the be all, end all, defining feature of this game. On day -1 people decided that this game is a spammer paradise of mindless projectiles and it bums me out to see that mentality persist in the face of such obvious evidence to the contrary.