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I don't think it's too early for a really broad tier grouping...

D. R.

i honestly dont think swamp thing is as bad as people think, but fuck it if it gets him a buff eventually ill take it :D
All I can say then is play more people competent in the match up. lol He seems "solid" to anyone when people constantly fall for his shit, don't duck check outside of f2 range, don't punish his negative frames, etc. He's too easy to exploit in his current state.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
I feel like Cold is one of those characters who takes time for ppl to figure out what he can do at its fullest potential. After a month or two people might figure out how solid he can be with all that potential he has.
Captain Cold has a total of like 8 strings. All start high but one. Hell, one string is High, High, High. His only overhead sans F3 is behind a high. Doing 12 (High, Overhead) into his low ice special is read seperately and do not combo together. His trait is great, but he never gets to use it against anyone zoning or rushing down on you. When you do get it off, at best, you get a free combo set up into pressure that can be easily guessed/blocked. He looks intimidating on the surface, but he's totally lacking in tools to keep up in majority of matchups.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
Captain Cold has a total of like 8 strings. All start high but one. Hell, one string is High, High, High. His only overhead sans F3 is behind a high. Doing 12 (High, Overhead) into his low ice special is read seperately and do not combo together. His trait is great, but he never gets to use it against anyone zoning or rushing down on you. When you do get it off, at best, you get a free combo set up into pressure that can be easily guessed/blocked. He looks intimidating on the surface, but he's totally lacking in tools to keep up in majority of matchups.
That's harsh. Some might even say that's....
Cold :DOGE


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Dude you are downplaying the fuck out of him.

You hit confirm his launching string off successful jump ins or use it as a punish. Off a full screen jump in I get to hit confirm launch for full combo or be -4, that's not bad at all.

He has 50/50s with divekick, which if you are doing it instant probably won't even be that minus. His combos do good to great damage if you end in DB2. He can hit confirm several of his strings, even b2.

His trait isn't hard to get out in most matchups, you don't get the setups like in the corner midscreen but it gives you some pressure to work with.

His double jump is an awesome tool for dealing with zoners, saying it doesn't deal with zoning at all is idiotic. It doesn't get him in free in every matchup but it lets him avoid shit other characters couldn't and he can punish strong zoning tools like Deadshot's EX machine gun on read. It literally lets you jump over a max height Superman laser allowing you to punish. And with his trait out and well timed you won't be anti aired. His jump is floaty to balance his crazy jump ins.

He punishes the majority of the casts wakeups with corner oki beta bombs which also give you +81 if they block.

Flash has no range at all and is designed to be great when he gets in, why are you comparing him to Brainiac?

His wakeup isn't great but with its range and meter burn being safe it has its uses. Can also get you a full combo on rare occasions against a jumping opponent.

He probably has the best set of anti airs in the game. He's a very hard character to approach.

His f3 is godlike.

I'd understand if you were just saying he was low tier but he's not this trash tier character you are making him out to be. I think he'll end up mid tier. And Cyber Sub wasn't even that bad, unless you mean MK9 cause I have no idea.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Dude you are downplaying the fuck out of him.

You hit confirm his launching string off successful jump ins or use it as a punish. Off a full screen jump in I get to hit confirm launch for full combo or be -4, that's not bad at all.
So you are hitconfirming Ji1 S1, into 2U2? because if you press 12 you are punishable, you are saying that his only safe hitconfirmable opener is Ji1 and that's it. That's fucking ABYSMAL compared to what the rest of the cast has to work with, and thats before you factor in his floaty ass jump.

He has 50/50s with divekick
50/50's with Divekick. Right. So the low option is what, D1~Charge?

He has a 50/50 that leads to NOTHING not even oki pressure as charge sends them fullscreen and is rollable, and both options are full combo punishable on block, and the only way to change this is commit meter before knowing if it hits or not.

which if you are doing it instant probably won't even be that minus
Absolutely wrong. For starters it's spacing dependant, not dependant on how instant you input it. If you hit them at the edge of their hitbox you can go down to like -4. So that's a situational way to make REGULAR Divekick safe which isn't a combo starter. MB Divekick cannot be made safe unless you whiff the first hit, and somehow manage to hit the second hit meaty as fuck, which is impractical as hell, and even attempting to do so will get you AA'd or whiff punished before the second hit

His combos do good to great damage if you end in DB2. He can hit confirm several of his strings, even b2.
Well, if you are going to contest that the combo's we have all been using are subpar, the onus is kind of on you to share these great damage combos, rather than just expecting us to take your word for it.

His double jump is an awesome tool for dealing with zoners, saying it doesn't deal with zoning at all is idiotic. It doesn't get him in free in every matchup but it lets him avoid shit other characters couldn't and he can punish strong zoning tools like Deadshot's EX machine gun on read. It literally lets you jump over a max height Superman laser allowing you to punish.
Deadshot can pop you out of the air easy if you try to use it at any other time than during ex assault rifle,, the entire cast can punish that on read with MB roll, so that's hardly an awesome counter zoning tool. Trying to use it against BB, Cyborg, Batman, Deadshot during literally anything else than a telepathic read on ex lowshots, and see how far you get, you are better off playing the ground game, even that which he does worst than most because of his walkspeed. At least his dash range is sick tho. Grapple is useful against some zoners. I didn't say it's worthless, I'd rather have it than not. But it is floaty as FUCK and there isn't a projectile in the game other than his own that doesn't recover in time to anti-air, and being that they tried to base the character around this is ridiculous

And with his trait out and well timed you won't be anti aired. His jump is floaty to balance his crazy jump ins.
D2's dodge trait unless you use slow trait, in which case you are launching the trait before you've even jumped, in which case there is a million ways to deal with that stopping your anti air, including but not at all limited to walking back slightly so that the slow trait whiffs. That might work against a mannequin, against anyone else its a free dash in or a free projectile.

Flash has no range at all and is designed to be great when he gets in, why are you comparing him to Brainiac?
Because he's the character I dropped Brainiac for so the immediate comparison, but practically everyone except dedicated zoners get what Brainiac gets without needing the ridiculous amount of work to do so.

His wakeup isn't anything special but with its range and meter burn being safe it has it's uses. Can also get you a full combo on rare occasions against a jumping opponent.
Yeah so it's a dash attack. Not an invincible wake up. Has no iframes, so it doesn't get you out of pressure, being able to be used as another unsafe mid doesn't change that, I already covered that.

He probably has the best set of anti airs in the game. He's a very hard character to approach.
Playing Brainiac might have made you forget, but there's other ways in than jumping. Regardless I already covered that as well when I said "But he ppl will still lose to it and stay jumping into his D2 all day, so meh just like CSZ he'll stay Hercule tier". D2 is his strength. I agree. Thus he will beat ppl.

His f3 is godlike.
Have a look at some other character's F3's and rethink this statement.

I'd understand if you were just saying he was low tier but he's not this trash tier character you are making him out to be. I think he'll end up mid tier. And Cyber Sub wasn't even that bad, unless you mean MK9 cause I have no idea.

I see

He punishes the majority of the casts wakeups with corner oki beta bombs which also give you +81 if they block.
Protip: they aren't. Do not trust framedata for moves like this that allow you to start moving again before they hit. Or do you also think it's 10f start-up, literally faster than Firestorms projectile? It's nowhere even close to that amount of block stun, on a move that you can't even trade with or it disappears, and goes away on both hit AND block.

The way you describe this character sounds as though you are reading out a bunch of theoretical uses for how the character could play, like you've seen the breakdown and frame data but haven't actually played any of it. You will not be making your floaty ass jumps impossible to AA with trait unless your opponent is a wax statue. This character has no safe launching string, no cancellable launcher, no safe meterless special, no safe meterless mid, and thats just the start of it. I'm not downplaying, I'm speaking in facts about the character, you are up-playing the hell out of a wacksauce tier character that is literally a meme at this point https://testyourmight.com/members/daemantalo.40178/#profile-post-253782
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Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Well, JI2 is my preferred choice. But I'm not saying his only hit confirmable opener is the jump in, just that I think that and punishes are the main uses for his launching string. B2 is hit confirmable, and safe. F2 string is hit confirmable.

So it is a 50/50. Low options are d1~special, (df)1~special , f12, f1~FFMB for combo bounce cancel f3

It's most relevant in the corner but it's still mix. And yea you aren't getting crazy oki off of it though technically you could set up a close knockdown with the MB divekick combo. Without meter or the corner yea his hit confirms don't get you much.

Fair enough on the divekick, I thought doing an up close instant divekick would be decently safe but it's not.

DB2 is the best damage ender, This isn't anything you probably don't know. For a MB dive kick BnB it does about 25 more damage then Dox Drill, about 80 more if you meter burn it. Launch string damage isn't special but he can get the daddy damage, it's not like everything he does is wet noodles. 400ish damage off of a MB divekick is nothing to scoff at.

Yea it doesn't completely shut down zoning but it gives him a great option for getting around it and it will affect how a lot of those characters can safely play. Like not a lot of characters can get by Supergirl full trait beam without taking chip, with this he can.

There's a lot of mind games to this though. Not all D2's will beat out all of Brainiac's jump ins(especially with crossups) and you don't have to commit. You can stop at any time using divekick or a jump attack or just a short double jump. And if they are waiting to d2 me then they just gave me the option to cover a ton of space for free. If I can just create confusion and get closer I'm happy, in some MU's it may be easier to go ham with that sort of thing.

I said that Brainiac has good anti airs and is hard to approach, you don't seem to have an issue with that statement. His stuff is good in general for keeping approaching opponents out, ground or air.

But his wakeup does have invincibility frames dude...

Alright yea considering some of the others maybe it's not godlike but the hit box is really good and everything about it makes for a great move sans the startup which is to be expected. It's especially good in the corner where you can be standing far enough to avoid/punish certain wakeups while checking them with it, also good at anti airing a jump attempt.

Beta Bomb is plus enough that you can watch it connect and then do a jailing F3. It might not be plus 81 but it's stupidly plus none the less.

You say he doesn't have a safe mid but he has standing 3 and B2. Standing 3 is -8 with pushback, safe against shield bash at least, that's very workable especially with that range. B2 is safe, double hitting and hit confirmable into a special or bounce cancel F3, then there's just B23 which is safe as well. I think he's alright, I could definitely change my opinion but I can't see him being the worst of the worst.

Memes are memes.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Well, JI2 is my preferred choice. But I'm not saying his only hit confirmable opener is the jump in, just that I think that and punishes are the main uses for his launching string. B2 is hit confirmable, and safe. F2 string is hit confirmable.
Confirm into what, Drill? There is no combo there outside of 2bar bounce cancels which is extremely mediocre compared to the cast. Regarldess, B2 isn't hitconfirmable. F2 is high, and like +20f start up, and also doesn't combo either, you confirm it into trait and nothing else really.

So it is a 50/50. Low options are d1~special, (df)1~special , f12, f1~FFMB for combo bounce cancel f3
Yes so basically an 50/50 that leads to nothing and is unsafe unless you spend meter, as I said. Having an overhead and having a low doesn't mean you have a good mix.

It's most relevant in the corner but it's still mix. And yea you aren't getting crazy oki off of it though technically you could set up a close knockdown with the MB divekick combo. Without meter or the corner yea his hit confirms don't get you much.
Yes, his mix is a real in the corner, with trait set-up. That's my whole point. He unlocks what other characters can do standard, except requiring a set-up and one that is particularly hard to hold on to. It's not even a matter of needing more work execution wise (which is fine), he just has to jump through additional hoops gameplay wise and there is no payoff - he can still be punished on the Divekick, 12U2 still has gaps, his damage with trait is no larger than the rest of the cast for a bar, and what does he do against one of this games safe wake ups except lose that set-up entirely?

Fair enough on the divekick, I thought doing an up close instant divekick would be decently safe but it's not.
fair assumption, but its safety is actually relevant to where you connect with your opponents body and how long it takes you to drop

DB2 is the best damage ender, This isn't anything you probably don't know. For a MB dive kick BnB it does about 25 more damage then Dox Drill, about 80 more if you meter burn it. Launch string damage isn't special but he can get the daddy damage, it's not like everything he does is wet noodles. 400ish damage off of a MB divekick is nothing to scoff at.
That's really nothing special and I think literally every character who has access to that sort of damage has a safe opener. Characters do more damage than this off safe strings often mixes - whats the trade off here for that unsafety and less damage, even if MB divekick isn't wet noodle damage thats not what i was saying.

Yea it doesn't completely shut down zoning but it gives him a great option for getting around it and it will affect how a lot of those characters can safely play. Like not a lot of characters can get by Supergirl full trait beam without taking chip, with this he can.
You right, I'm not saying it's useless and it gives him options. It however is most definitely not what I'd call an awesome counter zoning tool, it does nothing against most the cast.

There's a lot of mind games to this though. Not all D2's will beat out all of Brainiac's jump ins(especially with crossups) and you don't have to commit. You can stop at any time using divekick or a jump attack or just a short double jump. And if they are waiting to d2 me then they just gave me the option to cover a ton of space for free. If I can just create confusion and get closer I'm happy, in some MU's it may be easier to go ham with that sort of thing.
Plenty of D2's will cover all options. Almost every single cast member has some sort of excellent AA option that at the very least covers against Brainiac.

I said that Brainiac has good anti airs and is hard to approach, you don't seem to have an issue with that statement. His stuff is good in general for keeping approaching opponents out, ground or air.
I don't disagree with the AA part, you just can't jump at him from even a range where your jump ins will whiff lol. However I don't think getting in on him is that difficult, block a B12 or an S3 or any of his mids and you are at massive advantage. Fuck it up, oh well what 150 damage or whatever? its not like he gets to combo off it. His movespeed is wack as hell which impacts his footsies too. iADK deserves a mention here for being difficult to approach into tho to be fair. I think this is the best use for that move.

But his wakeup does have invincibility frames dude...
Well not on start-up, which is the relevant part here. You are free to continue your pressure against brainiac on knockdown, its encouraged to do so.

Alright yea considering some of the others maybe it's not godlike but the hit box is really good and everything about it makes for a great move sans the startup which is to be expected. It's especially good in the corner where you can be standing far enough to avoid/punish certain wakeups while checking them with it, also good at anti airing a jump attempt.
It's not a bad button. It's just nothing special.

at this point I'm gonna try and reinstate my point is here that with all his set-backs (and he does have MANY) there needs to be some trade off. The dirt just isn't there. Characters have natural tools better than Brainiac's sickest and even most impractal trait set-ups included.

Beta Bomb is plus enough that you can watch it connect and then do a jailing F3. It might not be plus 81 but it's stupidly plus none the less.
It's very plus. If they block it you get to go into what you like. The problem is that his follow ups are still ass without it, no real pressure, especially since you guaranteed don't have trait if you just used it to beta bomb, and as always the set-ups for it are pretty lame too, compared to what the rest of the cast is getting rewarded with for the same connection.

You say he doesn't have a safe mid but he has standing 3 and B2. Standing 3 is -8 with pushback, safe against shield bash at least, that's very workable especially with that range. B2 is safe, double hitting and hit confirmable into a special or bounce cancel F3, then there's just B23 which is safe as well. I think he's alright, I could definitely change my opinion but I can't see him being the worst of the worst.
When people talk about having a safe mid, its implied they are talking about opener. Otherwise practically every character ever has that with D1. Even in this sense, assuming he actually had a launcher to cancel into, none of what you mentioned is hitconfirmable. B2 isn't hitconfirmable. My hitconfirms aren't wack at all either I've defied everyone whose doubted them
I know B2 is double hitting but you have to cancel before the second hit.I'll give you S3 as being a safe technically, but the day you get it reversalled by Superman / Flash super into game winning unclashable damage you might feel otherwise :p

Seriously tho Brainiac is fuckin wack. You are right, even CSZ wasn't this bad. I would have played this character if he had real tools.


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
Lol it's a damn forum. Of course it's not too early for this. It's just fun discussion. Do people not realize that tier lists are ever changing and apply to the current meta of the game... Jesus you guys must be lots of fun at parties.

Back to the list:
I think cyborg is actually really good. Top 3 zoning in the game. Very good plus frames. Can punish close to 40% now. Amazing f3 and b3. Good jump ins. I have him in my top ten easily.
This is completely unrelated to the thread but if your available Friday or Sunday I'd like to do a set with you and whoever you play in Injustice 2. I suck at Injustice. It isn't natural to me the way MKX was - but I'm curious as to where Reptile mains went. I don't know that I'm going to stick with blue beetle but thats where I've gone to thus far. I'm on PSN.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Flash has no range at all and is designed to be great when he gets in, why are you comparing him to Brainiac?
Just on this note, if Flash isn't a good comparison, we can use the other character I'm playing Cyborg. He definitely has excellent space control and excellent zoning. Brainiac's biggest combo I know of is MB Divekick, F3, S3~Charge release drone, S3~DB2, which does ~450 damage on Superman, ~530 if you ex the finish (correct me if you know a bigger one). Cyborg gets ~430 damage in the corner for 1 bar, ~550 for two. Where's the payoff for that trait set-up? It cost you having to use a pathetic damage combo to set-up, and then making the correct read and getting in again, spending a bar before confirming the hit, being unsafe, and having to completely dodge wake-ups including not blocking, just to pull that off. If I get them same two combos with Cyborg in the corner, I've done more damage and didn't have to jump through the hoops. And Cyborg is not exactly some top tier monster.

Brainiac has to work far too hard for far little reward.


A Tier
Black Adam
Black Canary

B Tier

Am I way off? Tell me why.
If you think Black Canary is better than Atrocitus then you are not capable of making even an early tier list.
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i disagree with his tier list, but thats a little harsh. Atrocitus is gonna fall off the deep end once ppl learn to deal with it. This man might just have more foresight than you do
If you say so.. I see people learning the Atrocitus matchup. But I dont see Atrocitus falling off by any means if he stays the way he is.
A tier: people who can force you to play their game
B tier: people who can't

This is all subjective to match up. Certain characters don't have matchups that bad, but some sure do, but they'll beat out others, don't see that changing


Soul Stealing Loyalist
Lol it's a damn forum. Of course it's not too early for this. It's just fun discussion. Do people not realize that tier lists are ever changing and apply to the current meta of the game... Jesus you guys must be lots of fun at parties.

Back to the list:
I think cyborg is actually really good. Top 3 zoning in the game. Very good plus frames. Can punish close to 40% now. Amazing f3 and b3. Good jump ins. I have him in my top ten easily.
Man I agree with you, but Cyborg sucks

Read the disclaimer...still dont like doing this so early. Cant we just let the game breathe and not try to shove characters into tiers?


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
@RNLDRGN oh shit, you're the guy I added. Didn't realize you were on TYM.

Anyhow, so far I feel like all the characters I've been gravitating towards have uphill battles in matchups if they aren't getting blown up to begin with. Specifically Captain Cold, Wonder Woman, and Poison Ivy.

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
Just on this note, if Flash isn't a good comparison, we can use the other character I'm playing Cyborg. He definitely has excellent space control and excellent zoning. Brainiac's biggest combo I know of is MB Divekick, F3, S3~Charge release drone, S3~DB2, which does ~450 damage on Superman, ~530 if you ex the finish (correct me if you know a bigger one). Cyborg gets ~430 damage in the corner for 1 bar, ~550 for two. Where's the payoff for that trait set-up? It cost you having to use a pathetic damage combo to set-up, and then making the correct read and getting in again, spending a bar before confirming the hit, being unsafe, and having to completely dodge wake-ups including not blocking, just to pull that off. If I get them same two combos with Cyborg in the corner, I've done more damage and didn't have to jump through the hoops. And Cyborg is not exactly some top tier monster.

Brainiac has to work far too hard for far little reward.
I can't really disagree strongly with any of your points - individually, they're valid. However I'm not sure those points add up to him being an unviable piece of trash. To me, as long as a character has - at most - one (ish) 3-7 matchups, he's viable. He will take more work, but it's possible. Do you think he has more than one?

Personally I'm not sure he even has one 3-7 - I haven't played any matchups that felt worse than 4-6 so far. While I'm not sure i can name a matchup Brainiac actually wins off the top of my head, as long as he has limited horrible losing matchups, I think he seems like a viable low/mid tier.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
It may be a bit early, however I think that this is a pretty decent list to start with and to be mended with as the game goes on


Filthy Casual
I think the community in general should at least very roughly agree with it. I'd nerf Canary to B-tier and buff a couple B-tier characters like Darkseid and Superman. C-tier looks the most accurate.
Before you crucify me for having some fun and sparking conversation, a few notes:

1. This will be wrong. It's early and this will absolutely change and likely be inaccurate come tomorrow. You could move almost any character up/down. It's also my opinion--which means it's obviously not even close to perfect.

2. It's early. But it's not too early to say who is strong/weak IMO. So I'm keeping it broad and generic with just 3 tiers and no order within each. That's it. Notice I said "tier grouping"--semantics I know, but it matters a little.

3. I like labeling and grouping things so this is me enjoying myself. Not trying to shape anything significant or prove anyone wrong or right.

A Tier
Black Adam
Black Canary

B Tier
Poison Ivy
Super Girl
Green Lantern
Capt Cold
Dr. Fate
Green Arrow
Wonder Woman
Gorilla Grodd

C Tier
Blue Beetle
Swamp Thing

Am I way off? Tell me why.
A stand for atrocitus when real Player like me play him


Dojo Trainee
Dude, he's trash. I'll just list some shit off the top of my head on why he's so terrible:

- his walk speed is atrocious
- his jump is way too floaty
- his dash is trash and MBing it yields no reward in the neutral due to how fast these zoners recover on whiff.
- he has a gap in virtually every single string he has. Fucking stupid.
- his plus frames are useless outside of the corner
- his f3 and b3 are incredibly slow. They need to be sped the fuck up and f3 needs to be given some plus frames as well and/or have its hitbox fixed.
- vine grabs are easy to react to AND easily punishable on whiff being -40. They need to be allowed to be MB granting a hit of armor. Also the up vine grab is a ridiculous input. Any AA type movement should be simple so it can be used on reaction.
- d1xxgreen thumb doesn't tick properly. The opponent can mash out which is dumb given he's a grappler.
- log kick is absolutely horrendous on whiff and punishable on block. This is totally illogical. One or the other. Also it's easily fuzzyable during his "50/50s." I'd make it -5 on block and keep it terrible on whiff.
- His db2 is high when it should be mid.
- his trait is fairly useless. Aside from a couple corner set ups, it's easy to deal with; just push block and it's gone.
- his clone is high making it seemingly useless when trying to counterzone and the MB clone doesn't hold the opponent long enough on trade to even gain some ground. The clone needs to be MID. Also the additional hit afterward on MB clone is so stupid. It should just grab the opponent for combo extension purposes, not knockdown.
- his standing 2 is 30 frames. 30 fucking frames. Lmao Logical.
*- his f233 and b223 strings recover way too slow making hitting combos after them nearly, if not impossible midscreen depending on the opponent. The recover of both on hit needs to be sped up drastically. (This one is a massive issue)

I'm not even done. lol He's fucking terrible. But he has a couple redeeming qualities:

The good
- d2 ticks into green thumb
- he has a decent corner game
- he hurts when he finally hits the opponent

Sick. That'll win him some majors!

Yeah not: I'll just roll my face on the pad with Black Adam or Superman til something is fixed. Why even try when characters in this game play it for you? Lol
Would you say he's "abysmal"? :DOGE