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I don't think it's too early for a really broad tier grouping...

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Won't even start on tiers since I have like zero matchup knowledge but tool-wise, Darkseid reminds me of MKX Cyrax. Really, really great htb set-ups, mediocre zoning, abysmal neutral. His teleport is punishable af, especially the air version, but still a good tool to have to help with set-ups and with countering better zoners. Wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in a similar tier placement as Cyrax too (if not slightly higher), even though it's a different game entirely. Currently overrated af by most for sure, but I'm really happy with the character and think he's viable enough without needing any buffs. Would love to hear @REO share his opinion.


This is my billionth life cycle.
I carefully constructed an in-depth tier list based solely off of the performance of my AI loadouts. I'd be happy to create a thread if anyone is interested.
Might actually be a great thread, could also make a thread based on what attributes work best with what character.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
I'm not one for talking about tier lists until after the game is done with patching, but...

Just for funsies, this is what the meta feels like right now (which is also very limited to the characters and matchups I'm even familiar with):

Black Adam


The Flash
Dr. Fate

Black Canary
Harley Quinn
Green Lantern
Blue Beetle

Swamp Thing
The Joker

Poison Ivy
Green Arrow
Gorilla Grodd
Captain Cold

Wonder Woman


Filled with determination
The only character that has consistently been a problem for me has been Aquaman against a good one it feels like all my characters have few options. Plus on block strings with great reach, trident rush, godlike D2, FTD, trait, really seems like he's got it all.
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God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Won't even start on tiers since I have like zero matchup knowledge but tool-wise, Darkseid reminds me of MKX Cyrax. Really, really great htb set-ups, mediocre zoning, abysmal neutral. His teleport is punishable af, especially the air version, but still a good tool to have to help with set-ups and with countering better zoners. Wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in a similar tier placement as Cyrax too (if not slightly higher), even though it's a different game entirely. Currently overrated af by most for sure, but I'm really happy with the character and think he's viable enough without needing any buffs. Would love to hear @REO share his opinion.
comparing Cyrax's zoning to Darkseid's is just so unfair lol


Purse first, ass last.
Dat Supergirl denial lol.

She isn't the absolute best in the game, but low(ish) damage means nothing with the amount of options she has to keep people guessing. If her damage was any better she'd be a top 3 character IMO.


Bug of tater's
I feel even the worst characters in this game are still pretty decent imo, am I the only one who thinks this game is pretty well balanced? Of coirse there still needs some changes probably but I feel for a unpatched game this game is far more balanced then the 1st game on its last days


Bonafide Jax scrub
Captain Cold is bottom 3 easily.
I feel like Cold is one of those characters who takes time for ppl to figure out what he can do at its fullest potential. After a month or two people might figure out how solid he can be with all that potential he has.


The blade of osh-tekk is stale.
I just wanna say that darkseid is disgusting against characters that allow him to play his game. Like god damn, but this being a matchup heavy game, the characters that don't let him play just beat the poor god of gods to death. Same thing with scarecrow, except there are far fewer matchups he can play his game well and consistently against.

Braindead Tier:

Other than these yokesters and maybe catwoman, no one else really stands out as tippy top.

But hey... its early af.
For all we know joker should get banned again


Retired account
A tier list would be too early to make, but it seems like Black Adam, Atrocitus, Aquaman, Batman, and Deadshot are top 5. But that is in my opinion from watching recent tournaments and playing people online. Those characters are beyond the rest of the roster it seems.


Saltiest Joker Player
Joker sucked in injustice 1 and got nerfed. He's worse in injustice 2. I dare someone prove me wrong. If your losing to this legacy character it's still because you don't know the match up and are still simply getting outplayed.


Liu Kang and The Flash mains
Idk why people keep putting flash kinda high. You guys must not play him enough lol he lost a lot of tools and seems to have a lot of tough mus