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I don't think it's too early for a really broad tier grouping...


Before you crucify me for having some fun and sparking conversation, a few notes:

1. This will be wrong. It's early and this will absolutely change and likely be inaccurate come tomorrow. You could move almost any character up/down. It's also my opinion--which means it's obviously not even close to perfect.

2. It's early. But it's not too early to say who is strong/weak IMO. So I'm keeping it broad and generic with just 3 tiers and no order within each. That's it. Notice I said "tier grouping"--semantics I know, but it matters a little.

3. I like labeling and grouping things so this is me enjoying myself. Not trying to shape anything significant or prove anyone wrong or right.

A Tier
Black Adam

B Tier
Black Canary
Poison Ivy
Super Girl
Green Lantern
Capt Cold
Dr. Fate
Green Arrow
Gorilla Grodd

C Tier
Wonder Woman
Blue Beetle
Swamp Thing

Am I way off? Tell me why.

EDIT: I have moved some characters after playing more matches and listening to some very welcomed feedback. See what I mean about not being perfect?
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Yeah, it's still too early for this.
That was kind of the point...

I also think that with frame data in the game, tons of tournaments every week, Twitch, Youtube, and message boards that you don' t have to play a game for 12 months before ppl begin to figure out some of the meta and balance--esp with so many returning characters and a semi-public beta...

Yes high level will evolve in specific MUs, but anyone who has played the game for a couple of weeks can say "yeah, X character probably a bit weaker than Y character."


PSN: Cansuela
I know you'll get hate for this despite your gracious disclaimer, but I think for the current meta (infancy stage...game can and will change a lot) this isn't too bad. I think most people would agree with the groupings as of today, give or take a character here or there.

I think people will flame you (only partially rightfully so) because at this point some characters who appear weak are one potential piece of tech away from moving way up, and some stronger characters once properly labbed and countered could move significantly down.

Does anyone think Adam is actually that strong aside from his damage?

If his typical traited bnb did more like 400 instead of 500, I just don't think he'd be this dominating force. Maybe his divekick is especially strong due to the perceived strength of zoning and his ability to counter zone and get over it, so maybe he will still be top tier with a nerf to damage.

Intellectually I understand the relative futility to this exercise, but I still think it's fun, so fuck it.


I know you'll get hate for this despite your gracious disclaimer, but I think for the current meta (infancy stage...game can and will change a lot) this isn't too bad. I think most people would agree with the groupings as of today, give or take a character here or there.

I think people will flame you (only partially rightfully so) because at this point some characters who appear weak are one potential piece of tech away from moving way up, and some stronger characters once properly labbed and countered could move significantly down.

Does anyone think Adam is actually that strong aside from his damage?

If his typical traited bnb did more like 400 instead of 500, I just don't think he'd be this dominating force. Maybe his divekick is especially strong due to the perceived strength of zoning and his ability to counter zone and get over it, so maybe he will still be top tier with a nerf to damage.

Intellectually I understand the relative futility to this exercise, but I still think it's fun, so fuck it.
I think you get what I was going for pretty spot on. Every character on the roster is 1 buff, 1 piece of good tech, or one counter-measure away from moving anywhere.

But as of TODAY, I think this is pretty close.

And yeah totally agreed on BA. His toolset isn't broken, it's his ability to crap out 50%+ damage for 1 bar off a touch while half the cast can't do that much with 2 bars and/or super.


PSN: Cansuela
Also....is black canary really top tier? That surprises me, but I don't play her at all.

And, is supergirl quietly just bad? No one is playing her it seems and I know her damage is trash. Is her air dash, trait, b12 I think, and mb teleport good enough for he to be uppermid? Maybe not in a MU chart list uppermid but in terms of tools.


Also....is black canary really top tier? That surprises me, but I don't play her at all.

And, is supergirl quietly just bad? No one is playing her it seems and I know her damage is trash. Is her air dash, trait, b12 I think, and mb teleport good enough for he to be uppermid? Maybe not in a MU chart list uppermid but in terms of tools.
I think Super Girl is good. She has decent damage, good mobility, a free overhead crossup into B3 (ppl still aren't blocking this, myself included) and solid zoning w trait.

And I think Black Canary is top tier simply bc of how quickly she gets trait, her ability to re-stand, and her ridiculous damage. After Black Adam, she strikes me as one of the members of the cast who hits WAY too hard. Yes she relies heavily on trait, but once she gets in and mixes you up once your lifebar is pretty much gone. Cross up overhead leg-lock that leads into B3 for big damage is ridiculously good.


Yeah, it's still too early for this.
1. This will be wrong. It's early and this will absolutely change and likely be inaccurate come tomorrow. You could move almost any character up/down. It's also my opinion--which means it's obviously not even close to perfect.

2. It's early. But it's not too early to say who is strong/weak IMO. So I'm keeping it broad and generic with just 3 tiers and no order within each. That's it. Notice I said "tier grouping"--semantics I know, but it matters a little.

3. I like labeling and grouping things so this is me enjoying myself. Not trying to shape anything significant or prove anyone wrong or right.
Yea I know its hard to read huh?


Administrator and Community Engineer
I think Super Girl is good. She has decent damage, good mobility, a free overhead crossup into B3 (ppl still aren't blocking this, myself included) and solid zoning w trait.
Not to call you out -- but I did play against you in Ranked with her yesterday, and it didn't seem like you knew what to do (or the counters for her options) at all :p

This is why I think it's semi-pointless to have these discussions at this point, until everyone knows more about the game.

D. R.

Swamp Thing is the worst character in the game easily which sucks because he's the one character I actually enjoy playing. He has glaring issues that need to be addressed. I've found tech for multiple other characters but they never "stuck" as fun to play continuously. :-/

I can't wait til NRS over buff him. #undraintheswamp

Til then there's T7.


Lol it's a damn forum. Of course it's not too early for this. It's just fun discussion. Do people not realize that tier lists are ever changing and apply to the current meta of the game... Jesus you guys must be lots of fun at parties.

Back to the list:
I think cyborg is actually really good. Top 3 zoning in the game. Very good plus frames. Can punish close to 40% now. Amazing f3 and b3. Good jump ins. I have him in my top ten easily.


Not to call you out -- but I did play against you in Ranked with her yesterday, and it didn't seem like you knew what to do (or the counters for her options) at all :p

This is why I think it's semi-pointless to have these discussions at this point, until everyone knows more about the game.
Maybe. Instead of coming in here to tout how you beat me (big congrats vs Swamp Thing btw), why don't you offer something constructive?

What was I not doing? What do you think makes her good/bad? Where would you put her?


Swamp Thing is the worst character in the game easily which sucks because he's the one character I actually enjoy playing. He has glaring issues that need to be addressed. I've found tech for multiple other characters but they never "stuck" as fun to play continuously. :-/

I can't wait til NRS over buff him. #undraintheswamp

Til then there's T7.
I don't know if he's the worst, but he's one of them. Once players know to duck his vines in neutral, begin to block his F23 footsie mixups (and punish the hella negative options accordingly), and jab or early jump in/crossup him out of his wakeup, he falls the fuck apart.

Which is fine. NRS will probably make him amazing in 9 months lol.
Not to call you out -- but I did play against you in Ranked with her yesterday, and it didn't seem like you knew what to do (or the counters for her options) at all :p

This is why I think it's semi-pointless to have these discussions at this point, until everyone knows more about the game.
You're playing Superbai too? Oh shit lol


Administrator and Community Engineer
Maybe. Instead of coming in here to tout how you beat me (big congrats vs Swamp Thing btw), why don't you offer something constructive?

What was I not doing? What do you think makes her good/bad? Where would you put her?
I'm not saying it to down or insult you at all -- I'm just saying I don't think it's as helpful to talk about how strong a character is until you know how to exploit their weaknesses.
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I'm not saying it to down you at all -- I'm just saying I don't think it's as helpful to talk about how strong a character is until you know how to exploit their weaknesses.
There's probably a reason why the middle tier is so huge lol. Again, what do you think her strengths weaknesses are? Where would you put her?

I made this to start a conversation that is different from your typical "our character sucks" stuff within the character-specific forums. I'm curious as to everyone else's opinion--not just that they think I've voiced mine too soon. I admitted that at the very beginning of my post...
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Is say it's too soon as well but at the same time this would make a nice little thread to see what people think of each character.
No backlash or negativity should be required in anyone's post.
I'm quite fine with this thread.
That's the point. I'm curious who thinks who is good/bad and why.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Idk, I don't know enough about the game yet to really comment, but I feel that the best characters are Black Adam, Batman, Aquaman, Superman, Atrocitus, and Deadshot. With Catwoman, Flash, Lantern, Harley, Robin, and Arrow not far behind. Fate, Supergirl, Darkseid, Bane, and Ivy are somewhere in the good but not amazing area. Swamp Thing and Brainiac are the worst to me, anyone not mentioned I have no clue.

Darkseid and Supergirl are extremely over rated by almost everyone btw, I think playing them online makes them way way better, no coincidence since they are tele characters.