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Street Fighter V General Discussion


It's all so very confusing.
I am hoping Capcom will shock everyone and drop Sagat and an Arcade Mode for their 30th anniversary.

Capcom teased a surprise for SFV to commemorate the anniversary at around the time of E3 (around mid-July), but I'll bet my cat that we'll just get a new costume for Chun.

The surprise they are teasing is probably an automatic charge to your credit card for 30$ in celebration for the 30th anniversary. But yeah, it'll be DLC we get to pay for. I mean, Chun does need more outfits.

At this point I'm mostly sure she has more costumes than she does players.


It's all so very confusing.
I might play some Akumer again to compliment my Karin. Akumer is fun at least. Probably the most, i dunno the right word exactly, the most.. complete character in the game. Or at least one of the most.
I might play some Akumer again to compliment my Karin. Akumer is fun at least. Probably the most, i dunno the right word exactly, the most.. complete character in the game. Or at least one of the most.
I don't know man, lots of people say he's low tier and while he does have offensive options he needs everything to make anything work. They say his fireball game is trash and he gets killed in 2 combos. I don't think so, I think he's a good character, maybe upper mid tier @FL Rushdown ?


It's all so very confusing.
I don't know man, lots of people say he's low tier and while he does have offensive options he needs everything to make anything work. They say his fireball game is trash and he gets killed in 2 combos. I don't think so, I think he's a good character, maybe upper mid tier @FL Rushdown ?

Ive always felt like Akuma was a solid character. He's not top tier next to Balrog and such but he's really good. Shit healh of course, but the 25hp increase coming is a bigger deal than people think it is. I thought it was pointless, but Ive come around. Dont get me wrong, he's not suddenly jumping up tier lists over it, but its going to help him take rounds he wouldnt have otherwise taken. but he has good normals (if a little short) and lots and lots of option. I think he's fine and one of the better balanced characters in the game IN A PERFECT WORLD - and what I mean by that is that Akuma has a TON of power. Lots of options and lots of tools, but the player really has to think and understand whats going on to use them and make them powerful. Imo this is how characters should usually work, hence the in a perfect world.

Akuma isnt weak by any stretch. He's just a well balanced, strong character that's eclipsed by semi-unbalanced, hyper strong characters. Maybe I'm a scum bag, but I feel like he's a few notches lower than Karin, and Karin is right under the S tier characters.

I think Akuma is a pure skill character.. he wont carry you a single inch, so why the fuck would I play him? Dunno. I picked him up at release and played him the first month of S1 (or there-abouts) and really liked him, but wasnt comfortable with the low ass health.. Time on Karin though has gotten me used to it.

Also, just my own dumb opinion, but I think Akuma has great fireballs, just not a great fireball GAME.

Also, anyone play PoE?
He's good. Just not great.
Ive always felt like Akuma was a solid character. He's not top tier next to Balrog and such but he's really good. Shit healh of course, but the 25hp increase coming is a bigger deal than people think it is. I thought it was pointless, but Ive come around. Dont get me wrong, he's not suddenly jumping up tier lists over it, but its going to help him take rounds he wouldnt have otherwise taken. but he has good normals (if a little short) and lots and lots of option. I think he's fine and one of the better balanced characters in the game IN A PERFECT WORLD - and what I mean by that is that Akuma has a TON of power. Lots of options and lots of tools, but the player really has to think and understand whats going on to use them and make them powerful. Imo this is how characters should usually work, hence the in a perfect world.

Akuma isnt weak by any stretch. He's just a well balanced, strong character that's eclipsed by semi-unbalanced, hyper strong characters. Maybe I'm a scum bag, but I feel like he's a few notches lower than Karin, and Karin is right under the S tier characters.

I think Akuma is a pure skill character.. he wont carry you a single inch, so why the fuck would I play him? Dunno. I picked him up at release and played him the first month of S1 (or there-abouts) and really liked him, but wasnt comfortable with the low ass health.. Time on Karin though has gotten me used to it.

Also, just my own dumb opinion, but I think Akuma has great fireballs, just not a great fireball GAME.

Also, anyone play PoE?
I agree. I think he's good but not great either. That small health buff will help, not sure how much but it will help. I personally, on a low low skill level, feel Akumas regular fireballs are meh honestly, but it might be just me but I think his red fireballs are good, yes you can't use them anywhere because if the long startup and recovery but at a distance they're real good. The fact that he can cancel into vtrigger out of a Dp is real nice too, you can make it safe where if it lands then you still take damage.

FL Rushdown

I agree. I think he's good but not great either. That small health buff will help, not sure how much but it will help. I personally, on a low low skill level, feel Akumas regular fireballs are meh honestly, but it might be just me but I think his red fireballs are good, yes you can't use them anywhere because if the long startup and recovery but at a distance they're real good. The fact that he can cancel into vtrigger out of a Dp is real nice too, you can make it safe where if it lands then you still take damage.
Akuma dps into trigger are all punishable. They're not safe.


I am hoping Capcom will shock everyone and drop Sagat and an Arcade Mode for their 30th anniversary.

Capcom teased a surprise for SFV to commemorate the anniversary at around the time of E3 (around mid-July), but I'll bet my cat that we'll just get a new costume for Chun.
I just had a wild idea...

What if Capcom does release Sagat and an expansion to the cinematic story, where Bison comes back and it causes Sagat to come out of hiding in the mountains to take Bison down. Sagat is victorious and that's who was prophesized to defeat Bison (as discussed by Kolin and Gill after Ryu defeats Bison in A Shadow Falls)?

Then, enter Gill.
Anyone have tips on how to use demon flip? Most videos I've seen on demon flip are for 50/50 in v trigger bit I have no idea when I should use it outside the 50/50.


It's all so very confusing.