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For Honor


I agree with what Tru says a good amount, but where I think the real divide lies between I and others here is how we want the game to fundamentally be. I am good with a defensive meta. There is enough to do defensively to keep this gane interesting with the onus on defense. The game developers seem to agree with nerfs currently being applied to anything difficult to react to with a high damage payout.
I have no issues with what the game is going through and I'll still play it. I disagree with some of the nerfs but It doesn't matter to me. I'm not talking about overall game balance but I'm talking about conq. And he's not in a good spot as of now. He's just a character that tries to waste your time until backup comes in. Nothing other than that. He was too reliant on his shield bash which is a design flaw all he needs is a simple rework that could help make him more solid while still keeping his defence at the same time.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I have no issues with what the game is going through and I'll still play it. I disagree with some of the nerfs but It doesn't matter to me. I'm not talking about overall game balance but I'm talking about conq. And he's not in a good spot as of now. He's just a character that tries to waste your time until backup comes in. Nothing other than that. He was too reliant on his shield bash which is a design flaw all he needs is a simple rework that could help make him more solid while still keeping his defence at the same time.
I, like most Conq mains, play him for his superior block. Alot of people hate the superior block, but removing it would alienate already existing Conq mains. Leave that alone and you keep Conq's existing base.

He can feint too. I attack into Full Guard Stance, then attack from another direction, guard break, shield bash, or even zone attack if they're low enough to give up that much stamina.

His attacks get a good amount of forward movement so its tough for opponents to create any space if they're exhausted.

He's taken a bit of a hit, but he's still a fair character.


I, like most Conq mains, play him for his superior block. Alot of people hate the superior block, but removing it would alienate already existing Conq mains. Leave that alone and you keep Conq's existing base.

He can feint too. I attack into Full Guard Stance, then attack from another direction, guard break, shield bash, or even zone attack if they're low enough to give up that much stamina.

His attacks get a good amount of forward movement so its tough for opponents to create any space if they're exhausted.

He's taken a bit of a hit, but he's still a fair character.
You can't live off a superior block lol. Yes you and most conqs mains (minus the actual good ones , ofc) might get away whilst fighting bad to avg players , but you wont do well against a good one. I'm done arguing at this point because you're obviously going by everything tru3 says and act at its a fact
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Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
You can't live off a superior block lol. Yes you and most conqs mains (minus the actual good ones , ofc) might get away whilst fighting bad to avg players , but you wont do well against a good one. I'm done arguing at this point because you're obviously going by everything tru3 says and act at its a fact
You're arguing? I didn't think we were arguing.

Every rework I have heard talked about removes Superior Block. That just isn't acceptable to me. I would rather he remain like he is rather than lose that because it is what makes him fun.


You're arguing? I didn't think we were arguing.

Every rework I have heard talked about removes Superior Block. That just isn't acceptable to me. I would rather he remain like he is rather than lose that because it is what makes him fun.
Which reworks did you hear about? Dude those people that do coverage are just casual players , they have no idea about being competitive , they just cover news and discuss THEIR ideas. I'm pretty sure if you ask some of the top conqs who have placed in tournaments before or just in general top players opinions on the subject because they are the ones that know the game best.

Red Hood MKX

Mercenary dog
Yeah conq is a dead character just because you (GAV) can beat scrubs online with him makes no difference. He has no way of opening up a decent player so stop using anecdotal evidence that he is just fine, he isnt and if you think he is stop playing scrubs and play actual good people that know how to play the game


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Conq is fine. It seems like they're doing everyone like they did Conq anyway.

Red Hood MKX

Mercenary dog
So i heard warden isnt as bad as people said he was gonna be.

New DLC finally coming soon and there fixing connection isues. for honor is starting to look really good and it will just get better with time, maybe i wont be playing inj2 after all


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
So i heard warden isnt as bad as people said he was gonna be.

New DLC finally coming soon and there fixing connection isues. for honor is starting to look really good and it will just get better with time, maybe i wont be playing inj2 after all
Not play Inj2?


I love For Honor, but having alot of good games to play isn't a problem.

Red Hood MKX

Mercenary dog
I Dont have enough time to play 2 fighting games at once inj2 looks like its gonna have a ton of tech and match up knowledge that i just dont have time to grind through right now in my life.

For honor is more simpler if i get beat its because i legitimately got outplayed not because i dint have enough time in the day to learn every match up every set up every correct punish etc etc. there is just way more information you need to know in NRS games to be a somewhat competent player.
Reactions: GAV


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I Dont have enough time to play 2 fighting games at once inj2 looks like its gonna have a ton of tech and match up knowledge that i just dont have time to grind through right now in my life.

For honor is more simpler if i get beat its because i legitimately got outplayed not because i dint have enough time in the day to learn every match up every set up every correct punish etc etc. there is just way more information you need to know in NRS games to be a somewhat competent player.
Let go of your ego and get thumped on occasion. You don't have to be a pro to have fun with a game.

Fighting games are like fighting in one respect - simple works. Establish something and play off of it. If they find a way around that - you find a way around that. If you can keep it established, you will always be in it. All that work you did in the past goes with you. Just play and enjoy. Keep it simple and you'll be fine.

Red Hood MKX

Mercenary dog
Let go of your ego and get thumped on occasion. You don't have to be a pro to have fun with a game.

Fighting games are like fighting in one respect - simple works. Establish something and play off of it. If they find a way around that - you find a way around that. If you can keep it established, you will always be in it. All that work you did in the past goes with you. Just play and enjoy. Keep it simple and you'll be fine.

Do you know what the patch was about today for xbox 1