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CEO 2017 - Injustice 2 starts today at 5PM EDT (Pools Inside)


Ladies & Gents, today begins CEO 2017 and at 5PM EDT, tune into https://www.twitch.tv/netherrealm for Injustice 2 action!

This event is set to feature most, if not all Top Injustice 2 players including Sonic Fox, who already has the Combo Breaker title. Will he take CEO as well or will the army of Top players be too much? The action starts today, so start your predictions!


Event Schedule link here: http://ceogaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/CEO2017schedulefinal.png
Pools footage from Friday: (thanks to @Hollywood DMS who deserves credit for directing the streamed matches)
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Ruthlesss Mayhem
Just watched the archive. so hype! glad coach steve has an atrocitus now. much faster switch from match to match. defense being rewarded so far!